@thebwolf37 Exactly the game is damn fun i'll tell you that ! In fact, as someone who has played and saw all the new MMO's out there and after watching the new pandaland trailer ( I was bored, it never happened with Blizzard ) i can already tell SWTOR is one of the best MMO's with its "pve" content.
@CP2077 They are not dead, they are keeping a stable amount of people playing, all the haters left and the game actually became a playable environment.
Let's face it, people would prefer spending subscription money on Pandaland, no matter how good new MMO's are.
I can't wait for the new Elder Scrolls MMO, god even TOR wasn't a bad MMO i still login and play it sometimes, its actually even better nowadays, crowded and a lot of stuff to do at the endgame.
Still, trying to milk old great franchises under the brand of MMO just doesn't work... People will keep spending their dollars on Pandaland, no matter what others come up with. Developers can't just get this.
Hakkology's comments