Holywarriortim's forum posts
Yes and no. I've had mine for about 8 or 9 months now and have yet to buy a game for it. There are just not really any games for it that appeal to me that aren't also available for the Xbox 360. Anything multi-platform I buy for the 360, since the majority of my friends are on Xbox Live. Achievement points are also a major reason I buy multi-platform games for the 360.
I do like the Blu-ray player. Even though I have no games, I have bought 4 movies for it. Movies never looked so good. I am sure once an exclusive comes out that I am interested in (MGS4 or FFXIII), I will buy my first game.
Way to go Udsen, you had to go and give him the comment he was looking for....now all the fun is over :-(
Mwa Ha ha he ha hah!
You know you said earlier that you were upset at people dissin Sony because they "forced" consumers to go with Blu-Ray. Well you know what, I am kinda glad that they did, because if it didn't have the built in Blu-ray player, then I would get no use at all from my PS3.
And furthermore, I don't remember seeing any stickers on the new PS3's warning consumers that their new console is not backwards compatible like the original consoles were. How many people go into stores to buy a PS3 thinking that there new console will play all their PS1 and PS2 games?
And while we are talking facts and figures, where are the figures that the PS3 is outselling 360? Where are the expert articles stating that the PS3 will eventually outsell the 360? All I ever read about the PS3 is doom and gloom...and if it was such a HUGE success, why did Ken Katurugi (or however ya spell it) lose his job over so much success?
I love this thread....I have never posted so much to one topic....LOL.
Let's face it, this whole topic has been started because the Xbox360 is outselling the PS3, even though it has clear evidence that it is, maybe not an inferior product, but maybe a less reliable product. Even with all the "documented" troubles with the 360, the PS3 still ain't catching up right now. But you know, that isn't to say that once the PS3 gets a couple of really strong A exclusives, that it won't be back on top. But that is the future and this is the present, and right now, the PS3 is a looming third place behind M$. If you don't believe in the popularity of the 360, just ask all those ticked off because Xbox Live was down over Christmas due to so many new subscribers pushing the servers.
And by the way, "emotional distress" just cause you have to wait to get a repaired 360? Now you definitely either are a Sony fanboy, or one of the same screwed up lawyers that has sued M$ because Live went down. I am tired of defending this console. I think that the strong sales for the console in light of it's KNOWN problems says volumes as to what the people like. I mean, if ya really want to get technical, Nintendo is kickin M$'s and Sony's butts in this war.
I just don't see how you can be more fair than admitting you have a problem, and extending the warranty three years to try to correct the problem. I have been gaming since the Pong days, and I can't remember ANY game company supporting its fanbase like this. And let's be honest, Microsoft isn't the first dog and pony show to lose a hitch in midstream. I have had problems with NES's, SNES's, PSOne's, PS2's. About the only consoles I never had problems with, and still own mind you, are Sega consoles...and look what happened to them.
I mean, if we want to get technical, then maybe game companies should put warning labels on their games when they know they are gonna suck. Let's go ahead and make Hollywood label a crap movie, and don't forget music CD's too.
Don't you just feel sorry for those that bought E.T. for the 2600...now that my friends, is a tragedy, LOL.
Wow. Just wow. I now realize how bad fanboys can be. I understand if most lemmings here won't chastise Microsoft. But no one? Not a single lemming, if I had read correctly, has the integrity to admit that yes, Microsoft traps their customers by not informing them of the unusually high rate of RRoD. How hypocritical of Microsoft saying Sony is so bad for forcing their fans to pay for Blu-ray. At least Sony fans know about Blu-ray and have the option to buy the PS3 or not. Microsoft on the other is much worse; their average customers have no option to buy or not to buy because they were not informed of the RRoD. Sure, it would replace a broken console for a new one. That's not the point. The point is that Microsoft abuses their customers' trust. An average person goes to buy an electronics device assuming it's quality is around average. However, the quality of a 360 is way, way below average. 33% failure rate to me doesn't seem far off. Whatever the actual rate is, it must be so high that Microsoft refuses to give it out. Fanboys, can you see now that Microsoft disrespects their customers more than Sony does? I for one, hate the feeling of being trapped, of abusing my trust. Microsoft and the retailers should be fair about it. Let consumers know that at the moment the 360 has better games than the PS3. But also tell them about the RRoD. Then let them decide. If they buy it, then more power to the 360. Unless almost all 360 customers know about the RRoD, then I say Microsoft is winning in sales here in the US because it abuses their customers' trust. I should note that the 360 has pretty much lost the war in Japan. By summer, it should also start to lose in Europe.
Anyways, the problem of RRoD is NOT over. If it is, Microsoft and their minions would have run around like mad publicizing this fact. Don't make me lose respect for all lemmings here. Would at least one of you acknowledge that Microsoft, by not informing their average customers, has been abusing their customer's trust. Most hardcore players might not mind waiting a few weeks to get a new one, even if they have to call, wait, fill form, ship, and wait some more, possibly in the middle of a good game. On the other hand, some people would mind about the hassle. Some people would care about what happens after three years and then the RRoD comes. The point is, because the rate of failure is way, way above average, customers should be informed of this fact. Microsoft should not trap their customers by abusing their trust.
I ask again, lemmings, ONE of you at least acknowledge that yes, Microsoft has been abusing their customers' trust since thebeginning.Just one of you.
You know, this is the information age isn't it? What happened to people doing their own research about a product before buying it? With the internet only a click away, what about personal responsibility to do a little reading before buying? I do research before ANY major purchase, which for myself would be anything over a couple hundred dollars.
You know, one poster said earlier that no major corporation is gonna publicize failures of its products on it's merchandise. If you went to buy a car, does it have a list of all current recalls on the sticker? No....but if you were smart, you would do a little research on the car you want before you buy. It's the same with any product, whether it is a car, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, or whatever....do your research, and if you find something alarming enough that you wouldn't want to buy it...DON'T BUY IT. And if you like that car enough, buy it anyway, even if it has a dozen recalls....research, freedom of choice, and personal responsibility...but it all comes down to choice. And if some want to buy a defective product because it brings them joy, then don't criticize. And if you unknowingly buy a defective product that you wouldn't have bought knowing it was defective, then it is your own fault for not doing the research.
I am finally off my soapbox. Sorry to ramble.
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