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HellOnEarth101 Blog

Save a tree, eat a vegetarian!

"Save a tree, eat a vegetarian!"- Helen Le.

Roffle. In c.l.a.s.s after watching "An Inconvienient Truth," environment on the brain.
And others ones:
Save a tree, eat a cow.
Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Which actually makes sense, because beavers cut down trees. :P

It is 3.25 am here in Aussie land.
Well, actually 2.25 in real time, except I've LOST AN HOUR OF MY LIFE.
thanks to daylight savings.

As some of you may know, I am the kween of procrastination.

Many of you have listened tirelessly to my rants of 9 MORE HOURS TO GOO! ONLY 9!

Although, fair to say, it's usually because of you guys I don't get it done. :P

Anyhoo, this time it was a report on Rich nation/Poor nation, and I chose Luxembourg and Madagascar.
I did most of the research in c.l.a.s.s cos we got a few hours.
Then the teacher said just do a little research over the holidays.
Then we started writing it when term started, just over 2 weeks ago.
When I say "we," I'm talking about the people in my c.l.a.s.s who actually started, not me. :lol:

Week 1 of school.
Meh, I've got a week or so.
Do it later.

Week 2 of school.
Meh, I'll do it later.
Still got a week or so.

Week 2-3 Weekend
Hrrm, should start it on Sunday.
Sunday morning, got on the comp, had my file already and then...
Helen has entered the conversation.
Being invited into the Sunday chat means people actually notice you came online.
So I thought, okay, I'll go on for just a little, then do some research.
Next thing I know...
It's 3.30 pm, and time for work. :P

Week 3, Monday...TODAY!
At school: stressing to everyone, "Ah, might not come to school tomorrow. Feel like I've got a fever comin' on." :lol: I actually did have a cough. :P

Come home:
"Dad, can I stay home tomorrow and help make the chandelier? (His current DIY project)
"You can come home and help AFTER school."
Me: "-_-"

About 6pm: Oh, feck I need some more research.
About 7.30: Ooh, Australian Idol!
About 9pm: Guh, wanna finish Lost ep. 4. That's all.
About 11 : Guh, can't work in silence. *puts the Hot chick on in the background quietly*
About 1am: Guh, I is so tired. *takes a break and goes to have a drink of water.
About 2am: If I went to sleep now, I'd have about 4 and a half hours of sleep.
About 2.30: 4 hours of sleep.
About 3am: 3 and a half ho-I'M DONE!!!!!WOOT!!!!INYOURFACE!!!
(I actually said that in your face to my stuffed animals. I was a little hallucinatory. :P)

Here's the actual report, if you're weird...bored enough to read it. :P

[spoiler] Rich Nations and Poor Nations
All countries in the world can be c.lassified as rich, developed nations, or poorer, developing nations. Luxembourg is considered to be one of the wealthiest nations in the world, while Madagascar is one of the poorest. This is a result of many factor's, including the management of each country's resources, and the running and current status of their economy, healthcare system and education system.

Luxembourg is a very small country, one of the smallest in the world, located in north-west Europe. It has an area of 2586 square km, and a population of approximately 462 690 people. The population density is around 173.5 people per square kilometre. The residents of Luxembourg are referred to as Luxembourgers.

Madagascar is an island about 400 kilometres off the eastern coast of Africa, and is the world's fourth largest island. It is about 587 040 square km, and there are around 17 501 871 people in Madagascar, which makes the population density 28.1 people per square kilometre. Malagasies are the proper term for the people living in Madagascar.

In Luxembourg, the healthcare system is very developed. The statistics show that for every 393 people in Luxembourg, there is 1 physician, while the Malagasies only have 1 physician per 11 512 people. Madagascar also has less nurses, midwives, dentists and pharmacists for each 1000 people of the population than the Luxembourgers.

Madagascar Luxembourg
Nurses 0.20 9.16
Midwives 0.12 0.25
Dentists 0.02 0.71
Pharmacists 0.01 0.82

In Luxembourg, for every hospital bed, there are 167 people, while in Madagascar, nearly 15 times that amount, 2381 people, are to a hospital bed. The average life expectancy for a Malagasy is 62.1 years, while the Luxembourgers, with an average of 79 years, have nearly 20 more years of life. The infant mortality rate in Luxembourg is only 5 deaths per 1000 live births, while in Madagascar it is 57 deaths out of 1000.

Out of the total amount of money spent on healthcare in Luxembourg, government expenditure stands at 90.4% which is a total 16.7% of the government's total expenditure. In Madagascar however, the government funding makes up a mere 59.1%, which is only 8.7 % of the total government expenditure. This means that healthcare funding is more reliant on private expenditure in Madagascar, which equals less money for spending on different healthcare improvements, such as more hospitals, training for doctors, nurses and other professionals, medicines and surgical equipment, and other necessary resources.

