Questions like "Batman vs. Superman: Who Wins?" Makes you realize how dumb are DC comics franchises. Superman is supposed to be "invulnerable/indestructible/invencible", and yet Batman could kick his a$$, how that makes sense at all?!!
Everytime I play a dungeon, it is always the same. The only thing that gets different are the chest and enemies location.
When I am in an open area, it is topographically the same on different playthroughs. It is the same location over and over again. The only difference are the dungeons available on the map.
How is this game is supposed to have random generated scenarios???
@NINEINCH-Tool This is so true. That is as making me review a sports game, when I dont like sports games. It really does not make sense at all. What they should do is to have 3 reviewers for each game. Let me explain how this works.
A person who likes/love the genre of the game.
A person who plays those games eventually.
A person who dislikes/hates the genre.
So you can get an opinion from 3 different points of view. For example, if the one that hates the genre gives it a 4-5/10 (explaining why), then those people who were intrigued by the game, but are not into that genre, buy other thing.
But the default score should be the one from the reviewer who enjoys the genre, because he has played so much those games that he knows his stuff, so he will be nitpicking at those things that should or should not be in the game.
@Vampiro_HuntT3R People are not buying the game because of the re-releases and disk locked content that CAPCOM is doing, and not just because the company is CAPCOM. If Capcom was willing to change, people would react differently.
Also if you check Blazblu games, they are also selling like crap because of the re-re-re-re-re-releases. Each "new game" should have been a 20 bucks DLC.
Heavenly_King's comments