HardQuor's forum posts
Easy answer: Everclear shots. You'll only need like 4 and you'll be lit like a jack o lantern.
Answer for preserving your tastebuds: JAck, rum, any hard liquor and Coke Zero. Basically, most hard liquors (tequila, scotch, whiskey, rum) are only 97 calories a shot (1.5 oz) so if you mix any thing with coke Zero, you're taking in very few calories. I think it's also worth mentioning that the calorie count is in alcohol, not carbs or fat. so it won't be affecting you as much as you think it will.
I'd definitely go with Jack Black.
for the lulz.
I'm confused, if we are taking with us only 1 CD, wouldn't we need a cd player to listen to it on? In which case, a CD player is larger than my zune. so i'm taking my Zune :P
But seriously, i think i'd have to take this
This is such an intrinsically unfair question. It all depends on my mood.
If i'm feeling aggressive, It might be Take This Life by In Flames.
Or if I'm feeling light-hearted maybe Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing.
Or maybe i'm having a depressing day, i might find myself looping Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.
Or if i feel like relaxing i'd throw on Aqueous Transmission by Incubus.
Or i could be goofy one day and want to listen to Tenacious D's Wonderboy.
It's too situational.. Wanna talk about it more? come visit the zUnion /shameless plug :P
[QUOTE="HardQuor"][QUOTE="Cloud_Insurance"]And whoever mentioned Mad Max? Mad Max and the Road Warrior are 10x the movie that Waterworld is.
Thunderdome? :shock:
"Thunderdome's simple. Get to the weapons, use them any way you can. I know you won't break the rules, because there aren't any."
Even with the craptacular Thunderdome, it was still better than Waterworld. But I left it out on purpose. Mad Max and the Road Warrior are actually good movies...
Besides, anyone who saw Thunderdoe has never wanted to bang Tina Turner so bad....
psh. That's what i think of you and your opinions. psh.
And whoever mentioned Mad Max? Mad Max and the Road Warrior are 10x the movie that Waterworld is.
Thunderdome? :shock:
I never understood why are the audience being so hard on this movie. One of the biggest complaint I've heard is that each character in the movie has a different accent. But isn't it the same case with Star Wars? So, why would it not be acceptable in Waterworld?
I love that movieMkavanaugh77
I like it, but then again, I liked Mad Max. :PJustPlainLucas
Woo! i'm not alone :D
Waterworld is seriously one of my favorites, right up there with the Mad Max movies (*high fives Lucas* :P).
Rate my flashy sig and avy.jewls555
Very clean sig, the colorized render adds a lot, and the accented yellow on his uniform and your typog is solid. Very very nice. 8.5 or 9 for sure.
The avataris alright, though, i would like to see a similar shades and tones in your avy as is in your sig. i'd say a 7 on it's own, 6 when paired with your sig.
Definately not in fact I think it makes for a healthy game market. When people go and trade-in games at places like GS they are doing so for other gaming products. Therefore more product gets "sold" because consumers don't necessarily always have to spend cash straight up and the stores make their money from selling the used games and are able to keep product stocked and this keeps the cycle going at it's current pace.Archangel3371
This is, by far, the best and only good argument in favor of a used game market. I'm surprised i didn't see it come up sooner. Or maybe i just missed it? Either way, i'm still on the fence.
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