My copy of brawl was freezing randomly and causing the message "the game disc could not be read" to pop up a lot. I went to the Nintendo support page and apparently a very small amount of Wii's can't use brawl to its max capacity because of a lack of something (think it was RAM). They said they'd give a free repair to anyone with this problem though. I find it weird though that it only happened later, but that's probably because the extra stuff I've unlocked and such needs more RAM making it so that I can't play. This bugs me since they need it for 2 - 3 weeks to repair it. Anyone else have this problem?
Hegna1 Blog
Sorry I'm not on much
by Hegna1 on Comments
I got Brawl!
by Hegna1 on Comments
So I went out to get my copy of brawl yesterday and played it for a bit with some friends. The subspace emmisary was awesome in my opinion. If you don't have it yet, but you have a Wii, you're missing out on too much, get it soon.
I've unlocked up to now :
Everyone :)
Happy New Year!
by Hegna1 on Comments
Pretty simple and straight forward.
Oh and also belated Merry Christmas or happy Chanukah (think that's how it's spelt).
A gamer that's worse than Drewski during his Anti-Hegna fit
by Hegna1 on Comments
I was buying a dagger in Maplestory (YES, I STILL PLAY IT), the MMORPG, for my friend for 350K. However the game has some weird taxe system implemented*. So I bought the dagger (called a maple wagner if you're interested) and start to leave the Free market there. The guy retrades me, and asks for the extra 3.5K that was tax deducted. Seeing as it doesn't take long to get, no one ever asks forthe money that was tax deducted,and I only have 1K left I say no and leave the Free Market.. I then leave and he continually Whispers to me (in-game) asking for the 3.5K, and starts doing LEET (1337) swearing because the game blocks it spelt the normal way. He even tries to come to my city (there is a Free market entrance in every major city), I just go to a lvl(level) 35 - 50 area, which he is too low lvled to enter. He then swears some more and leaves me to be. what a brat.
* the Tax system subtracts .5% for 50K or more,
1% for 100K for more, etc.
~Hegna1 Signing out~
A bit of a Show-Off
by Hegna1 on Comments
The new PLU member,Chris-flame seems like a bit of a show-off to me, He made his own thread to show off that he got 8 Pokemon to lvl 100, bet they weren't EVed, but whatever. Also that's what the lvl 100 feature's for.
Drewski HAS apologized.
by Hegna1 on Comments
Meant to put this up earlier, but Drewski90 has apologized to me. Drewski now wants to beat me gain.
In my words : Drewski90 VS. Hegna1 Take 3
Good luck to him. He'll need it.
~Hegna1 signing out~
!!!WOW!!! Drewski90 must really hate me !!!WOW!!!
by Hegna1 on Comments
All I did was hate Tail's plane, Said Shadow was awesome, and owned him in Pokemon tourneys Twice...
Check out his blog, here,it says all about it.
Any way for the truth only 3 of those Pokemon were EVed and only two had a desirable nature.
Any way ,
~Hegna1 signing out~
P.S. his blog is actually making me more popular with the rant about me like that, I'm suprised.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
by Hegna1 on Comments
I finished reading this book the day it came out (july the 21st), but I read for most of the day.
I didn't think of posting it in my blog until I noticed my blog posts were getting kind of old and I needed some new ones out there. Anyway it's an awesome book I highly suggest it.
And to all those who preordered it and read it completely on the first day I salute you!
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