Holywarriortim's forum posts
yeah if you have a card you bought from the store go to marketplace and on the bottom of the screen you should see " Redeem Code" and enter the code thats on the Xbox Live Subscribtion Card.solo4321
Sorry then, I can't help you. I have mine set up to renew automatically with a credit card that I have on file in my account. Last year, I switched to a new credit card and my Live didn't renew. I had to go in and add my new credit card before it would renew. I thought that maybe you had a similar issue.
Do you like RPG's...just to name a few:
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XII
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Disgea
- Shin Megami Tensei Series
If you want to find immature gamers, you should play Texas Hold'em and win a few hands. There will always be someone in the room who starts crying cause you won't go all in on every hand and just give your money away. I had this guy start crying just a couple days ago and was talking about how he was gonna boot me out of the room and all this stuff, just because I took all his money. I am sorry if I know better than to go "all in" when I got deuce-seven off suit in the pocket....LOL.
If you are an older, mature gamer and love to play poker, and play on a regular basis, please feel free to add me as a friend and specify Texas Hold'em friend. Thanks.
Gamertag: Holywarriortim
You know, back in the day, I remember the fights between console gamers and PC gamers. Console gamers praised being able to 'plug and play' games. No loading the game to the hard drive, no waiting, no clunky keyboard...it was just simple, you put in a game, and you played it.
Where have those days gone? Don't get me wrong, I love MGS 4, but come on, 10 minutes to load the game onto the hard drive? One of my friends told me that he had to go through the same thing with GTAIV. And anymore, seems like everytime you turn a console on (360, PS3, or Wii), you have to let it update. What has happened is that we have let the Big 3 turn us into the very things that we loathed 15 years ago....PC gamers...LOL. I mean, I remember when we complained for 10 seconds worth of loading screens between levels.
I mean, there is nothing like having a bunch of friends over to play Halo 3, and you got to wait for the thing to update before you can play. Maybe one day, high capacity SD cards will become so cheap that we can go back to cartridges...LOL.
have you tried turnin ur 360 on then ur PS3?thenathmeister
Actually, I have, and the same thing happens, just the other way around. The 360 will sign in to Live, but the PS3 will not connect to the PSN.
And, I run three PC's and my Wii wirelessly, as well as the PS3 and 360 hardwired. But the only things that conflict with each other are the PS3 and the 360. Even with everything turned off, and the PS3 and 360 being the only two devices accessing the router, the still will not play together. My router is a Linksys WRT54G, which seems to be a fairly standard router.
25 is considered to be an older gamer? Ouch! 40 year old, married father of three here looking to apply for ancient gamer status...:cry:DarkElf2112
LOL, I hear ya :-)
I think it has everything to do with the kind of music that you like. With me, I like classic rock, so some of the songs I like to play are More Than a Feeling and Peace of Mind by Boston, Just What I Needed by The Cars, Hard to Handle by the Black Crowes, You Got Another Thing Comin' by Judas Priest.
Saints of Los Angeles by Motley Crue is good too.
I have both an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 3, and I have them both hardwired into my wireless router. If I leave my PS3 on, like when I am downloading a demo or something, and turn on my Xbox 360, the 360 will not connect to the internet, let alone Live. But once I turn off my PS3, the 360 will connect.
Running tests on the 360 always shows that there is a DNS error. Has anyone else ever noticed this? Seems the 360 and the PS3 don't play well online together, at least not at my house...LOL.
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