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HellOnEarth101 Blog

Dyslexics are teople poo.

Heyheyhey, everybody!

Back after another lengthy hiatus. Prepare for many bandwith wasting pictures today.
Have survived Year 11 so far.
I've just done fou
r exams (this week, not today) and I've got one more to go on Monday, Geometry+Trigonometry.
Maths ftw.

Anyway, after Monday I get the rest of the week off before three more weeks of school, and then it's winter holidays! woo.

Averaging in my subjects:
Literature - 75, I think. Exam score is surely going to bring that down.
Chem - Just under 70. Ditto for the exam.
Physics - 72.6. Topic test last term stuffed up my 90 or so average. -_- Hopefully I've done well in the exam.
Introductory Calculus - 83. xD I'll probably get about around a 65 for the exam.
Geometry + Trigonometry - Also stuffed up
my 86 average with one bloody test.
Career + Enterprise - Definite A. Teacher was very impressed with my use of the word existentialist. xD

My birthday on the 30th!
Also happy end of the financial year. (Happy E
OFYS! Anyone else watching Aussie TV will get that, unfortunately)

Supanova on the 3-5th of July - pop-culture convention.
Was looking forward to this since last year, beca
use of the awesomness of the event which was unlike any other I had attended.
This is the list of people that I wanted to meet, in order of personal importance.
Morena Baccarin
Matthew Lewis
Karl Urban
Dirk Benedict
Ray Park
Jake Lloyd

Three of them have cancelled; Morena, Matthew and Ray. -_-
Here are the other guests.
Now I dunno if it's worth going or not: $25 to get in for one day, $30 a signature from the guests, plus money for merchandise, food and whatnot.

Speaking of Karl Urban, STAR TREK ROCKS.
And I got this awesome lenticular collector's cup from the cinemas.
That is all.

Castle s.1 - NATHAN FILLION!!!!!!1
Supernatural s.2
IT Crowd
Doctor Who - watched my first ep yesterday. =D
Battlestar Galactica s.4 - haven't been able to watch the last 4 or 5 eps yet because of exam but am gonna finish it next week.
Scrubs s.8
Grey's Anatomy s.5
Masterchef Australia
Desperate Housewives

Anyway, off to go do my maths notes for G+T (will scan for all you maths lovers xD) and watch some SN.

Later, hoez.

Prize if you know what all the icons in my blog mean.

I'm just going to go up and down between your legs.

"I'm just going to go up and down between your legs."
- Guy best friend, trying to explain a trick he was going to do on his skateboard. xD
Another friend and I were sitting on a ramp, about a metre apart, and he was supposed to roll up between our sets of legs (not our individual legs themselves :P) and then back down.
He didn't even realise what he said until I pointed it out to him.

Today was the last day of school, unfortunately.
6ish long boring weeks of holiday in front of me.

Did quite well this year; have lots of 'asking parents for permission to go out' ammunition. =D

Semester 2 exam results
96%. second in my cl@ss (top Maths cl@ss no less, hee, and first was 97)

89%. A bit disappointed, because I didn't read one of the questions properly, and missed out on 8 very easy marks.

First of all, at our school, we get grades and levels.
Grades are self explanatory.
Levels got from 1-8.
No-one ever gets 1 or 8, 7s are rare, and at Year 10, we're expected to be getting 4s and 5s.

The grading for English was really weird.
We had two parts to the exam; a written essay one marked by our teachers, and a booklet with stimulus material that was a government test one, marked by random people.
For the school marked one, I got 31/40 or 77.5%, which I was mehish about.
For the government marked one (state average was 490) I got 690, highest in my cl@ss (again, top English cl@ss double hee) and Level 7, which I am v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. happy with.

Society & Environment
Investigation, Communication & Participation - L6
Place & Space - L5
Resources - L5
Time, Continuity & Change - L6
Natural & Social Systems - L5

Semester 2 Report
English - A
Mathematics - A
Science - A; Physics - 94
Society & Environment (this semester we did Vietnamese culture and WWII Germany) - A
2D Art - A
Photography - A
Health - A
Physical Education - A

I joined the student council a few months ago, so that when I apply to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) I have some more extra curriculars.
Today was the end of year assembly, and I had to MC, along with one of my guy friends, who is also a councillor.
And my parents came to the assembly as well. -_-
I cleaned up pretty nice; most times I'd ever gotten up at an assembly, heehee.

