Mhm, so this question probably has been thrown around the PS3 forums, but I couldn't find one with the exact answer. For a game night, my friends and I are going to rent Heavy Rain and take turns controlling each of the four characters. However, we're going to play the game on my friend's PS3 - now, for whatever reason my friend dislikes trophies and I wouldn't mind snagging a few during our game night. With that being said, is it possible to sign in with MY account on HIS PS3 to get the trophies? How would I be able to do this?
HerGuitar's forum posts
InFAMOUS, FF XIII and Mirror's Edge, trying to platinum the first two! :o
Mirror's Edge.
Stereotypically, females have smaller hands and I think the PS3 controller was made for me, to be honest. ;P
Haha, genders.Anyways, my favorite 'genders' are JRPG's and platformers such as Uncharted/LBPand my least favorites are fighters.
Don't worry, I absolutely hated the demo and bought the game on a whim. Just beat it today. Infamous is simply an excellent exclusive with a horrible demo.
Yeah, I recommend Just Cause 2 as well. I don't even like open world games and I'm having a blast playing the demo. If you want a cheaper and ultimately better narrative for your open world needs, try Infamous. The sequel's also getting hyped up so you may wanna check that out.
If all else fails, Saints Row 2.
A couple of people have suggested that I play Metal Gear 3 first. Bad idea? I'm also a bit confused; there's MGS 3: Subsistence and MGS 3: Snake Eater. Which is the main MGS?
It technically occurs first in the storyline, but I still say you should play them in the order they were released. Subsistence is Snake Eater, but with improvements and extra content. It's like Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance, but for 3. If you buy the Essentials Collection you'll get Subsistence though it's missing the second disk, but that only had the online (dead) and the Ape Escape mini-game I think.
Gah, this is quite confusing. What are the core titles I would have to pick up then? Do I bother with Snake Eater?
I personally love the redesign to be honest, albeit the similarities to Nathan. He looks more casual and fitting as a human - exactly what Sucker Punch has desired for the new Cole. However I do agree on how pessimistic Cole was in the first game; he wasn't very likeable and his voice was too grainy and rough IMO.
Anyways, back to the new Cole - if you want a girl's opinion, I think he looks delish. :p
A couple of people have suggested that I play Metal Gear 3 first. Bad idea? I'm also a bit confused; there's MGS 3: Subsistence and MGS 3: Snake Eater. Which is the main MGS?
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