It does bear some resemblance to her name in Japanese, Furan, that is. If it's actually worth mentioning, Pu is one of the sound changes of Fu in Japanese.
For me, the idea of ending misery is better than sitting through it. Especially when it's long enough to kill you.
Them deformed hands are driving me crazy. If you don't mind, there's actually a near-perfect english patch for the game.
OK got it! However I'm married but have another women following me. How the heck can I get rid of her?Patriot298 Gun her down? Sacrifice? :|
Bicentennial Man. I love that movie. :( Or A.I Artificial Intelligence, the ending was pretty sad..or happy.
Take a look at this and decide.Keep all comments on OT, not the blog please! It tastes pretty much how one would imagine it would, which is to say awesome.I did underestimate the amount of chocolate in one triangle, so as you can kinda see, a lot of chocolate went unused.So... what do y'all think? AlternatingCaps Unused? You didn't licked the plate? O:
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