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Level 7.. The headache continues

As in, the blinding pain I get whenever I try to figure out how the TV.com level system works. I was quite active the last few days, and yet I was only moving about 1-2% a day towards Level 7, but I have finally reached it--with 0% no less-- and now I will see how easy or hard it is to progress through this level.. As a Talk Show Host, I feel inclined to bob my head whenever I make a post, Jay Leno style. I just need to get someone to sit next to me and laugh at everything I say, and play a sweet guitar riff when I come back from the bathroom and stuff.

Job update.. The Good and the Bad

The interview went alright, I was more confident and relaxed then I thought I would be, and I thought I did pretty good, the manager seemed impressed with me. But then another manager came and talked to me, and although I thought it went well, apparently not. He was being kind of a jerk, and when he asked me what my skills were and I said "good communication", he laughed, in a "are you serious?" kind of way. It really ticked me off. Then he said all he could offer me was part time work as a cashier. I was confused, since I put on the application that I needed full time work, and I specifically requested to not work the cash register. I asked if there were any other options, and he said no. I can't help but think I screwed up somehow. Part time isn't gonna pay the bills, and I can't risk waiting around hoping for a promotion to full time. I guess I'm still looking for a job. I'll try Safeway in a few days..

Going to a job interview..

I have a job interview at an electronics store in about an hour and a half, just trying to kill some time on TV.com and various other websites until I have to leave. I've only had one job before, and I kept it for a year before I left, so I'm a little nervous about it, but I think I'm capable enough and I hope I can get the job. It's sure going to be weird wearing that nice suit, and a TIE. Aggh... I'll post a follow up when I find out the results. Wish me luck!


The thing with my mom turned out to be only semi-serious luckily. I'm not sure what exactly the condition is, but basically it was some kind of infection in my mom's intestines. She's been stuck in bed for the last couple days but otherwise she's doing OK. Nothing really long term, except she has to watch what she eats, and make sure she eats more fiber (I guess that was part of the problem.) Apparently the condition runs in the family, so I guess I should watch out too. Whew.

Yecch.. That's no good to wake up to.

My mom's in the hospital right now, getting tests done. They aren't sure what's wrong yet, and I'm waiting for a call from my dad.. She wasn't feeling well yesterday, she had a pain in her stomach area all day, and it was pretty painful all day. She went to bed pretty early, but at around 2:30 AM, she came into my room (I usually don't go to bed until about 3:00), and said she hadn't been able to sleep because of the pain. She said she may have to go to the hospital, but she didn't want to go in the middle of the night, so she said that she would see how she felt in the morning. I told her I was sorry and she went back to bed. Then at 6:30 AM, I wake up to hear the front door opening, and so I get dressed and go out of my room and there's 2 paramedics in my mom's room talking to her. She said she tried to stand up and almost passed out, and so my dad called 911. She was fully conscious when they left in the ambulance, but it's weird being on the other side of that, seeing my mom in a stretcher going into an ambulance. I was always the one going to the hospital. I don't think it's anything too serious, but it's hard to say for sure.. I think they are checking her intestines now. My dad thinks she's just got a virus or something, so I'm hoping it's nothing too major. I'm just praying it's a minor thing..

Roseanne thoughts continued (part 1)

