[QUOTE="Funky_Llama"] Â
What proof do you need to know that not all Christians believe the same things? Maybe the fact that there are many branches of the Christian theology (Catholocism, Orthodoxy, Pentecostal, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc.) all operating on the same texts?
[QUOTE="blackregiment"][QUOTE="Qooroo"][QUOTE="blackregiment"]Prevaricating is quite the common practice among non-believers. Nowhere have I said that my reasoning is infinite. I am a fallen sinner, saved by the grace of God, with finite reasoning just like you. The difference is, I have access to God's wisdom through His Word and the mind of Christ from my personal relationship with Him.
You are depending on the wisdom of the world and the vain philsophies of man.
Ooh! I missed this.
As a finite human, how can I trust your (or my, or anyone else's) interpretation of the Bible? Isn't is possible that, in our fallen, fallible state, we're screwing it up?
It's the flaw with the fallible human argument - it is ultimately self-defeating, because it ultimately bring any claims of the person who makes it into question for the same reason.
Your whole argument is constructed on the shifting sands of a false premise. Followers of Christ areindwelt by the Holy Spirit who guides then to the truth in God's Word.
So if the holy spirit is dwelling in all of Christ's followers, telling them what is truth and what is not, then why are there so many different branches of the same faith? Surely, no Catholic believes himself to be intentionally believing lies, just as you are of absolute certainty that you're correct in your beliefs. I know that when i was raised Baptist, i was sure that my beliefs were the ones Jesus meant for me and everyone else.
You can't answer that question. The reason is that there is no Holy Spirit guiding the entirety of Christianity. There is no God, and very probably, there was no Jesus. If the things you said were true, there would be no deviation what-so-ever in the Christian faith.
Oh, but i forgot about your argument about "demonic spirits"
Ok. but as others have pointed out, how can you be sure that you're not being decieved by the same "demonic spirits" you claim are decieving every other branch of christianity and religion? Is it the "holy spirit" you were mentioning, the one that dwells in you and tells you what to believe? Sounds exactly like the sort of spirit that could manipulate you to believe the wrong things. Almost "demonic" dontcha think? Seems to be little difference between "demonic" spirits and this "holy" spirit.
The sad fact of the matter is that you have no basis for your beliefs. The only thing that keeps you devout is your will. Your will to grasp at fairy tales as a system of beliefs, and your will to refuse to bow to anyone that shows the slightest reasoning or logic that counters anything your man-made-yet-somehow-infallable book says.
I know exactly what you'll counter with, too. you're going to say that i'm obviously unwavering in my opinion and that i'm so poisoned already that you wont even bother responding with any real content. Maybe you'll quote your reference-less book-of-unknown-and-almighty-authority some more.
I've been in your shoes. I was raised Christian. I've argued with non-believers. There's not a single fact from any authority of any regard that can support the Christian faith. You can only believe that your book is complete and infallible truth, but you can never know with any degree of factual certainty.
I want you to know why I write to such great lengths to discourage you. It confuses me that Christians can knowingly give themselves to a philosophy of a book simply because it says it's truth. It saddens me to know that people would rather attribute all great things to a fictitious creator and his immortal enemy, than to acknowledge our own potential as a species. It depresses me that people would rather live with irrational explanations than to accept this so-called "god-given" gift of reason and logic. It frustrates me that all religions, in trying to achieve unity, destroy it completely. It maddens me that religious followers refuse to see any of this.
And finally, it kills me to know that by trying to argue against you, i've fallen into the same exact trap of intolerance and disrespect that you have. The difference is that I can take responsibility for my words. Yours and millions of others around the globe are arguments that were chosen for you, centuries ago by the person or people who wrote - nay, designed - your book.
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