End of year assembly awards
I got a medal for the Citizenship Award.
Which is like...for good citizenshipness, I guess.
What can I say, I'm a brownnoser sometimes. xD

At my school we also have these awards called Colours, which are little round badges awarded for various things.
I got six, bringing my total collection to eleven. (three in year 8, two in Year 9)
- Service Colour for being in the Amnesty Group
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australasian Schools Science Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the National Geographic Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australian Financial Literacy Competition
- Academic Colour for getting 8 As

Anyway, technically, there is a school day tomorrow, but I'm gonna miss it and go shopping with some of my buds.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

*Yes, I like school.
Sue me.
Holidays suck. -_-

PostScript. Forgot about that frickin' stupid cl@ss censored thing. RARR.

Holy Crapola.

I remember the days when I went on this site every single day, for at least 4 or 5 hours.
Feverishly checking my friend's blogs, swapping insults with people on the Smallville forums, being called a DOOSH (xD), etc. etc.
Maybe it's for the best that I grew out of this site, because I am going to be in for a huuuge workload next year.
I start my Year 11 studies, which, along with my Year 12 results, decide what I am going to do for the next 10 or 20 years of my life.
I chose 6 subjects:
- Introductory Calculus
- Geometry & Trigonometry
- English Literature
- Human Biological Science
- Physics
- Chemistry

I just finished my exams yesterday, and am hoping for 90s-100 for my maths/science ones, and 80s for my english/society & environment ones.

Other stuff that's happened to me in the past 6 months:

I started hanging out with a new group of people, with a guy to girl ratio of about 3 or 4:1.
Great change, after being with the same girl group for 3.5ish years.
^^ collage of my friends. love 'em to bits.

that's the kinda stuff we do now. xD
PS. I spent ages painstakingly taking print screens of each frame of the sideways video, rotating it, cropping the pictures, and putting the GIF together.
so worth it.

Year 10 Dinner Dance.
Best. night. ever.
Our table.

My best friend and I.



I learnt to skateboard.


My first skating injury. ^^

Received/bought awesome shoes.

birthday present from my godsis.

dinner dance shoes. SOOO COMFY. xD danced for 5 hours and no blisters.

just got these. only $40.

Been baking stuff.
for a movie night at my house.

my friend Meaghan's birthday.

cookies for another friend's bday party.

random "because I felt like it" cake.


Freaking people out with my superhuman strength.
I may be small, but I am MIGHTY. xD

(world record holder and Olympic medallist swimmer)

Anyway, I don't know when my next blog will be.
I might update after I get my exam results/report back, and wow you all. =)

If not, have a Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Tip Top Tet, and a Merry New Year.
Loff Kweenie xoxo

Does it rain in France?

Does it rain in France? - My genius sister
She's attending uni now.
God bless. :|


I'll try to keep it short and sweet today.




Coming April 22


Loff Kweenie xoxo

366 days and counting...

It's been a year since Drea (hoffman9102) passed away.
well, technically 1 year and 1 day.
Time difference frakked me up. :x
Anyway, miss you, my F.F.F.F.F. :)

Loff Kweenie xoxo

i think the brain has melted my sun.

"i think the brain has melted my sun." - Helen, 2008.
seriously. :P

Yes, I iz back!
I thought a 3 month hiatus was enough. :lol:
Thank you all for the 440 comments on my anniversary blog. 8)
I will one day get around to answering them all. :P

Well, I went back to school 5 weeks ago.
And it's been pretty cool so far.
Because I have good teachers, I'm actually learning stuff this year, as opposed to last year. :roll:
Which means I'm actually enjoying the algebra, Macbeth, etc. etc.
sue me. :P

I made a new banner, as you can see up there, withhhh:
- "you're in neleh land now" [going for a cute cartoons kinda theme]
- Across The Universe
- Guys banner: Penn Badgley, Kevin Zegers, Adam Brody, Mika, Ian Nelson, Michael Cera, James Marsden, Zac Efron, Alex Pettyfer, Milo Ventimiglia.
- Gossip Girl
- Starbuck/Apollo
- Helo/Athena
-Victoria's Secret Angels

