Huh?? These two games are completely different.. like comparing Halo to Metroid wthhh, sure their both running around out in similar settings environment-wise but.. come on now LOL Either way, Hyped for both!!
@soapandbubbles haha I wouldn't hold my breathe. Judging from this specific trailer I can say a few things. The base is the GC/Wii version ported. Same texures untouched for backgrounds(but stretched resolution with some touch up for resolution sake). Exact same CGI cut scenes untouched (also stretched for resolution). Lastly the character models have been replaced with the current models from the latest available games. Gameplay is pretty much 100% identical down to the specific corridors. Lol basically a copy-paste of all the existing assets they already have. Just now on all other systems instead of nintendo again.
@DanZillaUK Yeah. Came out 12 years ago, 2002, then they ported the same version to the Wii in 2009. So here they are again with the same port but slapping the 'remastered' concept on it lol gdi Capcom, you and your tricks.
@tspr0tege ..yeah because nintendo already got this remade version twice. Look it up: Resident Evil on Gamecube and Residend Evil Archives on Wii.. this exact same version just not in 1080. Capcom is recycling everything but just finally giving it on the systems that never got it at the time. This version came out 12 years ago in 2002 lol google it if you don't trust.
Holy Jeebus. The difference, it's an outrage!..NOT. FFS just get it on whatever console your friends list is mostly populated on.. btw: [TV-Remote] > [Menu] > [Picture] > [Gamma/Contrast] > [Adjust Slider] lulz.
@FaeLKuN The comparison between 3DS owners and Vita owners are by a landslide is why. Like some have mentioned, more units make more sales. I've been playing MH since PS2 and all the PSP ones and only my small group of MH fan friends talked about MH, now everyone talks about it or at least knows of it even existing. It just gains way more spotlight as is now than it was on previous systems. Either way, I've always preferred it on a home console than a portable any day. I personally hope that they add a WiiU cross version like they did with MH3U. If not, I would like a Vita version too in order to use Vita TV for it.
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