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Heist81 Blog

I almost got arrested today!

So my buddy is a huge fan of fantasy, medieval stuff, swords, chainmail armor, and stuff like that. He had ordered a couple katanas and various sharp things from the local store that sells that stuff (in the mall.) So it was quite a bit of stuff, so he asked me if I would go with him and help him carry it, so I said sure. When he got to my house, I told him we should put on the ninja costumes we wore for halloween last year, just for the heck of it. I didn't even have to beg and pretty soon we were driving in his Honda Civic in our ninja outfits. I'm talking full black Gis with full face masks and everything. We had some fun at the mall, getting strange looks from just about everybody there. We stopped in the food court and had a pretend action scene on the way to the weapon store, including me giving him the Dragon Kick down a flight of stairs. So we get to the store, and pick up his order, and we carry it out to his car. I guess this cop drove by and saw us with these swords, plus we were swinging them and pretending to slash tires and stuff, so that probably didn't help. Anyway, we're just getting to his car when the cop comes up behind us and flashes the sirens. We stop at his trunk and the cop parks and gets out and walks up to us with a weird look on his face, my friend was getting pretty worried because he thought we looked like terrorists. Then the cop comes up to us and says "So, what's going on here boys?" We explained that we were just having some fun while we picked up my friend's swords, and the cop didn't seem to believe us. He asked what we were dressed up for, and I said "We are ninjas, sir." and he looked kind of freaked out, and he immediately told us to put our hands on the car and don't move. He went back to his car and talked on the radio for like 2 minutes, my friend and I are sweating now. He came back and asked if we had a receipt from the weapon store, and after we showed him it, he said OK and explained he didn't know that store existed. We had some laughs at the end, and I even bowed to him like a true ninja. So that's my story on how I escaped imprisonment, at least for today.

35 things - Stolen from Sparkle's blog

I was gonna reply to that post, but I haven't posted a blog of my own in a while so I figured what the heck. So here we go. 1. What time is it? 6:01 PM as I write this answer. 2. Name: DJ, or Heist81. 3. What are you most afraid of? I guess someone breaking into my house while I'm in it 4. What do you drive? A Ford Explorer Sport-trac truck, it's red. 5. Have you ever seen a ghost? In my dreams. 6. Where were you born? Campbell, California 7. Ever been to Alaska ? No but I'd love to visit, I love cold weather. 8. Ever been toilet papering rolling in decorating trees? No. 9. Croutons or Bacon bits ? Croutons on salad, bacon bits on potatos. :P 10. Favorite day of the week: Thursday, I guess. 11. Favorite restaurant: There's this local place called Tomato Thyme, they make the best hamburgers and pasta. 12. Favorite Flower: I'm not sure what they are called, they are purple and blue. 13. Favorite sport to watch: I guess.. Basketball, I don't really watch too many sports. 14. Favorite Drink: Cherry Coke 15. Favorite Ice cream: There's this American Idol Cheesecake flavor out right, it is the best. I hope they keep making it. 16. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney, I still have a bunch of movies by them that still hold up today. Robin Hood, Oliver & Company, Lion King.. great stuff. 17. Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's or Taco Bell. 18. What color is your bedroom carpet? It's like gray except for the stains, which are orange, red, blue... 19. How many times you failed your driver's test? Zero, but I failed the permit test once. 20. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? Youtube, telling me someone commented on my video. 21. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom a couple hours ago 22. Bedtime: Depends what I have to do the next day, usually somewhere between 1 and AM. 23. Who will copy this the quickest? I would have said Sparkle, but I totally copied it from her! Not sure.. 24. Who is the person least likely to copy? Evansville, he doesn't blog. :P 25. Who is the person(s) that you are most curious to see their responses? I dunno, anyone! 26. Favorite TV show: Roseanne, Simpsons. 27. Ford or Chevy? I own a Ford, so I guess that. 28. What are you listening to right now? Explosions in the Sky. Incredible. 29. What are your favorite colors? Yellow, Red, Black 30. How many tattoos do you have? None, but I plan on getting one on my forearm with my favorite song's lyrics. 31. Do you have any pets? A cat named Hedo, we've had for over 18 years. Also a fish (whose name I can't spell) that I have had for 14 years. My pets seem to live long. 32. There is no 32 what happened to it. Snuffed out by zachandmax (same answer as Sparkle, it's true.) 33. Favorite snack/comfort foods? Those cheddar Goldfish crackers, I eat them up. 34. Last vacation destination: I was in Georgia for 3 weeks in January. 35. Oprah or Ellen? Ellen definitely, I have a standup DVD of hers and she is awesome.

