My first car was a beater. '93 Ford Escort. Only good thing is that it seemed to soley run on hopes and dreams. I hardly remember having to put gas in it at all.. a harsh contrast to my girlfriend's '01 Chevy Cavalier that I drive now :(
I don't have that phone, but I did have a similar experience with another phone, the Helio Ocean. It turned out that i couldn't use any of my own files as ringtones unless i purchased it or downloaded it from their exclusive service. You might want to see if your phone has the same limitation.
For me, that sort of stipulation is a deal-breaker, especially on higher end phones. So I returned the Ocean.. such a shame, too, everything else about that phone was sex :(
are you whatching these animes dubbed? ifso thats a no no
only Anime i ever whatched Dubed was Trigun. Mainly because I thought the english dub was actually better then the japanese one.
Lol, it was just a matter of time before the otakuness began. Watch in wtf-ever language you want to guys.
There's a reason most self-proclaimed "otaku" are so devout about sub-only anime. It's the fact that the animators originally animated for the Japanese language, so it's easy for the japanese actors to say what they need to naturally, so they can focus more on what they should be (their acting). English actors have to deal with a script of lines that have been altered to fit the amount of screen time that the character has his mouth moving. They also have to deal with broken sentences as well, since japanese and english lines will rarely allow for fluid lines both ways.
All this makes it difficult for English voice actors to focus on their performance, what with all the distractions. That's why there's usually a noticeable drop in quality performances between japanese and english dubs, and that's why a lot of people prefer original audio. It's for the better acting.
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