I made all the individual banners, except for the Helo/Athena one, which JD made for me.
you can tell, cos that one looks like it takes actual skill to make.
the rest are all copy/paste pictures and add text.
hee. :D:D

Pictures I've drawn
excuse my nerdiness, but I spent 5 minutes just looking at the nice map of Asia I drew for society and environment. :D
I mean, come on, hand drawn, people.
that is skill. 8)

(click to view larger image)

Yellow Submarinee
Gonna colour it toooo.

(Click to see larger image)

Gone With The Wind
I couldn't get her facial expression right though.
She's supposed to look haughty, not constipated. :|

(Click to see larger image)

New movies I've seen recently
Cloverfield - woooooo. rocked my ass OFF. J.J.Abrams is awesome.
Juno - so adorable. so many quotable quotes I could make a whole new blog. Michael Cera is love. Plus the soundtrack is brilliant.
Jumper - I liked this. The locations were awesome, and, of course, Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. guhhhh......
Across The Universe - Looooooove this one. Been listening to the soundtrack non-stop.

Shows I've been watching
Dexter s.1
Lost s.4
Scrubs s.3
Six Feet Under s.2
Grey's Anatomy s.4
Battlestar Galactica - I may die waiting for season 4. :cry::cry:
I read somewhere that it was April 4, but don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. :(

Anyway, gimme a few days, and I'll most probably stop by ye blog. :D

Loff Kweenie xoxo

One year at this dump.... EDIT


The Victoria's Secrets show was on TV the other day.
Now, I've always loffed the Angels, so the Angels, PLUS the Spice girls, was like, the best hour of TV ever. :P

I made a wallpaper of my favourite Angels (Alessandra, Adriana, Izabel + Heidi).

(click on the image to see it bigger)

I also made a banner.



Pretty good for less than an hour's worth of work, eh? :wink:

EDIT: Made a new banner for my profile page: consists of my name, the Victoria's Secrets Angels, Battlestar Galactica and Zac Efron. :oops:

Now, it been exactly 1 year and 2 days since I joined tvDOTcom.
My life would probably be WAY different.
All of you, in some way, have stopped me from fully getting the kerazies.
Thank you for those who treat me as if I wasn't a stupid spammy insane 14 year old. :P
Thanks to those from Hallonland, my loyal subjects. :lol:
loff ya. *hugs*

I'm sorry I couldn't give an individual shoutout to everyone. :(

aplourey Alex - Sir Alex, Lord of the Dancefloor!! Even though you think Monique Coleman is the most important in HSM :P you still rock. :wink:

armybratkl Kaitlyn - Where ya living now anyway? Uzbekistan, Germany, Zimbabwe? You're so freakin' smart, pretty and funny. Never change. :)

asecooper222 Andy - Even though you don't come to visit us anymore, because you have a "life," we'z still miss ya! :(

asian_nrrd Hailey - One of the few who can keep JD in line. For that alone, I salute you. :wink: plus you gotz cool pics too. :lol: loff ya hun. :)

bbntom55 BB - Princess BB, that Sexy Cool Angel. What is there to say aboutchu?

You are one of the most kick-ass people that have ever existed, and exactly 351 days later from that day, you're still here proving that. Sexy, funny, smart and sweet, I loff ya. IHBS! :D:D

bobfisk Elin - Meh kerazy Swedeeeee! You were my very first friend on here, and you introduced me to so many others. Even though you're a bajs for not comin' to visit here much anymore, I still loff you, Ms. Dukette Elin of Coolness. :P SHUTTHEDOOR!

