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HawkGamer2008 Blog

Full return + Post-E3

Well i'm officialy back in full swing!! So here's how this will go life then gaming...ready GO:

First things first...............I GOT A JOB! Yup, i am now a general cleaner for Centaur Building Services(if you haven't heard of them, relax there a local cleaning company in St. Louis) I work 4.5 hrs every night Mondy - Friday. This means i'll finally be able to buy stuff:o Well thats basically it for that:P:P:P

Now for gaming:D first, around August i'll be buying a new PS3 so look for me there soon;) second after that i plan on buying inFAMOUS 1 & 2:D Now for E3: saw Mass Effect 3 & Skyrim, and totally getting both:) pre-ordering that ME3 Collectors edition with my first check;) Also saw good shows from Edge of Time, Saints row, and Ghost Recon. And if you haven't seen the overstrike trailer you really should:P looks promising charector wise.

see ya'll;)

Your favorate gamer is back!

Yeees... Your favorate Gunslinging, Sword swinging, Button Smashing, untammable gamer is back...and running out of platforms to play on:? My PS3 is still broken, and now the top screen of my DS gets staticy every now and then, plus my PSP's dpad puts in commands that i didn't every one in a while....NOT COOL:x But if i can get some work maybe i can replace them, that green MGS psp gets nice;)

Starting Monday i'm starting my 2-Week long top 10 villian countdown, don't try making any predictions..your in the dark:twisted:

Also thing of making a new account since i didn't have a favorate franchise back then, but now i do, a hint: the top villian of the franchise will be on this list;)

Now since i'm back ya'll better starting coming around GS more, i'm here what better reason could ther be:twisted:

See ya 'round Monday:D

Leave of absence + working on countdown

Hey everyone:) My computer has been acting up alot lately and i'm getting it fixed, the ineternet connection is fickle, so i don't know when i'll be able to return. But when i do i'll have a nice and juicy countdown: top 10 rich franchises who are still kicking.

So see ya'll:? Also, gamestop finally sent my game thwy had on backorder: Chrono trigger:D:D:D

Monthly Blog 2010 - December + i promise this one is gooood

Well, Christmas is over, new years is only hours away...and i'm knee deep in games with more on the way:P


Well, i don't have much else outside of new games to report so i'll get right to it:D :

  • Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) - gift
  • X-Men Legends II (PSP) - gift
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) - gift
  • Donkey Kong Country (GBA) - gift
  • Mega Man ZX (DS) - bought
  • Mega Man ZX: Advent (DS) - bought
  • BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Portable (PSP) - bought
  • Pokemon Emerald (GBA) - bought
  • Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) - just ordered
  • Darkstalkers Chronicle (PSP) - trying to order
  • Mega Man Powered Up (PSP) - trying to order
  • Chrono Trigger (DS) - trying to order
  • Dragon Age 2 (PS3) - fully pre-ordered
  • Mass Effect 2 (PS3) - fully pre-ordered

i also bought Marvel trading card game(PSP) bought it sucks so i'm gonna trade it in, it only cost $5:P. Thats pretty much it, but i gotta enough to keep me ocupied:lol: i kno i payed for 2 ps3 games, but those will be my inspiration to get a new unit asap..although it will still be awhile:? this also means no 3ds:(:( and that port of Star Fox looks really good to:|

Thats it:) I got a lot of games:D but is saying i put down the wrong billing address......LIES!!!!!:evil: so in 24 hrs i will try again:| and if it still says i'm wrong i'll go to gs myself:x Well until then, i can keep myself busy:P chrono is really looking good though:|

Well, thats it for me this month..see ya'll round your blogs:D

November 2010 Monthly Blog [the first of many dull ones, fair warning]

So as most of you might know not much to be reported in the coming months, but i'll try to:P


Nothing much at purchases and only one rental:? Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines. Nice PSP game that feels and looks alot like the first AC game. Gives alot of backstory for Maria(for those who played AC2). Makes me wish my PS3 was working so i could rent Brotherhood:?:( Put down $10 for Dragon Age II and plan on buying Mass Effect 2 for PS3 regardless of if its fixed so i have them when it is:) Yup, thats it:?


Started watching this new show on Wednesday's called Human Target(based on the comic book HT) pretty good for being based ona one shot book that never got off the ground:)


My last final exam is the 18th so i really hope i get that RetroN 3 you save me from bordum:| If my financial aid goes through for my next semester i plan on getting a 320GB/move bundle and a all comes down to if i pass at least 1/2 mycIasses(grr) this semester:?:?

Yeah, not much. All of your blogs are keeping me sane..keep them coming:P

Need some advice on retro selection

  • ( Note: tags will be at the end of this thing)

OK, so since i can't always on current tech. consoles, i aiming to get a RetroN 3 Gaming console before i repair my current ps3 and replace so i can have a back up..also thinking of getting GBA and start recollecting GBA/GBC games:)

First of this is what the RetroN 3 is: Its a console remake of sorts. It plays NES, SNES, and Genesis(Sega) even plays Genesis in S-video(something thats hard to do). It comes with a wireless controller capable of being used for all three games, although the system lets you play with the origonal consoles controllers:o I have fond memories of those days:) So lets get down to business people:D :

  • If i rememer so, neither of these 3 systems(NES/SNES/Genesis) games are saveable(ie, game saves). is this correct? I don't really care, but i do want to know a head of time.
  • Anyone have ANY recommendations, remember its been awhile:| Any and all suggestions are welcome and accepted for all 3, i'll pick and judge those suggestions myself.

And for those of you wondering, i'm still planning on fixing my PS3 and getting a new one, i'm not THAT crazy:P:lol:

My last blog says why i'm doing this, its the one before this:)

For those who might not see this:

  • @candlinnps
  • @Colmillios
  • @doubleajunkie
  • @gamer_girl15
  • @graywolf2112
  • @JTH_22
  • @Whitewolf725
  • @megacam1
  • @Princess-peach
  • @shygirlfrumfl
  • @splinter_girl88
  • @stephanime
  • @Colmillios
  • @wolves1989
  • @resident4evil05

Look forward to your responces, C|a$$ics(this error really irks me, its pointless) never die!!!:D:D:D

how can we come so far, yet fall so flat?

Okay, so i am in very baaaaad place right now. I am not to be trifled with right now:| To understand my current state of mind i must tell you all a story that spands 3 generations of gaming pleasure.

Generation 1: The Birth of PlayStation

In 1994, my uncle had a very bright idea: to buy me a PlayStation for Christmas. Before this i had a slight interest in gaming, i owned a SNES, as did my god-brother..although he also had a NES. We would playDuck Huntand Street Fighter II When ever we were together. But when we both got PlayStations in '94, we both became hardcore players overnight, my first was Crash Bandicoot, i would own that same Playstation until 2001, nearly 7 years later. And it was by choice that i got rid of it.

Generation 2: A New Millenium,A New Begining

The year is 2001, the Month is November. Its a few days before my 12th birthday, and I Have A Dream:P No seriously:| i drempt i was playing a PS2(something i not yet had) a few days later i get it as a present:o My first game for itwas Ratch & Clank. The PS2 advanced my game astronically, its where i played my first Shooter, RPG, Sports game, and even my first real action game. But wasn't all button-mashing and trigger pulling, around early to mid 2005, my PS2 hadn't played DVD's for about 6 months-1 year. Gamestop was running some kind of deal where trading in an old PS2 got you half off a slim model so i took it. I would continue to own that PS2 until December 27, 2007.

Generation 3: Enter Hard-drive, Exit Patients

On December 27, 2007..i bought a PlayStation 3, my crowning acheivement. Or so i thought. During this past summer(July 2010) I saw something that astounded me, shocked my very core, and horrified me: i got the Yellow Light of Death(YLoD). From then until October, I was without my PS3 and was forced to rely on my PSP and DS. When i got it back i was soo happy, i got my baby back:P I was able to play Tekken 6 again, i was able to meratly attempt to catch up on games i missed(although i was behind to begin with), then tomight my heart skipped a happed, AGAIN!!!!!!:evil: Now with no cash flow to my name, i am forced to again bide my time till i can send it to get it fixed again, and hopefully by then i also have the funds to get a new PS3 and transfer my data over to the new system.


Now while i have plenty to be mad about in this regard, this is not the point of my rant. If you'll notice, in my story, the lifespan of each console deminished from the lifespan of the last even though the technology advanced significantly compared to the last. Now with the tech. of the PS3, how is it that its lifespan is shorter than the one of the PS1. It astounds me, that tech that has come so far can last so little. Even computers last significantly less than they used to. OK, thats it i'm done:):( So don't be shocked if you don't see me on my system for a while:? So don't send me any messages or any kind of request. When i get my current model fixed, i'm gonna pack it away and wait til i get a better model so i can transfer the data. Also, thanks to this, my "Monthly" blogs will hold no PS3 related news or updates til further notice:|

See ya around;)

A few post Birthday buys + Union Promotion

First things first: after getting lots of bday pre-paid Visa's & cash..i made my semi-annual visit to GameStop:D

Pre-ordered Dragon Age II (put $10 down), bought the new GameStop Rewards Pro card which gets me a few discounts plus i earn points for buying stuff there(something i already do), and God of War: Ghost of is awesome:D CoO was great, but GoP is 10x better:):D:) Also bought a NHL exclusive San Jose Sharks hat from their site, i'm a sharks man;) also eyeing this "x-ray" Red Wings hat:) well....thats what xmas is for:P:P


Now for some business: This union i'm withThe PS3 Exlusives Unionhas lots of members..just not many active ones:? the unions leader @splinter_girl88his great but, midterms and finals take her away from it(something i can relate to) we really need members who you know, actually come more than once a week. Spread the word, or better yet join. The union is for more than PS3 owners, its for anyone who loves the PS3, or loved the PS2 or PS1

I'll see errbody around thy blogs;)

November 2010 ~ 21 W00t + other stuff

Ladies and Gentlemen its that time again (yes i AM trying to do this every month on time) Monthly blog time:P:lol:;)


I'm baaaaaack:lol: Well, gaming wise;) Rented Dead Rising 2 and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimesions this month as my reward for getting my PS3 back last month:P:P:P FYI Noir Spidey Rules all:D I'm getting Sims 3(PS3) my first Simulation game(rentel, of course) So we'll se how it goes. I'm planning on Pre-ordering Dragon Age II after the 7th to get the free upgrade to the Bioware Edition:) but more about that later;) God of War: Ghost of Sparta comes out Tomorrow(i think) just wish i could get it:( Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood also comes out this month which is Awe....soooome!!!


Got two new albums this month:P D12's Devil Nights(loving revelations) and Immortal Techniques' The 3rd World(loving Dead March Intro). Well it's big to me when ya got no money:lol:


First off, went paintballing with friends for the first time two weeks ago..that stuff hurts:o my bruises are just now healing:lol: Also i turn 21 on the 7th, thats where DA2 and the music comes in:lol: got a $15 iTunes card early, and i'm getting a $25 Prepaid Visa on Sunday, and i'm gonna gamble on Sunday as well for the first time:D:D:D Also counting down the days til my best friend comes into town so we can get our friends together:):) Hoping i get enough bday cash to get my pre-order..and get GoS..buts thats about it:roll: lame month i know:P but with holidays coming up, things will pick up:lol: Oh:o i'm finishing up prep work for my countdown, i got half the contenders placed;)

See ya'll round the blogs;) and by this years end i WILL be back in some union:lol: Any suggestions? Also thinking of doing a Q&A on my 3 year in March;)

Top 10 preperations + Need help in DR2

This will be a relatively short blog:P

First off i'm working on a top 10 list for best game story..but i still gotta rent a few games to fill the list:)

Second off, I need help taking out the twins in Dead Rising 2:cry: Anybody who does or doesn't have my psn Help me:? I'll be on all through the night:)

Third off, I'm working on a 10 page research paper on the Evolution of Hip-Hop(not just mainstream rap) so if everyone who listens to it, could ya tell me your favorate Mainstream rapper, and favorate non-mainstream hip-hop artist..i'll owe ya one;) if you don't listen to HH...just ignore that part:lol:


Well, thats it nothing else goin on..except i offically turn 21 11/7 :D:D Finally i can succomb to a gambling addiction:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

See ya'll around;)