@Gallieg444 @LowlyAristocrat While i do agree a gamer should be able to voice his opinion about certain things, Danny is a journalist.
It's the first time i'm actually seeing Danny just screwing over something that has just come out and favoring its rival and he's doing it based on rumours.
Ah well i agree with him anyway XboxOne really forgot how it became Xbox in the first place.
I'd say clumsiness of XboxOne made this launch a little bit smoother. Hopefully people who are rich enough to get by day 1 are enjoying their out of life experience.
Sadly never been a fan of consoles, i even blame them for giving birth to "casual gaming".
Gaming is something i enjoy in my free times passionately and in my personal life, i have no friends that i can talk about gaming. Here i can share my thoughts, i can read other players thoughts and comment on them. I can share my great moments and ideas with other gamer people.
Gamespot has been like a sanctuary for me to escape the daily life's burdens. Of course, there are immature and aggressive comments sometimes but the reward is definitely worth it.
@surferosh @Hakkology Yes i suppose you can be creative, but naked doesn't really sound "that" creative :P.
It's mostly a choice about what i want to see in video games, its an opinion. But maybe other people would want to see the innocent girl getting shreaded by demons. As i said, its a matter of choice and opinion :).
I don't know why game devs even make female characters that show cleavage or part of their body, using their sexuality. A warrior wears armor, great warrior is one that survives the encounter.
Besides I love boobs, but only when i'm searching for it. Not when i'm shooting nabs.
@northArrow @Falconoffury I'd say both, F2P games are also require people to keep playing, love the game and start paying for it to unlock minor things.
Hakkology's comments