In Luxembourg, 100% of the population have access to clean drinking water sources and improved sanitation, which is very important for a healthy, high standard of living. In Madagascar though, 77% of people in urban areas and only 35% of people in rural areas have access to clean drinking water sources. Only 48% of people in urban areas and 26% of people in rural areas have access to improved sanitation. These statistics show that the Malagasies, as a whole, would have a lower standard of living, and a poorer lifes.tyle due to their inability to access clean water and hygienic places to live.

These statistics clearly show the superiority of Luxembourg's healthcare system over Madagascar's. Having a developed healthcare system helps raise the standard of living for the residents of the country or nation. Less resources like the ones mentioned above means that the healthcare system would be less developed, and less equipped, like Madagacar's in comparison to Luxembourg's. A less developed or poor healthcare system would mean that the people of that country would generally not be as healthy, or enjoy the same lifes.tyle as that of those in the country with the better healthcare system. Having a developed healthcare system has contributed to the majority of Luxembourgers' high standards of living, and it is a factor as to why Luxembourg is such a wealthy, developed nation, while Madagascar is not.

In Madagascar, the expenditure on education annually, as a share of gross national product, is 2.5%. In Luxembourg, 4% of the GNP is spent on education. The literacy rate in Luxembourg is 99.9%, nearly the entire population, whereas in Madagascar, approximately only 70.7% can read. In Luxembourg, the average primary school enrolment is 91% of males and females. In Madagascar however, the numbers are just a small amount lower, with 89% of males and females.

In Madagascar, due to the large population, the number of teachers per people are greatly outnumbered. For example, in primary school, for every teacher, there are 52 students. This is nearly 5 times the amount of students to teacher in Luxembourg, which is 11 primary students per teacher.

Luxembourg's statistics show that they have a higher literacy rate, primary school enrolment number, GNP expenditure on education and more teachers, relative to their population. Having a good education can lead to an improved future with a good occupation, better than one of a person who did not have a good education. A higher standard of education in a country therefore can lead to a lower percentage of unemployment. In Luxembourg, the unemployment number is 4.5% while in Madagascar, it is slightly higher at 5.9%. This can be an indicator that Luxembourg has a better education system, therefore more Luxembourgers are more able to find an occupation.

GDP is the best measure of the total output of the economy. It is the market value of all the goods and services produced by the economy in a year. In Luxembourg, the GDP was $US 31.8 billion, with a GDP per capita of $US 69 120, which is $US 69 120 per Luxembourger approximately. Luxembourgers have the highest gross national product per capita in the world. In 2004, the GDP for Madagascar was $US 4.9 billion, or just $US 242 per capita. Although GDP per capita is usually not an accurate measurement of a country's wealth, as the amount per capita is not distributed evenly to everyone, it gives a basic look at the supposed wealth, and the comparison between Luxembourg and Madagascar shows that Luxembourgers clearly are richer, on average, than Malagasies.

(Statistics from 2004)
The economy Luxembourg had revenues of $US 13.7 billion, which was nearly 18 times the revenue of Madagascar, which was just $US 783.7 billion. While Luxembourg did not have any debts, Madagascar had external debts to other countries, worth $US 4.6 billion.

These show how much more money the economy of Luxembourg is worth than Madagascar's. While Luxembourg has very high revenues, Madagascar does not do very well in producing profitable goods and services. Madagascar has many debts to other countries, because of the aid those nations provide to them so they can balance out payments for other matters, possibly to other countries again even.

Having a well developed, wealthy economy is a very big contributor to the overall wealth of a country. A country like Luxembourg, with a high GDP per capita and very great numbers of revenues means that the population on the whole are richer, and have a higher standard of living. A country like Madagascar, with a very low GDP per capita, and many debts to other countries means that the residents of that country are basically much poorer, and have a lower standard of living, or a poorer life****

The population of Luxembourg is 462 690 people, with only a population increase rate of 1.28%. Madagascar has 17 501 871 people, with a much higher population increase rate of 3.03%. This means that not only does Madagascar have more inhabitants, but at this rate, the population will increase even more, and soon the number of resources available will shrink in relation to the population. Increased population means that more resources are required in order for the society to keep working, such as: natural resources, like water, oil and other fossil fuels; human resources like labour and capital resources, like machines. After awhile, the demand for these resources will eclipse the available supply, and the resources will become more and more scarce, and eventually run out, unless the society is able to increase itssuppyl in one way or another. eg. hiring more workers, finding new ways to create power.

An increased population also increases the challenges to any normal country. For example, overcrowding in a country can lead to: a decrease in the quality of the nation's health and healthcare system, which means more diseases and sicknesses, requiring more resources; an increased demand for houses; an increased demand for jobs; an increased demand for education. These could both happen in Madagascar, if the population increase became too large to control.

A smaller population means that there are more resources for each individual, such as land, water, jobs and housing. This also increases the GDP amount per capita, so there is more for each person.

These four factors, healthcare, education, the economy and population, all contribute to whether a nation is wealthy and developed, or poor and developing. From the statistics and information gathered, Luxembourg is considered to be a much, much wealthier nation than Madagascar, because it has better maintained and developed healthcare and education systems, a wealthier economy and a smaller population. [/spoiler]

Now, it's 3.30 am.
I can either go to sleep for 3 hours, or just stay up until school and watch Lost or Stargate. Lol.
Which, I've done before, if some of youse remember. :wink:

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Toaster Strudel? You're the best cook, ever!