Well I didn't want to write a whole essay in my last post, but I thought I would take some time for each of the main characters on the show, and how I felt they progressed throughout the years, good or bad.. I'll start with the more minor characters and wrap it up soon with the rest, since it's late and I don't want to be up all night writing this, and I could definitely lose track of time.. Anyway. David: Introduced about halfway through Season 4, but not used frequently until Season 5. I didn't really care much for him at first, when he was just Darlene's friend/boyfriend. He wasn't utilized very much, but as time went on, we got to know him better, and after he moved in with the Conners, he started to appear on the show more often then Darlene. I liked him at this point though, and he remained enjoyable throughout the series. I liked how different he was personality-wise from the rest of the household, and he got into some nasty arguments with his much-different brother Mark. He was a really sensitive guy, which was polar opposite from Darlene, but I thought they worked really well as a couple, and I felt bad for him in Season 7, when Darlene started to see another guy and he tried to deal with it and pretended it was OK with him. I thought Johnny Galecki was a great actor on the show, and I think the writers knew it, since he was used so often on the show. He did a great job with the character, and I really loved him in "The Miracle", great, great job. Mark: I liked Mark a lot, I think Glenn Quinn was an incredible actor on Roseanne and Angel. I was glad when I saw that he was on the show a lot more after Season 6, although I thought it was strange what they did with his character, which many people have pointed out; Before he married Becky and they moved away for a year, he was portrayed as a rebel, a tough guy of sorts, but who really cared about Becky. After he came back and moved in with the Conners, he seemingly got dumber every year. Also, he was always said to be a good, very capable mechanic by Dan before he left, but suddenly when he comes back to Lanford, he can't find a job for the life of him until Dan gives him one at the garage? Interesting.. But, he did have some good moments that didn't portray him as an idiot, particularly the episode "Becky Howser M.D." I think this, plus the storyline of David and Becky's puppylove, were great angles, and I wish the writers would have pursued them a little further, they both just kind of dropped suddenly by the time they went to Disneyworld. DJ: I think DJ was a funny character and had some great episodes revolving around him. I think I'm a little biased towards the character since I share a name (and admittedly, a personality) with him. At the beginning of the show, DJ was mostly a supporting character, just saying a few lines per episode. Understandable, since he was very young and it would be hard to write too big of a story revolving him, and they did a good job with what they did. In Seasons 5 and 6, he started to become a more prominent character, I assume because, A.) He was older, and they figured he could do more serious storylines. and/or B.) With Becky gone and Darlene/Sara Gilbert going to school, he was the only kid left in the house for a while, and they didn't want to focus the entire show on Dan, Roseanne and Jackie. I thought the episodes involving him in Season 6 were great, "Homeward Bound", "The Driver's Seat", and "I Pray The Lord My Stove To Keep" are some of my favorites. But that was about it, he started to fade into the background again as the show turned it's focus to the Lunchbox Diner, Jackie/Fred, and Roseanne's new baby. By the middle of Season 7, he was a background character again, and I can only think of a handful of episodes after this that involved him. A lot of people think Michael Fishman was a bad actor on the show, and while I disagree, I wonder if that's why they stopped using him so much. Hard to know for sure, I don't think the cast will ever admit the entire truth of the show, heh.. Becky: The much talked about character with 2 different actresses.. I maintain my opinion, both actresses, Goranson and Chalke, both did a good job with the role, and are both great actresses. The problem is that the audience was used to seeing Lecy Goranson's Becky for 4 years; the loud, rebellious, emotional Becky that blamed Dan for ruining her life. When Chalke joined the cast, she was a cheerful, generally happy person, with a skip in her step. Completely different personalities. I also think it was a mistake to bring back Lecy for the 8th season, especially since she was only there for like 1/4 of the episodes. They definitely shouldn't have switched between them during the season, it was just too confusing, and made it very difficult to understand the character. When Lecy came back, I think she was trying to mirror Chalke's version a little bit, rather then her own version from Seasons 1-4. It's hard to explain in words, but if you watch the episodes in Season 8 with Lecy, I think you'll agree with me. She dressed like Chalke, her voice and mannerisms were a little different, etc. I was just starting to get into Chalke's version, when all of a sudden they are playing switcheroo Beckys. It was confusing to me, and surely confusing to people when the show was still new. Also, much like DJ, Becky really faded away after Season 8, she barely had any lines, and was only there half the time, what a shame. Whew, I'm tired and have an airplane to catch tomorrow, so I hope my micro-essay there isn't too much to read, and hopefully it's somewhat interesting for my fellow Roseanne fans here on TV.com. If there was a Roseanne 101 at college, I'd be taking it. :) I'll finish this soon enough.

Now that I've seen all the Roseanne episodes...

I've now officially seen all the episodes of Roseanne. I can still say that Season 4 is my favorite, like I've said before, I think all the characters were at their best there, and every episode is great in that season. I'm sure most people have seen the Seasons 1 - 6 DVDs by now, and I think I've said most of what needs to be said already in other discussions, but as we all know, those were all great. But I also really enjoyed the last 3 years, which doesn't seem to be the majority opinion. The way the characters and the show progressed was sort of a double-edged sword to me. On one hand, the show drifted away from it's original focus starting in the middle of Season 6; it was focused less on the household and the kids, and started to center more on the diner and other characters. At first, I was disappointed by this, but after seeing some great episodes with these other "supporting" characters, it made me realize that it would have been hard to develop these characters better. If you don't know what I mean, watch the episode "Becky Howser M.D.", I think this is the best episode for Mark post-Season 6. A lot of people have pointed out the obvious social messages in the later years, I'd say one of the first big ones was "The Driver's Seat". A lot of people I've talked to don't care for this episode, although I thought it was great because it showed a different side to Roseanne, one we haven't seen before. A lot of people thought that the messages that were put in the show were too strong, and there is one case which I will completely agree with that, the episode "White Men Can't Kiss" from Season 7. Don't get me wrong here, I don't think that the message in this episode was bad, I consider myself an open-minded person (although some people will tell you that my religious beliefs stand in the way of that, but it's just not true.) The problem I had in this episode was that it was very clear to me that they were trying to make a statement, it wasn't worked into the story as well as most of these other "serious" episodes have been (see: "War & Peace" two-parter from Season 5.) Since when did the Conners' worry about being racist? Dan was friends with Chucky and several other black people for years, and Roseanne was friends with Anne-Marie. There was NEVER an indication that they may have even a shred of prejudice, so why does this come out in full force in this episode? I could go on and on about it, let's just say it was a little too heavy handed for me. Hopefully that came out the right way. I have more to say later, but I have to go out.

Playstation 3!

I finally saved up enough money to get myself a Playstation 3, I was supposed to get one for Christmas but of course it was impossible to find one. But I went to the store today and they had about 50 sitting there, so I just got one no hassle at all. I also picked up the game "Resistance: Fall of Man" since I heard it was good. I feel like such a nerd, and it's great. I guess it can't be any more nerdy then watching Roseanne every day!

Identity theft -- I feel violated

So I get a call from my mom just about a half hour ago, she got a letter in the mail addressed to me, and she thought there was some kind of card inside, so I told her to open it. It was from some lady and inside was a driver's license, with my name and address on it! The note was to me, and it said "I found your driver's license in the parking lot of the grocery store" A Grocery store I've never been to anyway. I haven't seen the actual card yet, but my mom told me that there was some random guy's picture on it, and the height, weight, hair color, and signature were all wrong. The guy did sign my name, but its obviously not mine. This is just 3 weeks after my Dad's credit card/social security number was being used by someone in New York.. So now I have to file a police report and check my credit report and all that.. What a pain, I was hoping for an easy couple of weeks while I'm between jobs. Happy freakin' new year. :(
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