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HardcoreBunni Blog

"Yeah, we're a bunch of special motherf*****"

Rock in Rio! It's finally here, the first summer music festival of Europe and it's right here in Portugal. Amy Winehouse, Lenny Kravitz and others played on Friday, Bon Jovi and Alanis Morissete played on Saturday, and on Sunday, Rod Stewart and Joss Stone played. Now, you're probably thinking "Hmm this sounds kinda crappy". Well yeah, but on each of these days there was like 100,000+ attending. So yeah... This Thursday is a heavy-metal day: Metallica, Apocalyptica and Machine Head and Friday will be a rock day too: Muse, Linkin Park, Kaiser Chiefs and The Offspring. I'm going on Friday! Can't wait to see Muse, I heard they're amazing live.

On a less exciting note, final exams begin next week for me. :(


GTA IV-FINALLY I managed to pass the "Snow Storm" mission in GTA IV. Been playing a lot of that. I'm starting to realize that GTA IV is about three things. Destroy stuff(people, cars, etc.), run away, and buy bullet proof vests. That's it. I mean I know there are other things to do in Liberty City like play pool, bowling, darts, strip club(although I don't know who in their right mind would want to see virtual breasts), comedy clubs and other stuff but that just gets repetitive after a while. I think I'll sell GTA IV after I finish the story mode which I almost am. So the lesson I learned was that I should never write a review about a game I haven't completely finished. :?

Guitar Hero 3- I finished the career mode on Medium and have now started on Hard. Damn it' Hard. (*dry joke drum solo* :D)

Ace Combat 6- A friend of mine lent me this game for Gears of War. I started playing it and liked it but as the HORRIBLE story developed, I realized it was too much of a flight simulator for me. So I'll give him that game back.

Call of Duty 4- My grandpa bought me this game for child's day. On one hand I'm happy I finally got the game, on the other hand this means he views me as a child. *sigh* At least I'll be a happy child:P

New Super Mario Bros.-I ALWAYS play this game. Bus, classes, home, break, subway, train, etc.


I'm really hyped about the upcoming Muse concert so I've began listening to them a lot, lately. Newborn, Hysteria, Stockholm Syndrome, Supermassive Black Hole, etc.


It's the final stretch of my school year and it sucks. I'm having more homework, more tests, more everything than I've had all year long. Plus, I have to start studying for my finals. Very bad times for gaming. :?

So yeah...:

My life now is pretty much work, work, work, and videogames on the weekend. I'm hoping the Muse concert will help me relax.

I'll leave you with a nice quote from a movie I can't remember(tell me what movie this is from if you know it),"Yeah, yeah we're all a bunch of special motherf******.

Hardcore Bunni

She's my pride and joy!


Woohoo! I got Guitar Hero 3! Yeah!

"Um came out almost a year ago..." What? Oh man... xD Just kidding. ;) I know it came out a year ago but the 360 version of it is so rare here in Portugal that it makes it almost impossible to get. When I have seen it in the past, I haven't had the 100 euros(155 dollars give or take a dime) to buy it. Luckily, I had the money( allowance+ i had sold a rock in rio ticket to one of my friends).

As soon as I got home I started decorating my Les Paul controller with the red and black stars covering the black dots on each fret(not the colored frets, the other ones) and I put the angry bunny sticker(xD!!!) near the whammy bar. I finished the game in easy and played a couple of online games. And in case you're wondering, I don't play in easy, m'kay? It's just that lately I've been kind of an achievement wh0r3. Usually I play on medium.

Oh and I've began playing Gears of War again. It came as a bundle game with my 360, but at the time I was struggling with the control so I played some easier games like Amped 3 and Pro Evolution Soccer 6(another bundle game). Then I eventually bought more games and more, and eventually I forgot about Gears of War. So a couple of weeks ago, I was bored of playing GTA IV and looked over at my shelf. And there it was. I'm really enjoying the game. It is amazing, gameplay and graphic wise. Expect a review soon. And that's about it for games.


Mainly, I've been listening to Smashing Pumpkins and System of a Down. But with Guitar Hero 3, I've been listening a lot to Poison("Talk Dirty to Me) and Stevie Ray Vaughan("Pride and Joy").

Also I've been thinking about buying an electric guitar for my birthday(August 6). I'm getting a little bored of my acoustic.


I saw a movie about vampires and the italian mob with a french chick, Robert Loggia( as the bad guy) and the main cop from the show "Without a Trace". That was one weird movie. There's a funny part when the french chick and the guy from "Without a Trace are "rocking the kasbah"( if you know what I mean) and the chick's eyes are changing colours constantly. Definetely a f****d up movie.

I was thinking about...

...Getting one of the Xbox 360 Classics games(you know, the games that cost like 20 or 30 euros\dollars). I could also buy a used game for 40\45 euros\dollars.

I've been thinking about some options like Perfect Dark Zero(I liked the N64 one a lot), Just Cause(played it at my friend's house and seemed fun), Dead Rising( gotta love killing zombies ;D ) or maybe you'd like to suggest a game. Please comment and give me your opinions.

P.S. Sorry about the Euro\dollar thing but I live in Europe(more precisely Portugal) and here we use euros. And it's cool because when I went to the States a couple of weeks ago, I was thrilled about buying American branded clothes(Element and Quicksilver) for less than half of what it costs here in Portugal. But games here cost 70 euros which is like 110 dollars in the States :S So I have to think long and hard about which games I get. And when I finish a game, unless I totally love it or if it is used, I sell it.

I Cry When Angels Deserve to Die.

So yesterday I cried.

