[QUOTE="HardQuor"][QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"] "The waste produced after five years of operation is approximately the size of a softball and is a good candidate for fuel recycling." Tauruslink
Mind showing me a nuclear waste recycling program that has been succesful? Can it handle the waste from the nuclear reactors from hundreds, possibly thousands, of these nuclear reactors? Because they plan on putting them in our backyards. literally.
Look, i'm not saying that nuclear energy is "teh devil" or anything outrageous like that, i honestly beluieve nuclear power could still be the answer to the energy crisis the world is inevitably going to face. What i'm saying that if we can't realistically handle the output of waste that these things will generate in a safe and environmentally friendly way, then it would be massively irresponsible to allow manufacturers to just start pumping 'em out and sending them off all around the globe.
I understand your concern, but there are storage facilities for nuclear waste, which I believe could hold the waste untill a permanent solution is found. This is one of those facilities: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yucca_Mountain
Overall, I think the benefits outweigh the risks.
Yeah, i'm aware of the Yucca Mountain project. It's in my practically in my backyard, i live in Las Vegas. I think it's worth mentioning that the initial moisture tests that they ran to assure that Yucca Mountain is a dry enough environment to safely store the waste (seeing as any amount of moisture could lead to run off, and therefore possible contamination of surrounding areas and water supplies), were "inconclusive". Why? because all of their instruments suffered water damage.
I'm looking for soures now.
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