"Toaster Strudel? You're the best cook, ever!" - Summer Roberts, The O.C.

First, cos I promised him :roll: go visit J.D's forum ! :D:D
(Viewer's discretion advised) :lol:

Hehe, in English, we have to write a radio play, changing a short story, or part of a novel into a radio script thing. So my group chose Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: the showdown part, but we turned it into kinda a parody. And I play Harry, so I'll have to put on one of my award-winning accents! :lol::D:D

Harry Potter - Helen
Ron Weasley - Laura
Hermione Granger - Michelle
Quirell - Laura
Voldermort - Adam
Narrator - Adam
Hagrid - Michelle
Sound FX - All/various
Song Locator - Laura

View the script at my LJ!

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Jamie Bambers is a hot piece of meat who I would like to do naughty things to!

"Jamie Bambers is a hot piece of meat who I would like to do naughty things to!" - Dan aka danbambridge, 2007.
No joke, I have the print screen to prove it. :P:lol:

Today's blog is PINK!
Because of a certain NCIS loffer's comment, last blog, and also for Pink for October, to raise awareness for breast cancer! :D:D

Anyhoo, onto today's blog.

Battlestar Galactica
[spoiler] This show, much like Firefly, I watched about one ep of, then got bored and put it back on my shelf.
On the holidays however, I was bored, and decided to finish the first season.


Loffed it, loffed it, loffed it.

My favourite character is probably Starbuck, hehe, and #6 and of course, Apollo. :lol:
Although I suppose that's more to do with the actor. teehee.

I mean, c'mon. :P
Look at that...jaw. :lol:
Some of you may know, I have this weird thing for jaws. :P rofl.
I mean, you can't really blame Dan for wanting to do naughty things to him! :wink:

I've been searching around for Season 2, to no freakin' avail.
It seems the moment I DOOO have money to buy it, people go out and buy the freakin DVD.
although season 3 comes out next month here, so if I get s.2 sometime in the next few weeks, I will finish just in time to watch s.2! :D:D [/spoiler]

Serenity (the movie)
[spoiler] Now, if you have been paying attention to my blogs, you'll see that I recently finished watching Firefly. (if my icon wasn't enough! :P)
And if you don't know that...shame on you. :lol:

Anyhoo, I went out looking for it, and yipee!
I found it in a DVD store for $15.

Yerp, anyway, was pretty good, just like the series.

Stupid me, I spoiled myself on the two deaths in the movie before I watched it (Book + Wash).
So when they landed on Haven, and the whole place was smoking, I was like, okie, this is where Book dies.
And then when wash died, just before he did, I knew he was going to.
Sounds weird, I know, lol, but when he said "I am a leaf on the wind" again, I knew that something was about to happen, and he was about to die. :P

And yay, Kaylee and Simon consumated their relationship! :lol:
Although it SUCKS that Mal and Inara's sexual tension wasn't involved!
:x [/spoiler]

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring + The Two Towers
[spoiler] Now, I saw all three of the LotR movies when they first came out on DVD, because my parents rented it, but being an 8/9/10 year old, it wasn't really that interesting to me, cos I didn't understand the stories. :P
I remember watching some movie awards show, and I was outraged that LotR won all these awards, especially when they won one over Finding Nemo! :lol:
Anyhoo, my friend loffs them, so I decided to start watching them again.
And they were actually pretty interesting. Good effects, and the storyline was very clever.

And of course, it had Orlando Bloom in it. :lol:
(BTW, Sean Bean whoever sucks, Lauryn, Cajungirl! :P)
And I never realised that Dominic Monaghan (aka the guy from lost) played one of the Hobbits! lol.

I felt quite sorry for Smeagol in the second movie, because Gollum was such a bully. :P

Anyhoo, went to the video store (is it just me, or should video stores now be called DVD store? in that "video" store, there's like one shelf of videos and the rest are DVDs) looking for LotR: Return of the King, and it wasn't on the shelf.
I asked the lady, she said there should be 4 copies on the shelf.
She came and had a look.
Another girl came and had a look.
It wasn't freakin' there!

THISSSSSS, people, is why you are considerate of other people, and put the damn DVD back where you found it!