An open letter

Dear everyone, If I may channel Penn and Teller for a bit, Copyright Infringement is B.S. A while back I had a bunch of Roseanne clips on Youtube that got deleted for copyright infringement. But I've since changed my ways and have been using my Youtube account exclusively for uploading videos of me playing guitar, pretty harmless right? Well, today I decided to record a really long song, 11:23 in length to be exact, and was very disappointed to find out that Youtube no longer lets ANYBODY upload clips longer then 10 minutes, because they are trying to cut down on these episodes of TV shows showing up on the site. It is very frustrating for me, how can such a large amount of people just screw up so badly? What is Viacom thinking, suing Youtube for a BILLION dollars? Wow, you got more exposure to your products, alert the police immediately. There is no way that Youtube has cost them a billion dollars in damages, just simply impossible. I will never believe it until the president of Viacom shows up at my house with some real, easy to understand figures that show that they are going in the toilet thanks to Youtube. In fact, I challenge you to send me some proof of Youtube stealing away their money. I am a 19 year old male in California, I don't go to College, I am a fairly simple person. Show me some evidence that doesn't require a lawyer to understand you are losing a substantial amount of income thanks to a website that shows flash video clips. I just don't buy it. Like I mentioned before, I had clips up on Youtube of the show 'Roseanne', among others, that got deleted at the request of the companies who own the rights to them, and I just can't understand it. Carsey-Werner is well known for their lack of effort they put into the Roseanne DVD releases, every person who owns the DVDs knows that the trivia they throw in is almost all wrong, the episode synopses are sometimes completely incorrect, and the pictures are almost always from the wrong year. So CW can't spend more then 10 minutes putting some real effort into the DVD releases of one of the most popular sitcoms of all time, but when someone uploads a clip of Dan Conner imitating Julia Childs, or Jackie dropping her police pistol, Carsey-Werner is suddenly worried about profit loss! No, my nor anyone elses' Roseanne clips will not be what hurts your DVD sales. The amazingly bad job you do on the releases will be what makes people stop buying the releases. I already don't plan on buying the last 3 seasons unless they are packed full of Special Features. Tangent aside, now I can't upload my video because people wanted to watch old TV shows that aren't on the air anymore. It just makes too much sense. Maybe one of these days, these companies will wake up and realize that people don't watch these clips to hurt them, try to follow me here, they enjoy the show and want to watch it at their own leisure. Nobody is TRYING to hurt Viacom, although I think somebody should considering the garbage they put on TV and call "entertainment", The Real World anyone? Sincerely, DJ

New icon... Took a lot of work

Behold my new forum icon, it took so much work... It is the graphic from the CD I got, my favorite album of all time (I had a bootleg version but now I can say I own one of the only 2000 copies made!) I tried to find this logo on the internet but it seems that nobody else has it, so I scanned the original CD, and had to do a ton of stuff in Photoshop to make it look decent. Here's the original:  So as you can see, I had to crop out quite a bit, but I am very proud of the finished product. :)

Mystery solved, Scooby! eBay story conclusion.

So I had a complaint filed with Paypal towards the seller that scammed me recently, and hadn't heard a thing from him in a few days, and I was getting ready to escalate the dispute to Paypal and get them involved to try to get my money back. I had been speaking to another person on eBay who had been ripped off by this guy, and he told me that he had actually called the seller and spoke to him, and the seller had apologized and said that he had misplaced the items. We both just sort of laughed it off, and I kept my dispute open. Finally last night I get an email from the seller, he responded to the dispute. I read his response and he apologized profusely and gave the same excuses to me that the other buyer received. He said he had shipped out the CD last Friday, and I should be getting it soon, I replied and said I would give him a few more days before I took it to Paypal. So I wasn't expecting to hear from him again, but then today a package arrives, and inside is my CD! Well what do you know, he actually came through. I promptly thanked him and dropped the dispute, but said I would never do business with him again even if he did sign up on eBay again. So, I guess people can redeem themselves sometimes, although it still took over a month for me to receive the CD. Well, happy endings are always fun, cue the victory music.

