Happyearthday's forum posts
It's pretty much a compilation of The Children of Hurin shorts from the other books, Silmarillion, etc. with a few extras tossed in. You don't actually need to know much lore to understand the story, maybe the bad guy, other than that, it's a separate story from others. Wouldn't say that it's better than the LOTR Trilogy, but still worth it, it was a good read for me, but not great, considering that i've already read it countless times from other books, the story itself is rather dark and depressing. It even has a appendix at the back of the book, like the Silmarilion, for reference if you get lost in the story.I'm considering reading this book but I would like to hear some opinions first.
Do I have to know lots about the middle earth and lord of the rings lore to understand some of the stuff going on in the book? I've watched all 3 Lord of the Rings movies but I don't know much lore or story beyond those.
Is the book better than the trilogy of the ring? (Fellowship, two towers, return of the king)
Should I read this book?
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