So ....I'll probably have to buy it to watch it.
Which, I don't really mind. :lol: [/spoiler]

Misery (the novel) by Stephen King
[spoiler] Once again, being the idiot I am, I had to go on Wikipedia and read the ending of the book! :P
So that bit where he hit her with the typewriter wasn't too surprising, although the bit after he crawled out of the room was soo freaky!
Jeebus. :lol:

And then of course, as it happens everytime I've read a Stephen King book, I kept imagining Annie was at the foot of my bed when I was trying to get to sleep.
Ok, I just freaked myself out just then, imagining she was behind me, so I just turned on the light and looked behind me. :lol:

After I finished
The Shining - I kept smelling oranges, I SWEAR! :D
Carrie - Well...not so much Carrie, just that everytime someone looked at me weirdly, I thought they was gonna stop my heart with their telekinetic powers or something. :lol:
The Stand - I haven't finished this yet, but everytime I get a cough, and my throat gets all itchy, and my nose starts running, I'm convinced I've got the plague, and we're all gonna die. :P [/spoiler]

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
[spoiler] I'd read another one of her books, The Tenth Circle, which is about this girl who "claims" she was raped.
Yeah, she's one of those writers. :P
But this book was so vair vair vair vair brilliant.
The twist at the end, where she died instead of her sister, was so shocking and unexpected!
I actually cried once or twice during the book.
yes, I'm one of those viewers. :P

Recommend it vair strongly! :D:D

Apparently, they might be making it into a movie as well!
"There are plans by New Line Cinema to turn My Sister's Keeper into a feature film, to be released sometime in 2008. Nick Cassavetes is attached to direct it. It will star Cameron Diaz as Sara."
Although I will def see the movie, I dunno if Cameron Diaz could play Sara. :? [/spoiler]

Stuff I've bought
[spoiler] I am a shopaholic, now. :lol:
Mostly with DVDs and books, and sometimes clothes.

NCIS - s.1 (already watched before)
Arrested Development - s.1 (already watched before)
Serenity (not seen before)
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (not read before)
High School Musical 2 OST (I had the songs, but not the actual CD :P)
High School Musical poster (as shown in my previous blog :P) [/spoiler]

Loff Kweenie xoxo

What's seven in Asian?

"What's seven in Asian?" - My very intelligent, yet at times...special friend, Rachael. :lol:

I chose the red text BSG banner. :D:D
Although I had to resize the second bit of writing, because the stupid profile thing at the top cut it off, even though I had already moved it to the right.

I haven't quite finished my movie/TV blog yet, so bear with me until around the weekend.
In the meantime, I got some pics of my new bedroom and other stuff.

Some wallpapers I made for JD's forum. :) (Click on the pics to see them full size)

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They both have the same poem on them, from Emily Dickinson, I think.
And the first one I took the background from a 300 wallpaper.

My parents bought my siblings and I new bedroom sets awhile, and I now finally have a proper room.
And before I start, may I say, although I don't mind the pink and the mermaids, it was not my choice. :P

My beeed, with my 7-year old bunny in one corner, and my Pooh Bear in the other.
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My brand spanking new HSM2 poster.
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My desk, with my shelves of books, DVDs, magazines and other crap.
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My bed, with the HSM2 poster above it, and a bit of my desk. :lol:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is the opposite side of my room.

Half my posters....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
those are High School Musical - obviously :P, Scarlett Johansson, Panic! At The Disco, Chad Michael Murray, Amanda Bynes, Pirates of the Carribean 3, and some other random ones.

and the other half.
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Here is Zac Efron (hehe), Rachel Bilson, Mika, teddy Geiger, Jared Padalecki, body length Tom Welling poster!! :lol:, She's The Man, Ashley Tisdale, The O.C., Adam Brody, Kristen Bell, The Killers, Napoleon Dynamite and some others.

My DVD collection so far is quite small, seeing as I just started buying movies and TV shows on DVD. :oops:
I don't apologise for anything I have in there. :P

My TV shows on DVD collection.
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[spoiler] Arrested Development - S.1
Battlestar Galactica - Miniseries
Battlestar Galactica - S.1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - S.3, disc 1.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Willow
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike
The Chaser's War on Everything - S.1, part 1.
Firefly - Complete Series.
Friends - s.8
Friends - s.9
Friends - s.10
Friends - Best of s.10 (I got this one before I got s.10 :P)
Grey's Anatomy - s.1
Grey's Anatomy - s.2
House - s.1
House - s.2
Love Hina - S.1
Love Hina - Spring Movie
Love Hina - Xmas Movie :lol:
Mr Bean - Volume 1.
NCIS - s.1
The O.C. - s.1
The O.C. - s.4
Roseanne - s.1 [/spoiler]

My movies collection.
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[spoiler] Aquamarine
Cinderella Story
The Covenant
Ella Enchanted
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
High School Musical x 2 - One was free! :lol:
The Hot Chick
Ice Princess
Mean Girls
The Little Mermaid 1
The Little Mermaid 2
Moulin Rouge
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Nightmare Before Christmas
School of Rock
She's All That
She's The Man
Sky High
A Walk To Remember
X-Men: The Last Stand [/spoiler]

And some of my favourite authors on my bookshelf.
Meg Cabot
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Marian Keyes + Stephen King
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Virginia Andrews
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And my Pride and Predjudice book there, as well. lol.

Max Remy: the series (author: Debola Morgan)
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And....some new pics of Sophia! :D:D
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Loff Kweenie xoxo

No more Mr. Nice Gaius!

"No more Mr. Nice Gaius!" - Gaius Baltar, Battlestar Galactica.

Just a short blog today, to ask your opinions, which I value so highly.

