Haha, yes, surely I can do better than that, but not quite yet. Since it is the first time I will be overclocking and I've only owned this PC for a week, I think it would be best if I started off slow to get a good feel for how everything works. That said, I would still like to know if overclocking makes a difference gaming-wise, as this is going to be the deciding factor on whether or not I overclock.
Halak41's forum posts
Right now it's running at it's stock 2.8 GHz, and I'm not having any problems with it. However, I am thinking about trying to overclock it a bit, only to around 3.2 GHz. But, before I go check into how to do it properly, I wanted to know if only overclocking it by 0.4 GHz will really make a difference when it comes to gaming. For example, will it help run anything smoother, or will I just be wasting my time? Thanks.
I was playing Crysis for quite a bit yesterday, and my GPU reached a high of 85-90 C. It's a GTX 480, and I know that they are known for getting quite hot, but I wanted to know if the temperatures it is reaching are bad for the system. Also, note that this was after around two hours of playing. Thanks.
Thanks for the congrats everyone, and I am happy to tell you that I am posting from the new PC itself. Since the DVD drive was taking so long to get here, I just took the one from the other computer and hooked it up. Everything is installed, I have Internet access, and Crysis is running amazingly. I honestly can't believe how well this all went. As for cable management, I'm going to get to that once the drive arrives, which shouldn't be too long. And, to arneezy, I'm glad I was able to help. Hopefully you'll be posting pics sometime soon as well. Thanks again everyone!
Sorry about that. The way I was trying to upload the pics didn't work it seems. Here:
That should work (although Gamespot wasn't letting me hyperlink them).
Well, for everyone who contributed in any way last week to the thread I created (nearly half of this board's community), I finally got everything shipped yesterday afternoon, and finished building the PC by this morning. And, not only did the building go relatively smoothly, but, to my amazement, the computer booted up first try with no problems! So, as promised, here are some of the pics of the system.
Yes, as you may have seen, the DVD drive is missing. Unfortunately, it hasn't shipped yet, so as of now, I still can't install the OS. Now it's only a matter of time before I'll finally be able to see just how much this computer is able to do.
Hey everyone, quick question. The new PC I'm getting is going to be using an SSD to run the OS. The thing is, I don't have an adapter for it, and am not sure if I will be able to install it into the case without one. I have looked around the Internet however, and I've read a few things about people saying that it is possible to simply prop the SSD drive up against something instead of actually using an adapter.
So... does anyone know for sure if this will work? Or will I have to go buy an SSD adapter?
Okay thanks. And, as for uninstalling games, whenever I want to play another game I'll just copy all of my Crysis information to my hard drive and install a new one on my SSD. From there I can keep on swapping games onto and off of the SSD depending on what I'm playing. I think with 20GB of free room, I'll be able to run pretty much any game.
As I am very eagerly awaiting my PC components to arrive and put it all together, I have been looking all around the Internet trying to find out how much of my hard drive this game is going to take up. The reason I'm wondering this is because I have a 40GB SSD, and my Windows 7 64-bit is going to be taking up half of that. So, is 20GB going to be enough to install this game (without mods)?
So far, I have read system requirements pages that say the game will only need 12GB of room, while other sites have stated that it will need up to 26GB of free space. If anyone owns the game or knows for sure, a definite answer would be greatly appreciated.
Also, keep in mind that all of this is concerning the Maximum Edition of the game, not the regular one.
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