"Please do not buy a Phenom II X6. They under perform pretty much any quad, gaming wise, because they have increased cache latency which makes them a lot better for work station type tasks and not playing games. Not to mention that games can't even utilize all 6 cores yet, so in a gaming machine hexcores are a complete waste of money. And like an earlier poster said, by the time that games are utilizing all 6 cores, there will be much, much better hexcore CPUs out to play them on. I fully endorse your other choice however, the i7 930. That's a beast of a CPU to game on, and most games won't even eat up half of it."
"As far as your GPU is concerned, either GPU being considered (the GTX 480 or the ATI 5870) are going to give you amazing performance while gaming. While I am an ATI fanboy as I am still supporting an ATI card, the GTX 480 pretty much out performs the 5870 in every area, and when you OC that thing it'll get even better. If you don't mind cooling that thing down and powering it effectively, while paying the extra money to do so, the GTX480 is a great choice IMO."
Once again guys, great feedback, and I've finally made my decision to go with the i7 930 CPU paired with the GTX 480 GPU.
And back to one of the questions I posted earlier:
"Okay, you guys have been a great help so far. I've picked out most of the major components such as CPU and GPU, and now I'm down to the memory, hard drive, and DVD drive/burner. I know that these aren't as crucial as the other parts, which, in a way, makes them even more difficult to choose from. For example, does the type of memory or hard drive I get really matter? Also, when it comes to the DVD drives, I'm not even sure about what I'm supposed to be getting. Do I need a DVD burner and drive or will simply a drive be fine. There's also the case of Bluray or DVD, but considering the price of the Bluray drives/burners, I think I'll stick with their DVD counterparts."
Other than the motherboard issue, these four "minor" components (if I can call them that), are all that is left for me to choose. If anyone can enlighten me on how to go about making these choices it would greatly speed up the process.
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