[QUOTE="HardQuor"][QUOTE="specialzed"]Or working towards getting one? I am considering going for one and im wondering just how hard it can be. I also want to know how many years it should take and if after you get one your a shoe in to medicine or dental school. Im 15 and in grade 10 if that matters. Im also only going to be taking Math and Science Ap courses in grade 11 and 12. Should I take Bio? will that help? Or Physics?Funky_LlamaBiology will definitely help you if you are committed to medicine. Although, in Texas, where i attended high school, Biology was a requisite.You need Chemistry for medicine. yeah, definitely that, too. He didn't mention it, though,i assumed it was already on his transcript.
HardQuor's forum posts
If there is one thing that humanity have proven to be so predictable, is that they will not believe in anything unless they can see it. We can't see air, but we know that it's around us. Similarly, we might not see God Himself, but I can feel His presence around the world. That's one nature of fallen man, and it was told countless times even in the Bible. God's own chosen people refused to believe in the prophets that God sent, some even tortured and killed. What does that have to do with this discussion? No matter what kind of evidence there might be of God's existance (the Big Bang is manipulated by a higher being aka God), people are still going to dismiss it, almost like burying their head in sand.hiphops_saviorI hate this argument so much. No atheist person-- scratch that -- no reasonable person will look at physical irrefutable evidence (which, i should note, can exist in other forms than just the visual) of a higher power and say it's wrong. That is just something the faithful like to tell themselves to make enemies of everyone else while quelling their own repressed feelings of doubt.
And what really takes the cake is that you continue to use the bible as evidence while making this argument. "We know that you'll never believe in god without evidence because the bible says so!" Really? So it's altogether impossible that the person or people that wrote the bible just may have foreseen that not everyone will believe a book with no bibliography? And is it even more improbable that, in realizing this, that they would include a prediction of it, in order to hold their audience captive?
Seriously, do yourself a favor and learn to question all authority, especially those that tell you not to.
If you don't believe in anything why live? You don't have to believe in God. Believe in something.kid_who_grew_upDesperate and sad is the person who finds nothing in life worth living for outside of a deity.
Hmm, do architechs make six figures? I wanted to be an orthodontist but if architechs make more...specialzedI think you should do some serious soul-searching if your making life-based decisions on the amount of capital you'll be earning. You may be happy with lots of money, but you'll be miserable if you pick a field of work that doesn't interest you. There's a satisfaction in doing what you love in life that simply can't be purchased.
I assume you're making your decision based on money because dentistry is extremely different from architecture.
Or working towards getting one? I am considering going for one and im wondering just how hard it can be. I also want to know how many years it should take and if after you get one your a shoe in to medicine or dental school. Im 15 and in grade 10 if that matters. Im also only going to be taking Math and Science Ap courses in grade 11 and 12. Should I take Bio? will that help? Or Physics?specialzedBiology will definitely help you if you are committed to medicine. Although, in Texas, where i attended high school, Biology was a requisite.
Zune has a better screen because of its picture quality and portrain view, and it has much cooler features like the music sharing thing. The only thing the Ipod has on the Zune is battery life and solitaire is a real fun game to play while listening to music.R0cky_Racc00nActually, the zune has games, now. I've been addicted to Sudoku :D But yeah, the Zune trumps the iPod in social features and music discovery services. Also, the Zune Pass is such a awesome deal (10 free songs a month to keep and unlimited song downloads that you can listen to as long as you maintain your $15 subscription). iPod definately trumps the battery life, though :(
[QUOTE="HardQuor"][QUOTE="GabuEx"]that was good advice, too, but it says that the "integer constant is too large for "long" type"
Include math.h and do (n / m == floor(n / m)) instead. That's equivalent to (n % m == 0).
Rawr. You need to put a decimal point and a 0 at the end of a constant to make it a double; otherwise it'll try to interpret it as an integer, and that number's too big for an integer. Is it normal to feel stupid even though, in asking for it, i've already accepted that i don't know the answers to my problems? :?
(what i mean to say is thanks for your help :P )
I'd love to, but it won't let me use % with doubles :?[QUOTE="HardQuor"][QUOTE="GabuEx"] Use a double.GabuEx
Include math.h and do (n / m == floor(n / m)) instead. That's equivalent to (n % m == 0).
that was good advice, too, but it says that the "integer constant is too large for "long" type"Rawr.
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