P.S. as much as I'm excited for nintendo to catch up with 360/PS3 hardware I HATE the name Wii-U as well, PLEASE nintendo-change that lame name and make the console shape look better than just a rounded cornered smoothed out regular Wii..
Downloading full games is already here on 360/PS3.. Wii is the only fully backwards compatible at the moment(I say this because current PS3s cant and 360 only accepts specific titles). Don't like the idea of touch screens. 3D games are already here for specific PS3/360 games.. PS Move, Wii Motion+ and Kinect is fine to me so far(It's up to the game developers that make use of the motion features not the devices, adding better calibration settings etc. The controllers themselves work fine. Blu-ray will NEVER leave Sony because they INVENTED it, it's their product so why would they sell their trademark to their competitors?? I think once the Wii-U comes out-nintendo's library will just be the same as PS3/360 since it will be about the same in terms of graphics(with the exception of each system's exclusives respectively of course). 3DS is unique for having portable glasses-less 3D. PS-Vita is nothing 'new' really. I'm not expecting too much and don't really care, only looking forward to once Wii-U comes out to be able to get out of that 480p non-sense due to my 50" TV as well as Sony to maybe one day make 'all' their games 1080 as opposed to the 90% of 720p games(seriously-whats up with that??). There's my 2 cents =)
@_@.....umm....i got an iphone but not for crappy cheap flash games....thats kinda..yeahhhhhh...lol useless debate. if i wanted that ill just goto bored.com >_>
JOKER677, ya RIGHT I love KZ but in No way did it do better than Halo LOL. anyway, with all this article in consideration, my only beef with the developers is WHY is it in 720p... even kz2 was atleast 1080i, as a matter of fact I bought MVC3 recently for 360 because it was only 720p-was dissapointed because my my friends have ps3 only but I just cant Stand not having clear picture. the upscale on the ps3 doesnt do squat, what I wanna know is why Sony, is that you boast your console to be all "best graphics when about 80% of your games Not full HD..seriously wtf is up with That =s I watch blu-ray more than i actually play games on my console. I have a 50 incher and anything less than 1080 looks freakin terrible.. so far only GT5 is enjoyable-aside from the ridiculous forced install/loading. No offense to any one, just a unsatisfied consumer in general >_
obviously you guys cant tell the differences unless you work within the media industry, for example im a 3d modeller and animator and i see huge differences. but to general people i dont think many ppl notice or care. They still Do obviously look better though without trying to get much into detail.
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