idc. sony has been talking mad shit to ms and their fanboys have been eating up. all i see are a bunch of sony fanboys and ms haters getting butthurt because ms is doing the same now, and their next console is looking to be more powerful than sony's next console. the tides are turning.
@Reuwsaat: yep. jones coming back will take the spotlight from ronda and mcgregor. ufc needed someone once jones went out. those two played their part.
they warn you and explain to you what you are about to do
ms shouldn't have refunded. i can see why they did tho
a 5 year old making this mistake is reasonable. not a 17 year old. hell, accidentally buying something is reasonable for an age. not $8000 worth of things though. this wasnt some single thing that was worth 8k.
HenrySix's comments