Cajungirl26 Teresa - Teresaaaaaaaaa. Despite trying to steal my Lost DVD collection *glare* still loff ya, my KPN! -ninja-

danbambridge Dan - Dan Dan Dan. Nothing to say, except.....wanna see what's under my tree? :lol:

entity0 Lynn - Kerazy. Insane. SPAMMER!!!!!!! *quack* loff you. -insert MSN quack emoticon-

Glaceo Army - Armidaaaaaaaale. :lol: When ya gonna continue the story? :P Loff ya. (even though ya like Paris Hilton)

gmvail23 Greta - My first royal; subject, Sir Greta the Great. Another one of my first friends here, you're always there to shield me from JD's dastardly deeds. :lol: Loff ya. :)

hahawhat Jess - BOOGER SMORES!!!!!!!!!! nuff said. oh, and spam fest, 2007; jo & co. :lol:

hoffman9102 Drea - My Fantastic Freaky Fun Friends Fanatic. It's been just a day under 9 months that we've been deprived of your cyber presence. You were one of my first friends, and despite the age difference, one of my closest, with your all knowing wisdom, and wit. I miss you so much, Sir Drea the F.F.F.F.F. Hope you're up there, teaching the other angels how to roll. :P

Iphigenie72 France - Our conversations we have every now and then, from family trees to French nusery rhymes, no matter how random, give me hour of entertainment. :P you're probably one of the most intellectual people on tvDOTcom. Loff ya. :D:D

jenlar Jen - Supplier of Blake-on-scooter-animations and kerazy MSN emoticons. :wink:

jkalen81 Jo - Finder and supplier of Hallonsoda, my loyal Royal Dumstrut Guard.

Kals_gal69 Emily - Emilyy nananananananana Emilyyy. Yu'z inSANE! insane in the membrane....:lol: but in a vair good way. :wink:

KFCgravy Ang - Sir Angie the Dutchess of Dirty Diapers! One of the strongest ladies I know. Plus you don't look a day over 20. (seriously, there's this girl in my year, and you could be her doppelganger. in a good way) :lol:

marksvigil Markiee - Markieee! you insane! ya meat blogs, provide endless hours of entertainment....the COMMENTS, i mean. jeez, what kind of perve ya think I am? :o loff you. - "Home Run Helen," "the Love Goddess of tvDOTcom." :lol:

MarWash BRyan - Pervy big bro; ya big pimp! how many hoz you got now? :lol: Ya blogs make me laff and laff, and ya funny as. :wink: loff you.

mieball Marie - *salutes Marie's hardcore iPod pic* I haven't talked to you in ages! bleh, miss you. :)

minifisk Hanna - Hannaaaaaaaa! Meh hedge buddy. ya like your sista; never come around here anymore. -_- misses you. :D:D

LMH68 Lin - Coolest mum around I know. Who else lets their kids go to the movies at midnight? :lol: loff ya. :)

lone_shark3025 Ryan - Sharkyyyyyy. Even though you're not here anymore, I read your blogs, and I remember your wit, ya personality and your frakkin' hilarious stories. Miss ya buddy. :)

monster_monster Agnethe - Agnetheeee. my kerazy Norwegia buddy. :lol: how've you been? I'z miss you. :D:D

more_ncis_now Lindsey - Newbieeee! nananananananananananannaanananan NEWBIEEEEEE! Newbie? I don't need no stinkin' Newbie! :P A relationship that's partly built on loff of sci-fi show hotties has gotta mean something right? :wink: Loff ya. And Helo says hi. :lol:

noahcrash Joey - JoJoooooo! The funniest, smartest male Floridian(? :lol: ) I know. I know you've had such a bad time in life so far, and I hope that by being your friend, I make it just a tad more bearable. :wink:

oba717 Oba - ObaLobaaaaa. BangerDoppelGangersomething blah lah. :lol: you're probably my favourite guy on here. :wink: Oh wait, no, after Angel. :lol: loff ya big bro. :)

queerlybeloved QB - You're sweet, funny, plus you put up with Joey! :lol:

red_flava87 Joelle - Joelleeeeee! Ya kerazy girl. You need to get your behind around here more often, and write a blog, before (as BB says :P) we kick ya bootay! :lol: SHUTTHEDOOR!

sassy_eggs Sassy - heh, you've got the best (well, only :lol:) bovine blogs around. :wink: plus a hot Helo avvie, so that helps. loff ya. :)

sienna_luvs_tv Sarina - Firstly, brownie points for pictures of hot Victoria's Secrets on ya blog. (would turn gay for Allessandra :lol: )