Yep, I know it's kinda gay to come out in public( know what I mean) but I was really sad. Why? Because my Xbox 360(which no longer has a guarantee) went RROD. *Violins and cellos play in the background and a crow flies over the musicians* Immediately, I unplugged all the cables that were attached to the 360 to the TV, and I went to bed. I was so furious because I had just started playing Oblivion and I was really enjoying myself.

This morning I woke up, re-plugged all the cables and **** and I pressed the power button. Nothing happened for a few seconds. But then, like Little Boy hit Hiroshima, my Xbox 360 came back to life with that familiar thundering noise. I was so happy! And I went back to playing Oblivion(which I'm liking a lot by the way) for a couple of hours. However, I'm afraid to play it because it's the second time my console goes RROD. I don't know what I'm going to do in the near future :S Should I start saving money for a new 360?

Off-topic- I'm not the luckiest person when it comes to gadgets. My MP3s break for no apparent reason(once, my 1st generation Ipod shuffle exploded while charging, my Ipod Nano shut down while I was listening to ZZ Top and then I was never able to turn it back on again), my PS2 broke, my DS's microphone won't work anymore as for the right bumper, my camera won't work too. XO

What I have been doing recently

Since DarkChrisss1995 said that all my other blog posts were boring, I'll try to make a new, more interesting blog post.

So yesterday I saw Iron Man. It was pretty cool; I wasn't expecting something so good from a comic book based movie. Plus, thanks to a fellow Gamespotter, I stayed until the end to watch the extra scene with Samuel L.Jackson(yes the guy who shouted "Get dese mutherf***** snakes off dis mutherf***** plane") and I know now that they're probably making an Avengers movie! Woohoo!

I've been playing GTA IV like crazy. I tried out the multiplayer this weekend and I was a bit dissapointed. It's laggy, glitchy, buggy and boring. I have a hard time finding people to play with ON A SATURDAY!!! The only cool part was when me and a Norwegian friend of mine started killing people and screamed obscenities in our languages and completely owned all the other players. Then we got hit with a rocket. Twice...

I've also been playing Professor Layton and The Curious Village. Me and a friend of mine imagined a TV show called "Professor Layton Goes to the Bi-Curious Village." xD I'm kidding. Anyways: I love the game. It's a little bit hard, but it makes time fly by when I'm on the bus to school.

I've been listening to System of a Down, Queen, and a little bit of Smashing Pumkins and Rage Against the Machine. Oh and I can't get that stupid song out of my head. "You're way too beautiful girl... She'll have me suicidal, suicidal when she says it's over...". URGH!!! The radios are playing it 24/7.

So the hottest chick in my grade Yasmin likes this guy named Zé(who is, by the way, a sex freak who spend his life studying, playing soccer and saying stupid comments about chicks. Like the time he and I represented a country together for MUN and all he did was comment on the chicks who were there at the conference like " man that goth chick over there must be an animal in bed" and etc.). However, he hasn't reacted to that even though everyone has known for months now. So it's her birthday and she invited the whole class and Zé. So as he is leaving her house everyone is hoping Zé makes a move( and Yasmin probably hoped so too). You know what that sex freak did? He suddenly went shy. Yasmin went for the mouth kiss while Zé went for the hug. She closed her eyes and he was kinda nervous so they bumped heads. *sigh*

Anyways, DarkChriss I hope you found that interesting. That's as interesting as my life gets

Game ideas

We've all had these once or twice. State your idea as a comment if you wish. I'm off to go get GTA IV. Hasta la vista, bayba. xD

How about this idea: A game about a zombie ninja bunni who is the USA's only hope to look and kill Bin-Laden? The name would be "Hardcore Zombie Bunni!- " Huh?! Huh?!Huh?! Ah... who am I kidding... xD

A one-console world.

A one console world is an interesting idea(and one that, in theory, should work) , like communism. The government provides everything from food to clothes, instead of private companies. Like communism, the theory behind a one-console world is that there shall be one company designing a single console instead of competition between companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

My friends: this idea although cute...IS WRONG!!! Companies that make games make games for one reason: to make money. Just like other people work at coffee shops and at factories, game designers do what they do to make cash and like all human beings, will rather be lazy than work. That is the reason that if there is only console on the market and no competition between companies, companies will just make crappy games that they know will make a lot of money since there is only one console.

So for the sake of great games, for the sake of great consoles like the Nintendo 64 and the Xbox 360 and the PS2: do not say that a one-console world would be good. Because without competition in the gaming industry, people will make crappy games and no one will buy them. Thus the gaming industry will cease to exist.

Let's travel in time to the year of 1983 in the video game crash of 1983. Why did the gaming industry crash? Atari and their console the Atari 2600 dominated the video game market much as a console would in a one-console world. They believed that any game made by Atari would sell tremendously so they just made crappy games. The crappiest game of all was "E.T.- The Extra Terrestrial". So, Atari launched E.T on the market and it was a flop. Do you know how bad of a flop it was? They had to bury thousands of copies in landfills, because stores didn't want that game on their shelves. Anyways, gamers lost faith in Atari and stoped buying their games(which were the only ones on the market) and so the videogame industry crashed.

However, in Japan a company that had started out making card games, taxi services and even love hotels designed a console that would bring life to the video game industry worldwide: the Nintendo's Nintendo Enterteinment System(aka NES or FAMICOM).

In today's world, there is no room for idealisms like a one-console world. We must accept the facts as they are and embrace them. Humans are chronically lazy and will always need pressure and competition to suceed. So to communism and to a one-console world I say, " Capitalism FTW!!!"

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