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Stephen Colbert

stephen colbertstephen colbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen Colbert

stephen colbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen Colbertcolbert.jpg Stephen Colbert image by rachiekins3

Stephen Colbert

next | more results | back 80% motivator7673060.jpg Stephen Colbert image by BeatrixKiddoe

Stephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen ColbertStephen Colbert ^-^

Evolution.jpg I am America, and So Can You! image by acce245

I Am America (And So Can You!)This book was a #1 bestseller. He is the host of "The Colbert Report" and ran for president. This man was on the list of top 100 most influential people on the PLANET!!! not "America" the PLANET!!!! and despite his incredibly american...everything, colbert has a silent "T" so it's kinda french. HE IS AWESOME!!!!

you can find his show on comedy central every night. But the book, watch the show. If you enjoy AWESOMENESS!!! you will love this.

*Insert Heavy Metal Band Name Here*

okay, me and hp are creating a metal band. It's going to dip it's toe in all sorts of metal but bottom line heavy metal

so...all we need is a name *coughandabassistvocalistanddrummercough*

we started life as the "Black Angels" was too good a name not to be taken.

So we moved on to "Stain" that still kinda is our name. Also offered has been "Descent" and "Spartan"

Now the problems we have with "Stain" and "Descent" is they sound to emo. And "Spartan" just has no ring to it. It sounds so bland.

So...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Maybe an improvement on one of the names. Remember it's got to be a name that's Heavy Metalish.


as anyone who even SLIGHTLY knows me knows, i am rather obsessed with two things. Rock and Metal. I LOVE rock and metal!!!!. recently i've been experiencing a shift in my favoritebands. My long time favorite Rush is starting to be tested with Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, The Who, Metallica, and Megadeth. This leaves with a dilemma. Who should i make my favorite. Should i stick with Rush or move on to someone else. Perhaps this seems trivial to some who would say "Just listen to the music" but i am the kind of person who needs a band to hold above the others and to truly praise for their music. I am the kind of person who really needs a list and a status for each of my favorite bands. So i decided to think out loud in this blog and i would like YOU to tell me who you think deserves #1 status.

ps: i'm leaning toward Judas Priest

Judas PriestJudas Priest

Rush Rush

iron maidenIron Maiden

Ozzy OsbourneOzzy Osbourne


the who bandThe Who


MEGADETHMegadeth m/


Need Help

what should i get

ps3_aboutftr.jpg ps3 image by dukie_22


05-13Xbox_360.jpg xbox 360 image by dmfasa

Money is little object. You see the one thing that's truly keeping me from the ps3 is Halo 3. i REALLY WANT THAT GAME. and so far i haven't found a single ps3 exclusive that even begins to stand up to halo 3. And i'm also a big fan of internet connection which the 360 has. And i've yet to hear anything good about the ps3's internet connection.

So while the 360 does have the better exclusives the thing is, i don't see it staying that way. I mean ps and ps2 are considered some of the greatest consoles of all time. And Final Fantasy XIII is a ps3 exclusive. There's a quality exclusive right there. but halo 3 is still higher up in my mind. I need help. I would very much appreciate it if ANYONE could come forward with any information or first hand experience of one's superiority over the other.

I'm REALLY leaning toward the 360 and if no one can come up with complaints against it then it's going to be my fallback. Please, ANY help would be appreciated.

Concerts I've Seen and am Going To See

what's this about? read the topic T_T


  • Rush-Snakes And Arrows Tour-Hollywood Bowl- 10/10 rating
  • Edgar Winters Band-Some Random Tour-???- 10/10 rating
  • Blue Oyster Cult-Some Random Tour-???-10/10 rating
  • Deep Purple-Some Random Tour-???-10/10 rating

CONCERTS I'VE SEEN LIVE (of course it's live)

  • Deep Purple headlining-Blue Oyster Cult Opening-Edgar Winters Band Surprise Appearance- 10/10 rating
  • Rush's Snakes and Arrows Tour-no one opening (so they can play more of THEY'RE songs)- 10/10 rating


  • Van Halen-StaplesCenter- Next Tuesday
  • Ozzy Osbourne (Rob Zombie opening)- Staples Center-Nov 30 2007
  • Iron Maiden-The Forum-Feb 19th '08

Special things about each concert

  • RUSH-...they sounded AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
  • DEEP PURPLE- they had 2 other bands there
  • Van Halen-Van Halen has been touring every night but for this PARTICULAR show they're going to have a week's rest before, so they're gonna be at prime performance level :D
  • Ozzy Osbourne-rob zombie's opening

  • IRON MAIDEN- These guys are so far out because this is going to be a VERY special tour. They're are going to recreate, setlist, stage setup and everything, they're going to recreate they're Powerslave Tour!!! arguably they're best tour ever (it's the one with the egyptian themed Eddies) and with a few elements from the "Somewhere Back In Time Tour" IS THAT AWESOME OR WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

beat that Heylin_prince, or anyone!!!!!!!

The 3 True Metal Gods

now there are many interpretations of metal. But there are 3 metal gods who must be honored and paid omage to as the greatest.

Before that though, one thing. For these new metal bands coming into the scene (not nu metal just new) there must be a balance. We must remember what metal is. We can't leave the model set for us. Like going unplugged, that's not metal. But we can't be carbon copies, we must progress and continue to push the bar up.

So we walk a razor's edge.


bandpic.jpg Judas Priest image by xxmetalxxangel


THE EPITEMY OF BRITISH METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Led_Zeppelin.jpg Led Zeppelin image by BigBuddyValens_2007

PAY OMAGE TO LED ZEPPELIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




[These bands have been ranked based on legacy, fan base, songs, and what they started. Judas priest pretty much defined british new wave metal and zeppelin and sabbath both are famous for starting the 2 paths rock and metal would eventually take]