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HairyBeast87 Blog

What GameSpot means to me.

So, here I am writing a blog on a site that I haven't logged into since the ordeal with Jeff Gerstmann. I think that it was time to come back to GameSpot and see if there are still others like me on here. I got to know many people from watching video blogs, reading other's blog posts and playing games with them through the years. This site was more than just a video game news source, it was a community, a community where I belonged.

Since starting college, my life was changing drastically and I was having trouble keeping up. My close friends knew what they wanted to do with their life and I was still deciding. I felt lost and alone for a long time until I decided to become apart of GameSpot back in 2006. It was here where I started to meet others with a similar passion for gaming that I didn't share anymore with my close friends.

Moving forward, at the age of 20, people start to play video games less and less and focus on their careers more and more. That's understandable, but for a person like me, who had trouble picking a major and was completely stressed every single day, video games were able to take my mind off the stress and bring a certain comfort to me. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and wound up switching my major four times. It was around this time where I seriously thought that college wasn't for me and that I'm just wasting money for nothing, until I started watching video blogs.

Getting deeper into the GameSpot community, I started to see that there were people who were able to make videos for their profiles. What a neat little feature huh? So I started watching some from EightBitWarrior, Mars188 and TheWesker to name a few and saw that they enjoyed showing off their collections or what they've been playing. So when I finally hit level 10, I thought I would make my own.

My first videos were atrocious. I had no structure or any idea what I should be talking about. To me, it was embarrassing to say the least, but I also started to notice that by doing these blogs, I started to get something out of it, perspective. It made me remember the times I had fun making stupid movies for class projects with my friends and made me search for a major that had a focus on something similar to that, communications.

Being in college now didn't seem so bad. I had my major picked, I was learning skills in editing, producing, technical operations and directing on the production side, as well as learning how to better communicate through writing (don't judge by this blog), group communication and broadcasting. I was even involved with the campus radio station that gave be more skills on the broadcast side of media and met some people who I can call true friends. Almost four years after I graduated high school, my life was finally on track and I am lucky enough to have found something that I love to do and that I am able to pursue it.

Fast forward to today, I'm on spring break, so I get to play games again! I'm set to graduate with a bachelors in Communication - Media in May (right when Diablo 3 comes out). I'm scared and excited to get out into the real world and try to land a job in what I went to school for. In the meantime, I've been looking at alternative ways to make some money through the internet (that are legit) that I'll be able to take what I've learned to connect, entertain and educate others.

Who would have thought that I would have made my future career choice based on some videos I watched on the internet? You never know where inspiration will come from, but when it comes to you, embrace it. It will take you places that you may have denied yourself access or would never attempt. It may sound corny, but if it wasn't for you bloggers that I've met through GameSpot, I would have never found that spark of inspiration.

Thank you!

Hey guys!

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've used this account. I see that some people still use their accounts on here and decided to make a new one of my own. If you want to, feel free to add my other account, retromikecm , as that will be my new primary account and I'll be sure to add you back.

It would be awesome to see what you guys have been up to and would like to chat with you more. Thanks for giving this a read and look forward to having you on my other account.

What games do you see appearing on your Xmas list this year?

I'm starting to put together a list of games that I want from this holiday season and so far I have these:

* Modern Warfare 2 X360
* Mass Effect 2 X360 (Don't remember if it's coming out before Xmas)
* Little Big Planet PS3
* Uncharted 2 PS3
* Guitar Hero Van Halen X360 (Depends on song list and features)
* Halo 3 ODST X360 (Might rent it to see if it's worth it)
* Wii Sports Resort Wii (for motion plus if better games come out)
* Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! Wii (WHEN WAS THIS!??!!?!??!)
* New Super Mario Bros. Wii
* Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles Wii (I want the Nyko Perfect Shot first)

I can't think of anything else so far. Remember, this isn't set in stone so things may change. What do you guys want to get this holiday season?

Bored a bit with summer.

I'm getting pretty bored with my summer already. I wish school would start so I would have something to do you know? I started an intense workout regimen for the month of august which I'm currently trying to lose about 18 pounds. Today is the first day and I am stoked to see if I can do it before Fall semester.

In game related activity, I've been streaming on my channel for the past couple of nights different games since my internet has been working again. I've streamed some MvC2, Gears 2, Monster Rancher 2 and tonight, Final Fantasy VII. I'm determined to beat FFVII again in a couple of days because I just like that game. I'll be streaming tonight at 9pm est. Make sure you come by and chat it up.