Finished Battlestar Galactica Season 1, finallyy.
which rocks BTW. :wink:

And I made a banner, except I dunno which colour looks best.
So pick which colour you think looks best.





Was quite, tricky some of it, to find good pictures; especially for Sharon.
Now lookit here.
From this:

to this:

Quite proud of that; and achieved without any $200 Photoshop programs.
Free downloadable Serif Photoplus 6.0 FTW! :lol:

Next blog:
- Serenity (the movie)
- Meet the Robinsons
- LotR: Fellowship of the Ring
- Looking like a prick at the beach. :lol:
- Sophia(baby sis) growing teeth and eating my stress ball.
And of course
- Stuff I've bought. :lol:

Oh, BTW, wheeeeeeeeeee is so last month.
It's squee, now. :P

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Today I was pompous, and my sister was crazy.

"Today I was pompous, and my sister was crazy." - Jayne, Firefly.

Sylvester Stallone high-fived me!
[spoiler] Ok, I had this veeeeery weird dream the other night.

I was like, a major actress (showing it was a dream :P).
And I was on this film set, and you know who else was there?
Sylvester Stallone!

Anyhoo, we were shooting, and it was me, him, Kate Beckinsale (!), and some other people in the scene.
And then we were taking a break, and the place we were shooting at was like this derelict old ranch thing,
with a raised verandah out front.
And then there were like 3 steps, from the ground to the verandah floor, which were like, really steep.
And then the middle one was missing, so there was one close to the floor, one level with the verandah.
And so from the ground to the verandah floor, it was about a metre. (just over 3 feet)
So Mr. Stallone ( :lol: ) jumped onto the top step, and leaped onto the verandah, and he was like,
"Who else can do that?"
And so I took a little run-up, and jumped up onto the verandah,
and then he high-fived me! :lol:

Then, we were like on another part of the set, and everyone was helping clean up.
And for some reason, we had to throw a desk over a fence, so Mr. Stallone got a crane, and lifted up the desk, and it went over the fence.
Now, I was standing on another desk, next to the fence, and I hopped down.
And just as soon as I did, the crane with the desk came crashing back through the fence,
and it landed where I had been standing.
And I ran over to my friends, Wynn, Kim, Travis + Tim (who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere :lol: ) and I was like,
weird, eh?
:P [/spoiler]

New icon and new siggy
[spoiler] You can see my new icon, and it's also in the Firefly spoiler;
but I also made a new forums siggy!

[spoiler] About 5 or 6 months ago, I bought Firefly on DVD, for about $30.
Anyhoo, I didn't watch it all, cos I couldn't be bothered.
Then last week, it being the holidays, I was so damn bored, so I decided to start watching it.
And I can't believe that Fox cancelled it!!
The dialogue is so hilarious, and the storylines are wicked!
My faovurite ep is definitely Out of Gas, and then Objects in Space.
Sooo awesome, can't believe I didn't watch it sooner.
Hopefully, my mum has gotten me Serenity from the video store!

Anyhoo, as you can see, I made a Firefly icon, which took me ages.
This is the 80x80 version,

and the original 100x100 version.

And if anyone has Facebook, could you go here, and create some questions about Firefly!
My score so far is 9570, and the high score is like 15670, but I can't get any more points, as I have answered all the questions! :lol:

Facebook Firefly Trivia

Any kinds of questions, even really simple ones like
"What does Kaylee do?"
a. Mechanic
b. Captain
c. Companion
d. Pilot
etc. etc. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] I got like, nealy $100 of books the other day!
yes, imma nerd, if you haven't figured that out by now. :P

The Other Side of the Story - Marian Keyes - Guhhhh. I LOFF her books now; I wrote about her other one that I had read, in my last blog (Anybody Out There?), and even though I liked the other one better, this one was still supeeeeeeerb.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle - Does anyone remember this book?
I've been wanting to buy it for AGES, and I finally found it! I loff the pictures and everything; I read it like 10 times in a row.
Misery - Stephen King - I got this cos it matched my other Stephen King books. (as in the cover designs :lol: ) Haven't started the actual book yet.
The Magic Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton - Another cl@ssic, that I read when I was younger.
My Sweet Audrina - Virginia Andrews - One of my favourite authors, although she likes to write incest an awful lot. :P haven't started this book yet either. [/spoiler]

A Walk To Remember
[spoiler] I forgot how much I loffed this movie.
I watched it today, and I didn't even get up to the part where Jamie dies, and I had already cried like 3 or 4 times.
It's one of the few movies/TV shows that can make me cry.

Mandy Moore is brilliant, unlike some of the people in Hollywood.
Wish she was in more movies.
Ditto with Shane West.

Landon: I think I might kiss you.
Jamie: I might be bad at it.
Landon: That's not possible.

I wonder what it would be like to have a guy who loffed you that much...
God, my life is a hole.
I wish it were a movie.

Oh, and Adam Shankman is hilarious!
He was on So You Think You Can Dance last week, and I was watchign soem special features on A Walk To Remember.