SleepTight JD - Sir JD the Ruler of All Mankind! pervert. -_- even though you constantly shove your favourite shows down my throat, leave inappropriate comments on my MySpace, and treat women in a very ungentlemanly manner :P you're still ....moderately okay in small doses. :lol:

SparkleFarkle Sparkle - I'll never forget how much you helped me after Drea was gone, and I hope that I managed to provide even a fraction of the comfort you gave me in your messages. *hugs* You also have the best blogs, EVAH! :wink:

Spoonagain Angel - Y'know, you suck at being a deadbeat dad. For one, they're actually meant to be DEADBEAT. :roll: My kerazy Rican, what's to say aboutchu? You gotz the cutest pics EVAH, and you're so sweet and funny! :lol: Plus you (usually) manage to one-up that weird Colombian. Te quiero, querida. -ninja snuggle-

tv_addictt Liv - Liiiiivvv.. Despite the fact that we're apparently meant to be "mortal enemies," :lol: you still rock. Even if you dressed up as my dead sister. -_-

Everyone else, Lee, Miss Box, Mark, Amy, Ramona, Ryan, Christina, Freaky, Wout, Zoe, Shadow, Tommy, Auntie, Garrett, Linda, Ayn, Jess, Afenla, Charlotte, Daisy, Natasja, Frakker, Kimba, Expat, , David, Nat, Steph, Lynden, Asa, Julia, Eric, mangafreak, Glenn, Ashley, Cian, Panda Jay, Mary, Britt, Zeppo, Vik, Cristina, Jess + Lisa, Dahlia, Nikki, Neil, Gary, Cory, Jovo, Amauriel, Emily, Tina, Aslans, a2k, Saz, Vince, Lucy, Billy, Kimmy, Elmis, Michael, nhubi, KDT, Bree, Bekka, Taska, Hector, Carlos, IndianaMom, Olivia, KJ, Jay, Luis, Rach, Sharon, Nicole, Deanna, Nga, Dez, Em, Engel, Gus and James. [/spoiler]

367 comments for 367 days?
pleeeeeeease? :D:D

Now have some fairy floss...

Take a Frozen Coke slushee..

Listen to my close friend here... :wink:

and don't forget your party favour on the way out...

(aZn man optional) :lol:

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Ok, I'm confused. Am I weirdo, lipstick, fruit punch, or vampire?

"Ok, I'm confused. Am I weirdo, lipstick, fruit punch, or vampire? You really need to pick an insulting nickname and stick to it." - Shane Botwin, Weeds.

Well, as you can see, I've made a new Battlestar Galactica icon.
And as usual, there were too many icons I liked so I used them all. :P
the whole loop takes about a minute. :lol:

I've also started writing my anniversary blog, for the 9th of December. :)

In the last week I've bought:
Battlestar Galactica S.2
Battlestar Galactica S.3
Weeds S.1
High School Musical Original Soundtrack Special 2 Disc Collector's Edition :lol:

Battlestar Galactica

[spoiler] AHMIGAAAAAH! I loff this show.
I told myself to drag it out, watch an ep a week, so it would last reeeeeally long.
But I couldn't help it.
Have seen all but the last 4 eps of season 3.

Top Characters
1. Kara "Starbuck" Thrace - She is so stubborn and bitter and sarcastic.
2. Sharon "Athena" Agathon and Karl "Helo" Agathon - Second, ONLY because I loff Starbuck so much. These 2 are so cute. And HERA'S BACK! yaaaaay!
(I actually cheered in my head when Helo held her for the first time in over a year) :P
Helo is so hot, and Athena is really nonfugly for an aZn. (no offence to my own race) :D:D
3. Caprica Six - Still haven't finished season 3, but vair interested to see what happens to her, and what the Admiral and President decide to do with her.
4. Lee "Apollo" Adama - Only because he's so damn purdy. I really do NOT like him in season 3. I mean, c'mon, STARBUCK??? or Dee? Ew. EDIT: AND AHMIGAWD THEY MADE HIM FAT!!!!!

