There is probably a thread that already addresses this, but I couldn't find it. But...with that said, how can you determine if you have FFXV: Episode Duscae 2.0? I've looked for an update several times without finding one. I know that a lot of games update automatically on XBone, is the same true with the demo? I've also deleted the game from the hard drive and redownloaded it from the store.
Holywarriortim's forum posts
RPG's...Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odessey, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fable 2 and 3. And if you like a good, simple JRPG, then Blue Dragon may be for you....a little cutesy though. Oh yeah, then there is also this little known RPG called Final Fantasy XIII you can play on it too! Plus, there is a decent XBLA strategy RPG called Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement that is available. If you were a fan of the Vandal Hearts series on the first Playstation, then you will like this game.
I got banned.
I will not buy another Xbox until there is a new way to mod that they can't detect. I flat out refuse to pay $60 a game.
It's funny too because I was paying for my XBL account, Netfix, and even paid to download game add-ons,avatar carp, etc.
By banning me they have lost all that, I have already canceled my Netflix account. And my XBL Gold Account only had a week left so they won't be getting another $59 from me. Pretty stupid because there is no way I'm going to pay for games; they could have kept getting the money I was spending; now they will get nothing from me.
Oh yeah the WindowsMediaCenter still works great for all my pirated movies, music, and TV shows. In fact you can now buy a banned 360 on Craig's List for less than $60. I plan to get 1 or 2 more of those just to use on other TVs for my pirated media on my PC!!
You know M$ is probably reading this post and dying laughing, because they accomplished what they wanted. If you are stealing their games, then they probably don't want you buying another. Sure they make some money off your Live subscription, and any add-ons you may buy, but how much money do they lose from you because you won't pay $60 for a game.
And is it fair, that just because you don't want to pay for a game that you steal it, when other people really don't want to pay for either, but they do because it is the right thing to do. Sure M$ makes money off the game, but there are also game creators, designers, testers, musicians, and other folks that are putting food on their table when I pay $60 for a game. And if it is a game that I enjoy, I really think it is worth it. When you pirate games, it's not just M$ that you are hurting.
I just can't understand how a person who knowingly and willingly steals games and mods there console in a way that gets them banned, can get mad because they were band. You know, I think there is a special place for these kind of people....CONGRESs....LOL! You should be a politician, if you're not already.
Has anyone seen the specs on the new Modern Warfare 2 edition 360? Is it any different other than the 250GB hard drive? Has it received any treatment to help prevent RROD?
There is always the possibility they may hunt ya down if you are dumb enough to put your address in your bio! Just kidding! You just gotta ignore the idiots. Trust me, being a Christian with a gamertag of HolywarriorTim...I get my share of Christian bashing sometimes...I just ignore it.
What game do y'all think has the longest ending? I just finished Eternal Sonata on the 360, and I am about 25 minutes into the end movies and credits...and they are still going...sheesh. Anyways, this has the be the longest ending I have experienced in a video game. Anyone know of any game with a longer ending?
I once spent the better part of two days playing Final Fantasy II on the SNES when it first came out. The only time I stopped was to eat and go to the bathroom. But now in my old age, I am done after about 3 or 4 hours :-)
OK, here is my take on E3...I thought the whole thing was borderline boring. I guess to me, it seems like we are getting to the point where all the games coming out are rehashes of older games. Sure, there may be improvements to the games that may make them worthy of a purchase, but we need more original games. There was no Little Big PLanet this year.
I did enjoy Microsoft's showing a little better than the rest. I liked the Natal demo, especially the Peter Molyneaux (sp?) Milo portion of the demo. That was just plain mind numbing. I also liked the tweaks they showed with the Live service like the ability to now have chat parties while watching movies, and the being able to play games like Joy Ride with your friends, even if they don't have a map that you have. That is a trend that I hope other games take to.
I did like the looks of the new PSP. I have one of the original PSP's that is about worn out...maybe it is time for an upgrade.
As for Nintendo...I feel that the Wii is a novelty which will wear off soon. I have had one for quite some time now, and it mostly sits. Not even my kidsplay with it anymore. So, there is really nothing out of the Nintendo camp that excites me anymore. I am still waiting for the SDNES...Super Duper Nintendo Entertainment System...with some old school Mario, Zelda, and SQUARE games.
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