So now, stuff he's done (that I like):
A Walk To Remember
The Pacifier
Cheaper By The Dozen 2 - eh, was alright.
Hairspray - uh....WHAT DO YOU THINK?? :D:D

School of Rock
[spoiler] I bought this movie at the beginning of the holidays, since it was cheap, and I've watched it exactly 27 times in the past week and a half. :P

God, Jack Black is a genius.
His facial expressions, and teh way he delivers his lines..
*eyebrow roll*
and the kids are awesome actors/musicians.
The guy who plays Billy, "Fancy Pants", is soooo cute!
And the names he comes up with for them?
Zack Attack, Posh Spice, Mr. Cool, Spazzy mcGee, Fancy Pants, Turkey Sub,

God, best moment of the film?
possibly when everyone finds out he's not "Ned Schneebly."
Dewey: I have been touched by your kids... and I'm pretty sure that I've touched them. *horrified silence*

Lawrence: You're a fat loser and you have body odour.

Billy: You're tacky, and I hate you!

Freddie: You Wouldn't come to work hung-over unless you were alcoholic. Dude, you got a disease!

Billy: You're gonna talk to me about **** You can't even dress yourself! Look at that bow tie.
Dewey: Don't you be talkin' about my bow tie.

Dewey: Sell my guitars? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars? [/spoiler]

Well, that's it for now.
I'll see you cats on the flip-flop, laaaaaaterrrrrr!

Loff Kweenie xoxo

I said puck you! With a P!

"I said puck you! With a P!" - Jonah, Summer Heights High.


Yes, chumps, tis I, your great and beloved Kweenie, back for a titch.

Anyway, I've been away for nearly a month, partly because my MODEM GOT TAKEN AWAY FROM ME AGAIN, and partly because other sites have distracted me. :oops:

And ok, so it was like the millionth time I'd seen it, but this was the first time that Tracy, Link, Penny and Seaweed's faces were plastered across a 15 metre screen. :P

[spoiler] - We had our last Sex Ed. lesson. :( Adieu, old friend.
- In Science, we've made flubber, ice-cream and sherbet! yay!
- I got a Distinction certificate today, for this Maths competition, which puts me in Top 4% of the state! :D:D
Although I am kinda disappointed, since I got High Distinction last year, in the Top 2% of the state. Lol.
- We're doing radio plays in cl@ss and my group is doing a parody of the end scene from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
- Tomorrow is the last day of the term!
Then we got 2 weeks of holidays. :D:D[/spoiler

[spoiler] - Watching atm on the actual telly:
Chaser's War On Everything
Spicks & Specks
Summer Heights High
So You Think You Can Dance

Nothing else; my work days prevent me from watching some shows. :( [/spoiler]

Stuff I've bought in the past few weeks
[spoiler] Dracula - Bram Stoker - Haven't started reading yet.
Anybody Out There - Marian Keyes - AWESOME BOOK! YOU MUST READ IT! it is awesome. :P
Shopaholic & Baby - Sophie Kinsella - AWESOME BOOK! YOU MUST READ IT! it is awesome. :P
The Stand - Stephen King AWESOME BOOK! YOU MU...nah, lol. I haven't yet finished (900 pages out of 1300 so far) but it is veeery engrossing. Scintillating. Captivating. etc. etc. The plague bit was freaky though, cos the next day, I got a cough, and my nose started running, and my throat felt really itchy, and I was like, I DON'T WANNA DIE! :cry: :lol:
Interview With The Vampire - Anne Rice - Haven't gotten into the story properly, but seems vair good. I've seen the movie though, and that was awesome.
Boy Meets Girl - Meg Cabot - One of my favourite authors, and my favourite novel of hers; this book is hilaaaaarious. Must-read.
Size 14 Is Not Fat Either - Meg Cabot - Sequel to Size 12 Is Not Fat, and it's alright; definitely not a favourite.
The Princess Diaries (#1) - Meg Cabot - Bought it to complete my collection. :P [/spoiler]

[spoiler] Mr Bean the cartoon - Lol. Was on special.
The Nightmare Before Christmas - A cl@ssic. Loff this movie, and went to go see it when it was re-released in 3D last year.
Friends - Seasons 8, 9 + 10 - I have now officially seen every episode of Friends. :D:D:D:D
The O.C. - Season 4 - My favourite, besides Season 1.
And can't remember if I told y'alls, but my sister gave me my birthday present, (a few months late :roll: ) House, Season 2! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D [/spoiler]

And random clothes like an Elmo shirt and a Tweety shirt which says "Blonde and Beautiful" (even though I'm NOT! lol).

Anyhoo, last note.
Visit this site!

Orisinal: Morning Sunshine.
Kerazy addictive, I'm telling you.
Try my favourite, The Amazing Dare Dozen.
High score of 470, requires extreme patience, good timing and looots of practice.
Also, Winterbells.
My friend's brother's friend got a high score of .....46 BILLION!
kerazy gaming freaks.

I've already made a few:

herher. [/spoiler]

Off for now, chums!
Loff Kweenie xoxo


"Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!" - Sharpay, Ryan + the Sharpettes, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, High School Musical 2.

