i would assume so...when i had 2k7 they updated shortly after the deadline, im guessing they will do that here also, because it would be fruitless to do it until the deadline is oversteveslugga
thats why i was wondering, when i had 2k7 it updated quickly....i hate doing all trade manually, yeh im lazy lol
if you already have a Hard drive do what I did, buy the Arcade 360 which has the falcon chip 100% and is the cheaper consule. It runs real smooth, quiet, and cool. Go for it dude
Ok, I'm a little excited that we're going to see a new, and hopefully the best release of the 360. I was going to splurge a bit of money on the elite this week, but to my dismay all but a few 360 have been sold out of my area. I asked a friend what was up, and he said that MS hasn't been sending any out. So either 1 of 2 things is happening MS is releasing a new 360 model, or they've decided to copy nintendo's strategy of keeping the system in low supply (just kidding, but seriously I can't find a DS either).
Personally I'm rooting for the new elite that won't RROD, has wireless built in, and maybe an HD-DVD since they are cheap as hell right now for around $350.
Anyway anybody else got any speculation on a new 360, or why MS isn't restocking.
the xbox 360 Elite does not have built in wireless, lets not get ahead of ourselves now.
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