If they decide to "add on" characters as future DLC I might just have to shoot myself. That's all I'm really worried about. As for it copying SSB, lol just look at it! It's almost like a character modded SSBB. Having said that, I don't think it will even come close to what SB has accomplished but I'm still going to get it, play it and unlock everything. My PS3 is lacking in decent local party games so it's about time.
Arguing about LoS over GoW is stupid. That's like arguing about Mario over Sonic. Same but yet different. Their good in their own ways, so just play the games and enjoy them! I personally like both series and want to see how far they can go with it. Who cares if one plays like the other? Why the unnecessary hate? I don't like taking away from games but I always welcome adding to them. The more moves/combos/ATE/puzzles tthe better, that being said-I 100% LoS as well as platinumed GoW so I do agree that their both awesome. But I wouldn't say one is better than the other. If you liked SotC then why would you hate LoS? (I beat SotC and unlocked everything as well)
@VarietyMage Totally agree with you on all that. That's what I was thinking too, e-novels. On a side note though, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Semi-playable e-novels, I could see that becoming a trend on mobile devices actually.
I don't see what the big deal is. If the developer wants to give you an 'option' to skip the fights then whats the problem? key word 'option' you don't have to if you don't want to. As for it affecting the game or certain parts of the game as a whole, well thats just the developer's choice. These comments are harsh and immature but putting the story out to public just makes it so much worse. As for my personal opinion on the topic itself? I think it depends on the game, obviously you're not going to make an FPS game skippable, but games like DA is a good example. I mean come on, be honest..the battle systems for DA, ME etc aren't that great. Yes ME is a shooter but you can't compare it to RE for example. You can't compare DA to GoW, yet their still awesome games that I personally love-why?? because the characters, themes and story are really creative and awesome! and for people who have trouble with battling or are annoyed with something they can't beat then it would save their experience. But that goes both ways, you will lose your sense of achievement but hey! that's why she suggested it being optional. I say a good idea would be letting the player skip fights once they die in the game at the game over screen, but once again..depends on the game and it's audience.
@EdibleFood Never once did I say 3DS is 720p and that Vita is 1080p LOL all handhelds are far from full HD. I was using examples theoretically. The difference between a handheld and a full on modern television are millions of pixels apart. I'm not trying to offend by the way, just explaining why I think this article itself is a terrible topic :)
What a lame article >_> of COURSE the Vita's screen is better! It costs an extra $100 damned dollars! -_- all this article does is point out the obvious and useless information. So what's you're point here? nothing really. Doubling up on existing tech is not ground breaking, thats like saying shifting from 720p to 1080p is ground breaking, or having 256mb to 500mb memory is ground breaking. All it means is your spending more money for more horse power. The tech is the same and its there for you to use, what makes the tech ground breaking is how you use the technology. For example: the 3D slider on the 3DS, the touch pad on the back of the Vita, Sega Dream Cast's VMU even for it's time. As for DS vs PSP: DS's dual screen + touch, PSP = none, which is why it did terrible. A higher res screen is what's actually not good enough.
HoY4's comments