How do I forget someone I've known for so long?

Probably the most dramatic post I'll ever do... I recently lost my best friend. Not lost as in she passed away, but she wants nothing to do with me anymore. We were friends for 6 years, and she was the best friend I've ever had. It's a long story, but basically last November I tried to distance myself from her because she was driving me insane, and was just generally not being a very good friend anymore. I probably could have handled it better, but I chose the coward's way out and just blocked her on MSN. I unblocked her about 2 months later but she had already removed me from her friends list, so I hadn't spoken to her.. until today. I sent her a message on a website that she often goes to, asking her how she was doing and apologizing for ignoring her, and she basically replied "Things don't last forever. Have a nice life." I'd love to be able to say that I don't care, and just forget her with a snap of my fingers, but the truth is I can't. Despite the rocky times we had near the end, I had so many great times with her throughout the years, and now I'm supposed to just forget her, poof..? I found out she was badmouthing me to the rest of the people on that website, and she has a boyfriend now, so I guess she's well over it now. But I've never had a girlfriend, or that many friends to begin with, so I'm stuck sitting in my room being depressed about it. Jeez..

I just got scammed on eBay!

Some reject just stole $68 from me, and also a couple other people with smaller purchases also got screwed over by him. I was bidding on a very rare CD, and I purchased it/sent the money on February 12. On February 25, I asked why I hadn't received it yet, and he replied with this attitude, basically telling me I need to calm down. I replied and said "Hey genius, your eBay profile says you live about 4 hours away from me, it doesn't take 2 weeks for a package to get sent to me." He replied again and said I would be getting it soon. March 7th rolls around, still no CD. I email him and ask where the CD is, never get an answer. Last night, I log in to eBay to send him another message, and notice that he has deleted his eBay account, with no notice to me (or any other buyers of his it would seem.) Great. I filed a complaint with Paypal, so hopefully they will help me get my money back.. It just ticks me off, I've been using eBay since September of 2003 and have done over 50 transactions and never had a problem until now. Some people's children.

The Sims 2 ... Roseanne style

I've been playing The Sims 2... a lot. It's strangely addictive, something about watching over and taking care of other people is captivating. Weird. Anyway, I had some free time and decided to make the Conner family in game, and just see how things pan out. I made the characters look as closely as I could to the characters, except Roseanne looks pretty Super Model-ish. But the kids actually look pretty accurate, I was proud of that. I'll try to take some pictures sometime. Well, I've only been playing around with them for like 2 days now, and last night, after a horrible Dinner party with the private school headmaster to try to get the kids into Private School (none of them got in, by the way, since Roseanne can't cook and started a fire!), like 3 of the electronics broke down at the same time. I assigned Dan to fix the stereo system.. And in a strange coincidence (sort of), Dan was electrocuted and killed! Crap!!! Whatever, he wasn't even as cool as the real Dan anyway. He just about hated the whole family for some reason, and all he did was play darts and sleep. I think tomorrow I may try to actually recreate the Conner house, but it will take some real commitment, and you're reading the blog of someone who suffers from A.D.D. And On that note, gotta go.

Gootube strikes back

Reposting this from my topic on the Roseanne boards, in case that post was too off topic. All my Roseanne clips just got deleted off of Youtube by Carsey Werner. "Copyright Infringement." Really? I never claimed that the show was mine, I never charged money to make people watch it, it was open to the public. I had dozens of comments from people saying how much they loved the show, and several people messaged me thanking me for providing the clips, and that it reminded them of how much they liked the show, and they were going to start watching it again on Nick@Nite. I find it hard to believe I was really hurting the sales or popularity of the show, but what do I know, I'm just a 19 year old kid with a computer. My tribute to DJ is still up (not sure why, it's got more footage then all the other videos!) and also a couple clips from Scrubs, but I'm sure it's a matter of time before NBC takes em down as well. Eh, just thought I'd share that. Sorry Roseanne fans, I guess you'll have to fork over the money for the DVDs. Carsey Werner puts as little effort as possible into making the DVDs something worth purchasing, but I guess that's the only option now.
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