Overrated: God of War III
Its between Heavy Rain, GOW III, FFXIII,or Halo Reach...but whileHeavy Rain was aworthy effort despite its flaws, its GOW III that is the benifit of overhype. This game was an epic disappointment, especially in the story telling department. While the first game had a servicable story, the second one sucked, but this is dog turd. This series devolved into basically testostrone torture porn for teenage boys in which Kratos not only has to kill his enemies, but torture them as brutally as possible...because its cool. Also, any substance this game was supposed to have..fell flat...with a terrible ending. The gameplay is also shallow and repetitve, with only the bosses that stand out, until the very disappointing final battle. Gamecritics everwhere rode the hype train to overhype with this game...giving the game a pass in its many flaws. not seeing it as the average action game it is.
Underrated: Metro 2033
This game is an underrated gem, especially now with the Ranger Pack. Really, evolution from Bioshock, the levels are widely varied in gameplay. Each stage has something different to offer, different enemies, setups, and situations. Many stages have multiple ways to complete them, especially the stages with human enemies. Most of these stages can be completed without killing anyone and in two stages, its an achievement. The Front Line stages deserves special mention. The guns are pretty awesome, especially the Helsing and the VNV with a scope. The Heavy Auto Shotgun, a DLC gun, levels enemies in seconds. The story is excellent and thought provoking, questioning whether humans are worse monsters than the "threat" Arytom faces. Choices also play a big role which impact the ending. A game that should have scored a 90 on Metacritic.
says the guy that said Castlevania will destroy GoW3.
overrated: Red Dead Redemption.
that game was a borefest. you can hunt? bleh. there's only so much animals in that world. the weapons are so-so. story was slow. graphics weren't great (sure, since it's an open-world game. but it still sucks). the first few hours were good. but once you get into Mexico 'til Blackwater while completing challenges and stranger missions, it gets totally boring. collect these or hunt these, etc. *barfs*. where's the 200+ random events? all i see was a lady asking for help then suddenly exposing bandits tying to rob me. or a man/woman getting chased by wolves. psh. Multiplayer was totally crappy. first off, the lobby system sucks. i wanna get into a game but everytime i go into free roam there's only me or one other person. how can i even get to a game if there's only 1 person in my lobby?
underrated: (in Gamespot scores) Heavy Rain and Castlevania
playing Heavy Rain on Hard Mode was so kickass. especcialy if you're trying to have all 4 alive 'til the very end.
from the looks of it, Castlevania is considered a great game if it didn't have 'Castlevania' on the title. i would've loved if game 'journalists' :lol: reviewed the game for what it is instead of what they wanted it to be.
Its because GOW III was hyped to hell and like all games that are overhyped, it recieves inflated review scores. Castlevania on the other hand, not only has less hype (its not even advertised on IGN right now) also carries a stigma of being a 3d Castlevania, in which "purists" will whine about it. In fact IGN and Gamespot have been criticized for their reviews. Wait until the average gamer gets it and see that Castlevania offers more, even if the game is not as polished.IGN and Gamespot?
what about Gametrailers, 1UP and Eurogamer? are they all suppose to be taken as biased because they didn't rate Castlevania to your liking?
face it, you were wrong. it didn't destroy God of War 3 critically, and it won't destroy God of War 3 commercially.
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