Don't mind me everybody; just posting my Society and Environment Economics/Oil assignment, just incase my printer isn't working.

Oil as a Resource

[spoiler] Oil by Helen Le

Oil is a non-renewable resource. We only have a limited amount of it here on our planet, which we are using at a rapidly increasing rate. This is turning oil into a scarce resource. We use it everyday in the production of many products, to power machines in factories. We also use it as fuel in our many forms of transport; in fact, 70% of our total oil use is for our transport. A further 98% of that is used for cars, society's main form of transport. As our society develops, population and technology wise, our demand for a resource increases, and the supply decreases; this is what is happening with our oil resource. Because we only have a limited amount of oil, we will soon run out. At the moment, we are already using a lot, making it scarce.

In the interview, Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari discussed the decreasing amount of oil we have on our planet. He said that we cannot produce much more oil than we are today, in the future. As a result of this, the price of oil would go up. This interview was conducted back in August 2004, exactly 3 years ago. He predicted that if the price of oil went up, the price of petrol would increase and in a few years time (2006, 2007) the price per litre of petrol in Australia would be around $1.10, sometimes more. This is exactly what has happened today, as Australians are paying on average around $1.20 per litre of petrol.

Many nations worldwide have expanded the wealth of their economy through oil, in some way or another. For example, in China, oil is used in massive quantities. It is one of the major exporters in the world, so it uses much oil in the production of goods, as well as for fuel in cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. As China gets wealthier, more and more industries are opened and developed. This in turn will increase the demand for oil, and then the consumption amount of oil. Because of the global economy's growth, the idea of more industries caused by increasing wealth is becoming a reality. Economic growth is vital to keep our sustainable standard of living, so the amount of industries in the world will keep expanding to increase our wealth, and keep up the standard of living. This means that as long as we are keep living as comfortably as we are now, the amount of oil we use will increase more and more. In short, we are dooming ourselves, and the future.

The increase in the price of oil will affect peoples' ability to purchase other goods and services. If the price of oil increases, the major dilemma in the majority of society's individual's lives will be the motor vehicle. A certain amount of income from each car user is devoted to the commodity of petrol. Because of the rising oil/petrol prices, more and more money will be spent on petrol. This will then affect the amount of other goods and services that people can buy. The opportunity cost has been made, because money has been devoted to oil. For example, if the money is used to buy petrol instead of a pair of shoes, then the opportunity cost has been the pair of shoes, as the person has lost the opportunity to have the shoes.

The rising cost of oil will affect people not only through their use of motor vehicles; it will also affect their standard of living. The price of many goods and services will rise with the price of oil, and hence people who are poorer (i.e. lower-working **** will have to put their necessities first and cut down on their wants. e.g. instead of buying a new TV or a new pair of shoes, people would have to buy food, pay bills and such instead. Eventually, the cost of living will be much too high, and the poorer people will be living very inadequately.

This map shows the largest oil reserves in the world. At the rate we are going, we will soon use up all of them, in our industries and everyday life.

Grey - United Kingdom
Pink - Yemen
Violet - Indonesia
Murky yellow - Ecuador
Dull brown - Oman
Orange-yellow - India
Orange - Sudan
Bright yellow - Azerbaijan
Bright green - Norway
Lime green - Angola
Dull pink - Brazil
Green - Nigeria
Cream - Mexico
Orange -
Red - China
Bright blue - United States
Dull blue - Nigeria
Cyan - Libya
Dull brown - Kazakhstan
Dark blue - Russia
Dark red - Venezuela
Purple - United Arab Emirates
Magenta - Kuwait
Light orange - Iraq
Bright green - Iran
Lilac - Canada
Grey - Saudi Arabia [/spoiler]

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Sharky bo Barky Malarky fo Farky.

We've lost another one.

Last week Sharky (lone_shark3025 ) and his dad were hit by a drunk driver while they were travelling at night, putting them both in comas.
His dad woke up a few days ago.
On the 27th of August, his dad and step-mum decided to cut his life-support.

Go to his blog here to read the details,
and to his friend Shadow's blog , to read his awesome epitaph.

Sharky was one of my Aussie friends here on tvDOTcom.
Although he wasn't as known as some other users on here, he was definitely outgoing, wild and awesome.
He always had a hilariously stupid story on his blog, about his friends and him, for me to criticize.

I even tried the boycott tvDOTcom thing he organised for a while.
(obviously didn't succeed)
He was so excited about this surfing instructor job he was going to do in Chile.
He lived life to the fullest, and didn't let anything keep him down.
I might never know him in real life, but I knew that he was such a kick-ass guy.

I took these from the blog that his friends Flash and TJ posted:
a few "Shark-isms."

"There is no problem on the face of the earth that can't be solved by weed."

"If God could vote, he'd vote John Howard out."

"Alcohol and marijuana alone are awesome, but put them together and they are...double-awesome."

Anyway, being Sharky, he would kick our azzes if he knew we were still mourning, and being sad.

