@cuddlyfuzzle exactly, and I'm 100% sure the cost is not that much different , look at CoD, same game with little graphic update and resold yearly with million of copies.
@cjr1976 did you read about PRISM? search it in google.
you could be monitored without you permition.
I'm not saying that we are doing something bad, but if I am sitting half naked jumping for my game with kinect I don't want it to be on the net -if a hacker- or some wikileak showing me half naked. just one stupid example.
this is very disturbing, it means that you could be monitored without your permission OR MS permission.
this is an editorial piece that is really important to be written here, to see what you guys think about this as gamers with VOICE, because we are gamers but whatever we say can't be heard or is ignored by MS.
funny how the news article mentions metcritic score and fails to mention that the game got a score of 8 here at gamespot. Is there some sort of loss of confidence of the GS score? or is the 8 score GS way of giving Sony a hard time? -because of all of the bad articles about xbox maybe GS wants to balance things with sony-
if this score was from Vanord then I might have appreciated, he usually gives good points and bad points quiet clearly.
this is whats bad about "badass" game producers making a real life weapon like the game. you end up with some movie of some actor rather than some real in game cutscene.
even pre-rendered is better than this real actor bullshit.
Hilux-'s comments