Dualla is so dull.
Dull Dualla.
She should just go space herself.
I don't like Baltar either.
Number 3 (D'Anna) was alright, although a little freaky. :?
Leoben is so evillllll.
but so awesome. :lol:

Well, my parents are right now in Vietnam, with my little sister Sophie.
Because my dad wanted to visit his own family, especially after the recent death of my mum's dad. (see previous blog)
so that brings the tally to:
Trips taken to Vietnam this year
Mum: 3
Dad: 1
Fraser: 1
Linda: 1
Sophie: 2
Me: BIG FAT 0!!!!!
Although they ARE going to DEFINITELY get me my beautiful long sought after 8GB 3rd Gen. mint green iPod Nano!!!!!!

Plus, next year, parents are going to pay for my tickets, so my sister, godsister and I can go on a holiday to Vietnam and Singapore by ourselves. 8)

Anyhoo, look back at Sophie's trip count.
I know, TWO times, and she's not even 1.
Although, come to think of it...technically she is 1, because they were still in Australia for like the first hour of today, which is her first birthday!!!
6th December 2006.

I remember the 5th of December.
My mum went into labour while at work, so we all went home, and my siblings and I were watching Will & Grace while my parents were out in the cinema room watching Superman Returns.
Then my mum waddles into the living room calmly, saying, Ok, kids, I'm gonna go have a baby now.
And we were all like, yer, ok, seeya later mum. *kiss kiss*


Photo album of her first year.
12 Days old - Late December 2006
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
All newborns are like, really fugly. :P
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 month and 2 days old - Beginning January 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 month and roughly a half - Mid January 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Nearly 2 months - Early February 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

2 months and half - Mid February 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
look at moiiiye.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Pucker up!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Her pants on her head.
put there by her dad. -_

3 months and a half - Late March 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
headband ho.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

4 months and a half - Late April 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

5 months and a bit - Early May 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

8 months and a half - Mid August 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
CAM WHORE!!!! :x

Nearly 10 months - Late September 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
she was trying to get me to pick her up.

10 months and a half - Mid October 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
hate this photo. so cute.
think bubble: "I'm so bored with life. I'm surrounded by duck turds."

3 days before her 1st birthday - Early December 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ahh, I miss her. :(
So, Sophie, even though you are 4800 kilometres away, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Dude, she's Callie O'Malley.

"Dude, she's Callie O'Malley." - Alex, Grey's Anatomy.

I hate Callie. I wish she would go die. :P

First, banners and stuff I've made.
[spoiler] (click on the link to see them)

McDreamy aka Patrick Dempsey

Grey's Anatomy

Zac Efrrron! :P

Milo Ventimiglia aka Peter Petrelli



Anime one - Left to right - Pokemon, Naruto, Love Hina, Cardcaptors, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Digimon


Battlestar Galactica

Random icons

There are smaller tvDOTcom size versions of all banners in here.

Feel free to use any, just tell me. :wink: [/spoiler]

Stuff I've bought
[spoiler] Lost Season 1
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
Stargate Atlantis Season 1
Summer Heights High
The Chasers War On Everything
Bring It On (1)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (DVD)
Transformers (the movie)
It - Stephen King
Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society - Adeline Yen Mah
Molly Moon, Micky Minus, & the Mind Machine - Georgia Byng

I also bought a pair of shoes for my river cruise, for $49.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And, I bought a Harry Potter and the Chamber of the Secrets book....

for $52.99.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Worth it, I say. :P [/spoiler]

Came home from school yesterday, and my brother opened the door, and was like, "GRANDPADIEDMUM'SGONETOVIETNAM!"
And I was like, SLOW DOWN!
Then i figured out it was my mum's dad who had died, and she hadn't actually gone to Vietnam while I was at school; rather she just went to go book tickets for a flight to Vietnam.
Basically, this morning we took my mum to the airport, and I didn't have to go to school today.
Seeing my mother break down in the middle of the kitchen is probably the most pitiful thing I've ever seen. :(
I feel sad, in a way, I guess, cos y'know, my grandfather died.
But then again, I never was close to him, cos he pretty much abused everyone: his wife, children. He had no friends, really.

So yeah.
My mum said that when she's at the Singapore airport, if the iPod is cheap there, she might get me my 8GB 3rd Gen. mint green iPod Nano.

RIP. Ong Ngoai.
(that's maternal grandpa, in Viet)

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Dear Diary, still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire.