Beat GH2 on Expert!

So I found GH2 for 360 at gamestop for $13 and picked it up a few days ago. I finally beat the game on expert. I never thought I would be able to 5 star free bird on the first try. I guess it was just bound to happen sometime.

I'm so happy.

Now on to beating easy and medium and trying to get 5 stars on the rest of expert for achievements. Going to be tough.

A Video Blog From The Beast

I wanted to update you guys on what I've been doing lately. Seems that most of you are still active users so I figured I would make this site a bookmark again. I'll be checking out the blogs, joining unions, posting on the forums and more.

Why did I come back on? Because this is the gamespot. People talking about games. I like that.


Psn Id

Hello there. I'm just popping in to say hi. I wanted you guys to know that I recently purchased a PS3 and wanted to get some more friends on my list. My ID is hairymike87 and make sure you add me and tell me where you are from.

So far I have Killzone 2 and Uncharted, but I'm looking to quickly expand my collection in the near future. What games do you guys have that you think I might like? I've been looking to maybe get some PSN games and some look good like Super Star Dust HD. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to ellaborate on them.

Thanks and cya online!

Super Mario RPG Impressions

Yesterday, I used the last 800 points on my Wii to get SMRPG. After playing for about an hour, I must say that I can't believe that I never owned this game when it originally came out. The classic turn based RPG style really works with Mario and it feels like a Mario game.

I don't want to go into it a lot, but I just want to say that this is 800 points well spent. SMRPG was the first game for the SNES that I purchased off of the Wii and it was worth every point in my eyes. If you never played this game, find a way to do so now. You won't be sorry.

Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2

I cannot wait for these games to come out. I'm sure that many of you feel the same about one of these or both. I'm gearing more towards Guitar Hero though because I just am . But what if I wanted to get Rock Band 2 also?

As you may know, the bundles for these games are not cheap. The games will most likely run you close to $200 to play a game with multiple instruments. Now, if I wanted to get both games and be able to use all the instruments, would I have to buy both bundles? I decided to do a little research to see if there would be any compatibility between the two and this is what I found.

For the most part, Guitar Hero's instruments will work with the first Rock Band on the Xbox360. That was confirmed by Neversoft Director Brian Bright. That's great and all, but what about Rock Band 2? Will I have to shell out another $200 to get instruments that work with the game?

As of right now, the only solution would be to purchase one of the Rock Band bundles because Guitar Hero World Tour will support all of the instruments. What bothers me about that is the fact that I hate the Rock Band peripherals. To me, the Guitar Hero guitar is much easier for me to play with and much more comfortable than Rock Band's Fender guitar. For a person looking to purchase the Guitar Hero bundle and somewhere down the line wants to purchase Rock Band 2, I suggest that you wait and see what is yet to come with the compatibility.

It is still early and these games have a couple months yet until release, but who else is with me on this?

retro video game tv shows

Retro Revival Week is now half over and there are a bunch of you guys taking part in it. Not to try to get you to pull yourselves away from your games, but maybe you can take a break, relax and watch some of GamePro TV. I remember my dad waking up at 5am just so he could tape the show for me. Sometimes, I would wake up from the light of the TV peaking through my door and I would come out and watch it with him.

There was also another video game show that I have never seen until YouTube had some episodes. Video Power was a game show that involved video game trivia and a round where kids would compete for a high score. I can't seem to find any episodes that I used to watch so I can't link them. I thought this show was kinda corny but was awesome because it was from the 90's and corny back then makes it awesome now.

I couldn't make a blog about TV shows without having Nick Arcade on there could I? This was my second favorite show about video games next to GamePro. Even though a couple of the games weren't real, it was still a great show to wake up to. All I cared about were seeing the video games. If it was still on, I would absolutely watch it.

There were also shows based on Super Mario and Zelda. I actually have the Super Mario Brothers Super Show on DVD. I think they also have the Zelda cartoon on DVD as well so I will need to pick that up sometime. I'm sure that most of us, who grew up in the late 80's and early 90's, would remember watching these shows and would appreciate them just for pure nostalgia.

Well, those were my retro tv shows that I wanted to talk about. Have a show that I didn't list here that goes along with Retro Revival Week? Show it off and say why you like it. I would like to hear from you guys who like any of these shows or any that I didn't list.