Since he loffed music, I'll post here the last song he posted on his blog.
Is it just me, or are the song lyrics eerily fitting?

Learn To Fly

[spoiler] Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing and watched the last one die

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything is alright..

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

That's the first song. The second is...
Stay out of the light
Or the photographs that I gave you
You can say a prayer if you need to
Or just get in line and I'll grieve you
Can I meet you, alone
Another night and I'll see you
Another night and I'll be you
Some other way to continue
To hide my face

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty babe
The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes
I keep a book of the names and those

Only goes so far 'til you bury them
So deep and down we go

Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace
I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty babe
It ain't the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame
It's for the bodies I claim and lose

Only goes so far 'til you bury them
So deep and down we go


And down we go
And down we go
And down we go
And we all fall down

I tried
I tried

And we'll all dance alone to the tune of your death
We'll love again, we'll laugh again
And it's better off this way

And never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now.

Well never again and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now

Well I tried
One more night
One more night
well I'm laughin', cryin', laughin'
I tried, well I tried, well I tried
'Cause I tried, but I lied
I lied

I tried
I tried
I tried

And we'll love again and we'll laugh again
We'll cry again and we'll dance again
And it's better off this way
So much better off this way
I can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed

And never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now [/spoiler]

Missin' ya already Sharky.
Hope that you're now up there with your mum and your doggie Wags.
RIP Ryan Joseph Sharkler.


Loff Kweenie xoxo

PostScript. After Drea died, I started posting this icon on my blogs, as a reminder of her.

I think I'll start doing the same for Sharky, with a Family Guy one.
Since I know he had a Quagmire tattoo on his butt, I think it was, I've chosen a Quagmire icon.
I can't choose between these two though, so people who knew Sharky, which one suits him more, you reckon?

Return from the dead / HSM2 / Zactastic / J + F + QB / Tee's bday.

Yes I have been absent lately.
Not so much busy with I have been site-cheating on you all!!!!
If you have not noticed, when I get obsessed with something, I am obsessed.
This time, it was a forum ( for a book series, the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.
(very good books, BTW)
So I have not been on tvDOTcom very much for the past month or so.

Anyhoo, I have finally seen the two movies I had been blogging for ages...
Hairspray and High School Musical 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Looooooffed it.

High School Musical 2
- DOUBLE looooooffed it.
Possibly even more than I do HSM 1.
that much.
The songs are so awesome.
My favourites:
"Everyday" - Troy & Gabriella > Kind of like the HSM2 equivalent of "Breaking Free" from HSM1.
"I Don't Dance" - Chad & Ryan
"Fabulous" - Sharpay
"I Gotta Go My Own Way" - Gabriella & Troy > The HSM2 equivalent of "When There Was Me and You" from HSM1.

I am counting down until the DVD comes out.

Zac Efron just gets better and better looking.
Made this.

Michelle sent me that moving picture,
and I meticulously copied and pasted all 45 frames onto a new animation thingy,
and added the other pictures.

(Click on the picture for the bigger one)
This is the full size of Zac Efron; the best I've seen of him yet.
As France said: "That almost makes me straight."

And he has THE best facial expressions.
in "I Gotta Go My Own Way" he looks soo sad and it's like....

My SIGNED High School Musical script should be coming this week...
unfortunately it is signed by everyone BUT Zac Efron.
Instead it has Drew Seeley's signature.
Life is a frakking beeyotch.

My Battlestar Galactica miniseries FINALLY arrived;
so I've seen the miniseries and the first 4 eps of Season 1.
It's pretty good; a little confusing at times, though.
Lol. [/spoiler]

Congrats to France, Joey and QB!
May you have a happy wedded life together!

[spoiler] I made them three parts to the gift.
Part 1: I persuaded a few of my close friends to come visit the wedding...Feel free to laugh silently at my captions.

Clicky me #1!

Part 2: Got them some 'protection' for the honeymoon of a different kind.
So they don't hurt themselves...

Clicky me #2!

Part 3: Something everyone needs...A DUCK! (or two)
Named Helen and Zactastic.

Clicky me #3!

Enjoy, m'dears!

And happy 25th birthday to Christina(teespoon)!
Kerazy Danish.


Congradulations on getting OLDer.

May you have added another year of wisdom (and age) to your life!

No cinnamon, I promise!

*Borat $tyle* NOOOOT.

I think you'll like this cinnamon...

I MADE you a cake..

Yep, those are David Boreanaz's arms and hands;
not necessarily from the same picture though.

No alcohol, as I am apparently still on the wagon.

but you may have some root beer.

The crowd favourite: DANISHES!

Not sure exactly what this is meant to be, but it looks cool so here you go!

Have some "teespoons."

Happy birthday, darling!
Loff Kweenie xoxo

107 days until High School Musical 2 comes out on DVD!!!
Dcember 11 2007.

PS. I -heart- ANGEL(Spoonagain)!! :twisted:
PostPostScript. At least try to make it look like I wrote it, Angel. :P Everyone knows I do PostScript. :roll:

PPPS. Ehhh...I don't wanna.