Haze-and-Ses' forum posts
[QUOTE="shabab12"]The stupidity is endless. There is a mute button IN GAME and OUT in BOTH killzone 2 and resistance 2. The_Solidtell me where!!!! I asked for help and you call me stupid. lol i hate when people do that. theres no stupid questions only stupid answers
I need help! My ps3's cross media bar has disappeared. You can still turn the console on but when you turn it of the light flashes green to say its turning off but its trying to fix its self. Ive left it fixing itself for about 4 hours and no luck.
This all happened when I was browsing using the internet browser and i came off it and the ps3 freeze. I stupidly flicked the switch off and on again and oh no something isnot quite right.
What should i do? My guarantee has ran out as i bought a 60gb the day ps3 launched. Is this common?
Before you do ANYTHING like pay Sony for this bs, I have a good suggestion. Go to your local game store preferrably a self run one like run by gamers not a corporate one like EB only if you don't know any other game stores. Be friendly and tell them your situation, and ask them if they can print a receipt for you so you can say your under warranty to get Sony to do it for free even though they should do it for free because its a crappy warranty for such expensive hardware. Anyways before anything try that, that would save alot of money! good luck wit that, im like 90% sure they'll do it for you and write down the serial number on ur ps3 so they can do it. If you have no other choice then eb or gamestop try them and if they dont look for a local repair store on Kijiji. be frugalThe collection consists of the extended editions of each game. MGS2 is Substance, and MGS3 is Subsistence. The only downside is that with MGS3, you will only get disc 1. That means you don't get the online disc (which doesn't matter because they shut the servers down by now for that ), but you also don't get the amazing MGS3 theater, which has all the videos from the game, along with trailers, and hilarious bloopers. You also don't get the original Metal Gears 1 and 2 that were included on that disc (as in Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid). If you're ok with that, go ahead and get the collection. It's still a great deal. However, if you don't mind looking a bit harder, you can find MGS3 Subsistence used at Gamecrazy for like 5 bucks, MGS2 Substance for about the same price, and MGS1 online somewhere for a cheap price too I'm sure.bluem00seYou do get the theatre with MGS3 in the essentials collection. Isnt it the one where you walk around on tiles that are the cut scenes and you cant see the ones you havent unlocked yet?
Wich number shall I call when my Ps3 doesnt read disks? FotpaalCall Sony customer service the number is in the manuals, I had the same problem a month out of warranty I had a 40GB too but they want to charge so I guess there's nothing I can do about it
i have this problem and posted about it a while ago, my ps3 is in its 14th month now so no warranty and i dont like the idea of payin 190.97 for repairs on faulty hardware... anyways ive come to learn that the blu ray laser itself is a very expensive piece of hardware so any repairs going to be costly, you could try opening the ps3 if your out of warranty and replacing the laser yourself or try cleaning it if its dusty.
Mine wasn't dusty when i opened it but figured may as well try cleaning it anyways, put it back together still isn't reading any discs so I'm getting it repaired locally at $110 which is reasonable considering the laser runs around $90-$110 anyways. Look up your local Kijiji site for console repair stores, or do it yourself. Here's a tutorial http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=70948
In my opinion 90% of PS3 failures are caused by the user.
Prove it ..
same as the failure rate they cant be proven, atleast the failure rate can be estimated.Funny i know over 20 people with a PS3 and none of them have had problems and the so called guarantee that people say about the launch consoles getting YLOD, I've put my 60GB through heck ... and I mean weeks of folding@home without turning it off (weeks!!), and still works perfectly fine.
And yes who ever said the system failure rate is 3% is wrong, because its less.
yea you know that because you monitor all ps3's right? There's no official document from sony with statistics on repair issues and even if there was it cant be recent, im sure if they did make some sort of document on repaired ps3's now would obviously be different from last year or the year before. And you gotta look at these things from a customers point of view. Say the PS3 sells 10 million for example, 3% isn't alot in comparison to the total but 300,000 broken is alot. Especially on such an expensive product with such a crappy warranty. Honestly from forum reading and bad experience I think these estimated failure rates are wrong, and consider people who repair their playstations elsewhere because sony does charge alot for repair.
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