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HawkGamer2008 Blog

MUA2 + Abroad

This somewhat of a small update:o

Only a few things to mention:| First i finally got ahold of a copy of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2(so eat your heart out WhiteWolf725 ) yeah so my time here will be a lil' more sparce than usual:?

And secondly...i got invited to study abroad in Canterbury, England during either the spring or fall Semester of 2010:o:o:o yeah but i haven't decided yet, so anyone who lives near there, has visited there, or just plain knows anything regarding food, curency, culture, customs, or anything else in that area give me the 411:)

well thats it, check ya freaks later;)

fresh Downloads + Gaming revelations

I did that bad thing again....:lol::P:lol: i downloaded three more games for my PSP:o


Bloody Roar

Brain Challange

WTF: Work Time Fun


OH, least i have more games to keepme busy before the morning before C`L`A`S`S`E`S`:twisted:


And on other related news...i've...had reelation:o I've played my first Tactical RPG: fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon:D

Before, i saw them as boring, now i see them as addictive:twisted:


well thats it:P jus a small update so you all know i'm still alive....and congrats to a couple of wolves for finding each other:oops:

Well see ya 'round;)

A day of rememberence + a big release coming up

For those of you who haven't noticed yet, today has been 8 years since that ever so tragic day back in 2001. Today is a day to remember those who lost there lives on those planes, at the twin towers, the passengers who fought back on the plane that crashed in the field, and every soldier who has lost there like since.

So here is collection of all sorts to remember them all: Drowning Pool ~ Soldier Linkin Park ~ Hands Held High Nickelback ~ If Everyone Cared (off topic but still worth watching) Toby Keith ~ American Soldier

if anyone else knows of any others, i'll gladly put them up.


And on less depressing news, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 comes out Tuesday, September 15th:D:D:D:D:D

Time to make a stand and take a choice...are you Pro-Reg or Anti-Reg? The time is almost here:twisted:

So many choices, so little...err, NO money damn

September has arrived:o fall is here, soon the leaves will change......and the evil people who price games are taunting me again!!!!!!! :x

Thats right with my birthday a few months away and the holidays not far from that some tough choices must be made.

Also one hell of a sick lineup is headed our way, including guarentied hits like:

-Tekken 6

-God of War Collection(GoW I & II)

-Assassin's Creed II

-Dragon Age: Origins [Collector's Edition for me, worth the extra $15]

-Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines [PSP sequal to the first AC]

-Crisis core: Final fantasy VII yup a lil old but i finally found a new copy...just gotta buy it]

-Disidia: Final Fantasy

also got a couple releases next year i gotta preorder:

God of war III [2010]

DC Universe Online[2010, my first MMO...SWEET!!! ]

-SoulCalibur: Broken destiny [still not sure yet :? ]


Not to mention all the PS1 classics i want from the PSN:( why they gotta make stuff cost money:| they can't possibly make me choose!!!!! :cry: BYE ya'll [ couldn't think of anything else to b about:P ]

The Gods Have Spoken, Your not Gonna Want to Miss This!!!!!

Ok, soo most PS3 owners are awaiting the release of God of War 3, well it just became an offer you will never be able to refuse. This news is directly from IGN(yeah i said it, come and get me Mods!!!):

God of War Collection Announced

Set your jaw to "dropped" -- the first two games are getting a Blu-ray releaseAugust 31, 2009 - A few months ago, a Sony survey popped up asking God of War fans what they'd like to see to celebrate the upcoming release of God of War III. There was the normal stuff on there like a collector's edition, behind the scenes Blu-ray, etc., but the one that raised the IGN eyebrows was a compilation of the first two games

Today, the God of War Collection is a reality.

This "holiday season," one Blu-ray will be released that houses both the original God of War and God of War II. Obviously, the Blu-ray disc means that it's not a PS2 game and thus there's no need to worry about backwards compatibility. These PS2 games will be remastered and pack 60 frames-per-second action, 720p graphics,and PlayStation Network Trophy support."We are excited today to announce God of War Collection," said Scott Rohde, vice president of Sony Worldwide Studios America. "Our fans spoke and we listened; thanks to our partnership with Bluepoint Games, fans and newcomers to the series can experience the epic God of War and God of War II saga in stunning 720p on PS3. This Blu-ray Disc compilation brings Kratos to PS3 even earlier than expected."