"Dear Diary, still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire." - Charlie, Lost.

I've started watching Lost, Stargate Atlantis, Grey's Anatomy s.3 and Naruto, which'll all be in my next blog.

also made a new banner. MOOVING banner. :D:D

and congrats to BB on getting engaged! IHBS! :D:D

We went on an excursion (that's field trip to you foreigners, which I like the sound of better, lol :P) the other week, as in my c.l.a.s.s next door's c.l.a.s.s and part of another c.l.a.s.s.
We went on a field study, which is just about as boring as it sounds, around East Perth.

The bus ride was AGONIZING!
as I sat next to my 2 best friends, one of them Michelle, who some on here might know.
She has a tendency to...over-worry sometimes.
And we were on the top of the double decker bus. :P
And the bus looked really ancient and stuff.
So you can just imagine the scenarios we made up to scare her! :lol:
Helen: Imagine if the walls of the bus fell out.
Caity: Yeah, and then Michelle would fall out first. (because M was on the window seat)
Helen: Yeah, cos of the air pressure...or something...
Caity: And we'd have enough time to hold onto the bars!
*me and Caity tightly hold onto the bar in front of us*
Michelle: I still have time to be saved! *clutches bar as well*
Helen: No. You're dead.

Anyhoo, I made several random BANGS! and I shook her really hard, which totally freaked her out as well.

Anyhoo, we SURVIVED the bus ride!
wooot wooot!

We walked along the big cove, and took notes on the houses and businesses and stuff around the place, and then had break time for a little.

During the break time, I claimed the red tunnel in the playground as my new home (LOL!) and when my friend tried to sneak in, I dragged her out by her ankles. (she was wearing a skirt, too!) :lol:
My friend also took a series of pictures,
which I titled "Helen's first day at the playground."
Which probably looks as retarded as it sounds. :P

Then we walked for a little more, then had lunch before going back to school.
And I hugged a big marble box thing, which I believed to be a tomb. :lol:
Then, the fun started.
There was this big, grassy hill, on which kids were sliding down on, with bits of cardboard, which had been left there by the people before.
(and then you leave it for the people after you, and so on)
anyhoo, I didn't wanna go on the cardboard, but my friend and I went rolling down the hill, holding hands.
so like, we were both lying parallel to the bottom and top of the hill, and holding hands above our heads.
Then her twin sister recorded it on her phone.
I got grass in my shirt and shorts and even in my bra! roofies.
not comfortable, trust me, but worth it. :D:D

Anyhoo, after that it was time to get on the bus.
And I was pretty tired.
My eye was SOOOOOO itchy.
I wanted to gouge it out.

Anyhoo, Tim (a boy in our c.l.a.s.s, Ms Lyons (my maths/Science teacher / the teacher of the c.l.a.s.s next door) and I were discussing which way you would rather die. And I know so pretty gruesome ways to die, cos of Six Feet Under. :P
eg. Falling into a meat processor, or being electrocuted in the bath.
Which, BTW, she said "meat processor" so they don't find her naked in the bath. :lol:

Anyhoo, we were talking, and then suddenly, this girl from my sports c.l.a.s.s was like.
"What are you talking about??"
Then she started calling us EMO and SICK.
And I was like, WTF's YOUR PROBLEM?
1. wasn't talking to you.
2. im not emo.
3. what if i am? what's wrong with that?

stupid farking botch. :roll:

(go easy on my self-esteem) :wink:

Me and my clipboard.
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Me and my best friend, Michelle.
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Wynn, Kim and me in the bus reflection.
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Me in my hole with my chocolate covered Tiny Teddies.
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Me in my hole...again. (sounds so wrong, I know) :P NOTE: I LOFF MY SHOOOES! (Pink Converses, size 7 :P)
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On the slide with my other BF, Caity.
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Me, and a wall. :wink:
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Mah buddies, on the double decker bus.
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This wall was like, 7 metres above the ground on the other side.
And Travis, the idiot, was sitting on it. :roll:
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Tree foliage.
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More trees.
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And another one.
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I got so many people on camera doing the peace sign. (half of which thought the camera was off) :lol:
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Loff Kweenie xoxo