which reminds me, kinda OT, but um, i started san andreas last night, do you think it's possible to finish it before april 29th?
edit: im not watchin any cut scenes, im getting right into the action.
What's the ponit of playing it if you're not watching the cut scenes? You can finish it as long as you don't do the side missions.
last time i beat the game i ended with 98% completion, and I want to do 100 finally but i guess you're right the side missions are going to add on the amount of time i need to complete this
i kinda chuckled when Marcus Pheonix said "Do you hear that" Dom: "it's probably the wind or something"...Marcus:"yea ...right, when was does the wind say HOSTILEEEEE" LMAO I RESTARTED MY 360 AGAIN JUST TO HEAR THA LINE.
[QUOTE="HoVDaHuSTLa1"]oh ok, so dust in my system wouldn't cause it to break or RROD'd?stevo_511
no, not that i know of. just if you see dust piling up on top of it, clean it off...i mean i had my PS2 (yeah I switched sides) from when it launched and it was in an enclosed area with a crap load of dust for its entire life, and it still works like a charm.
lol you switched for the better...well then ok, i guess i should be straight for now i guess...
I have a very very dusty environmental room where anything in everything gets dust on it no matter how often i de-dust my room. anyway, is leaving the 360 laying horizontal bad being that dust particals can get into the little holes?
It comes with 5 free demos on a disk as we all should know by now. My question is, is there a way to install the games into the harddrive without having to put the disk in everytime I want to play a game of UNO? for crying out loud!
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