The best news? All of that will only cost you $39.99.---------------------------------------------------------------------We Are Not Worthy---------------------------------------------------------------------

Yup, you read it right!!!!!! :D (i copied the text only for ya'lls convience)
God of War 1, 2, AND 3 all with trophy support and all together for only $40!!!! i'm preordering this as soon as possible.....Now THIS IS A COLLECTOR"S EDITION!!!!Sony has set the new bar:o:D

time shortage/union address + retro gaming

Aight so my courses start tomorrow:cry: so my time

will be cut to 5 minutes in the morning and a couple hours before bed:roll: yup sucks BIGGGG time.


a quick note to others: STOP SENDING UNION REQUESTES!!!! My time is limited so joining unions is pretty mute at this please stop!!!1


Aside from a few purchases down the road(Tekken 6, Dissidia: FF, Dragon Age: Origins) and a few rents(BIGS 2, KillZone 2, Batman: AA), i'm in a retro mood:lol: So for all my Old sckool appritiatores i say to you noobs/yuoungins: play them origonals!!! final Fantasy VII and Tekken 2 have me glued to the screen:P and i can't wait to purchase MGS1 & Bloody Roar:D plus theres supposed to be many, many, many more PS!(the best system EVER, aside from the first NES) ****cs released onto the PSN plus the PS3 is now $ you all stallers have no more excuses:lol:;)


so i'll see ya'll around and leave you with a gaming quote(something i'll start doing with all me blogs:P) but if can guess who said it, you get a prize:lol::lol: :

"Dilly Dally, Shilly Shally"

(why can't we say any form of C-L-A-S-S yet!!! :x)

Uh, Oh....i think i did a baaad thing

Yup, i think i did something b,b,bad:o:?

Jus spent $56.81 of my school money(provided by my stats FAFSA) on some games:|


Resident Evil Director's Cut (PS3 Download)

Final Fantasy VII (PS3 Download)

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS3 Download)

Pocket Pool (PSP Download)

Tekken 2 (PSP Download)

Ten Pin Alley (PSP Download)


and tomorrow i'm gonna buy a $20 4GB memory stick so i can actualy download those 3 psp ones:D:|

i now got a lil over 600 and get 700 in a week(onto my school accout)

Oh well, the gamer in me took over:O Maybe i was possessed:o:lol:;)

Oh wells:P...."I'm Goin' to hell, Who's coming with me?" :lol: at least its getting used i guess:P

So i guess i just got 6 "new" games:D;):lol:

nearly done + other crap

Just a small lil update


Almost caught up on everything...Finally! Just gotta complete Prototype..then gotta Killzone 2 & the BIGS 2. :D Although my gaming time might deminish soon unfortunately:?


Sadly my freedom ends soon:cry: Classes start back up the 24th..on a high note it'll get me outta the house a lil more:P:lol:


Aside from school starting up soon:roll: been hanging with my Homies & Homettes:P :lol: Bowling, eating out, and celebrating birthdays:lol::D Also thinking of moving to San Diego or New Jersey after i finish my degree:o although i'm not fully decided yet:|:roll:


Nothing much else to say:| See ys'll later:P:lol::D;)8)

AF's Q's answered + update

OK, since AF_chic is the only 1 with questions..i'll answer them now:P

1. Why did you call us game freaks?

Aren't we:| :lol:

2. Whats one thing that has changed about you since last year?

Umm...changed me Major(for the last time i hope) and hangin' with my people more(when possible) :P

3. Do you have a girlfriend?

NO :x :?

4. Whats one crazy night with your friends you will never forget?

Most of 'em ain't as crazy as you :P My homeGirl's B-day in a few weeks should be tight ;)

5. What makes people ugly (question can go many ways)

Extreme arogence, dirty(REAL S***, h**, W****, ect..), crualty, racism, and rudeness.


Still playing catchup:? Playing GhostBusters:D. Still gotta play: Prototype, KillZone 2, Fracture, BIGS 2, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.


Also i startcourses for the fall in about a month. Huh, GS won't let me say any form of C-L-A-S-S uncencored....weird:|

See ya round;)

Top 5 reasons inFamous is the best game on earth!

This is more favortist than a fair list, but who gives a damn! :P

5. Electricity...DUH!

Who doesn't like electricuting there enemies into submission! Yu can throw bolts of electricity, balls of electricity, and even make thunder rain down from the sky! Your even allowed to create a shield of electrity. And if that all bores you, you can literally ride the rails by focusing your power into your feet so you can grind the railroad rails, or try jumping off high buildings and gliding with "thrusters" (focusing electricity into your hands to glide).

4. Good or Evil? your choice - heavy spoilers

You have many chances to make good & bad choices. Like choosing to use the sphere or destroy it, save trish or save 6 doctors, andbe feared or loved. And in the end, you either control all of empire city after turning it into a wasteland or be EC's true hero.

3. A real difference - heavy spoilers

Unlike most good or evil games, your choices have a REAL impact. Like rather trish hates or loves you, rather you protect EC or drive it into oblivion(in a way), even rather Sasha makes extended contact with you. This game is very much worth playing through twice.

2. Dead Drops - minor spoilers

It's not often the collecting of an adventure game has an impact like the dead drops do. For every DD you collect, a little more of the background story is even ties up A FEW loose ends after the ending.

1. One hell of a story unlike any other - 100% spoilers

Not many stories in video games are this good. Non-twisted time travel, great powers, vengence, unexpected surprise ending, incentive to be bad....not much you can hate about inFamous aside from the fact that it had a cliff hanger.


Don't forget to ask Q's: All is well again!!!! + RROD/YLOD tip + ask me anything + EDIT


OK after beating inFamous, both Good & Evil, i'm gonna go for Prototype terrorist to another:lol: