@Darkhol0w @Hakkology Well SWTOR doesn't have these restrictions if you are a subscriber and i understand and agree, its F2P model needs a lot of work.
However, the game itself is turning out perfectly within PvE range and as a subscriber, i'm having the time of my life.
I just don't get people hating it just because it sucked when it was launched but you are correct on your arguments. Let's hope they will have a good balance on F2P limitations as well in the future.
@Jacen22 @Hakkology Deserted wasteland ? It has the BEST PvE mechanics out there right now.
It has high server populations, SWTOR is getting its second wind. But of course, it sucked when it was released and you still think its the same. I'm going to be nice and offer you to revisit SWTOR when you have the time. You will see a lot of changes.
But if you love PvP, stick to GW2. That's where innovation is.
Hakkology's comments