Holywarriortim's forum posts
Right off the bat I want to say that I'm absolutely stunned that MS is offering a full 3 year warranty now for 3 red rings of death, the main hardware failure cause that's plauged a whopping 30% of 360 consoles. It's going to cost them 1 BILLION for all the repairs and it serves them right. It's about time a company finally fessed up to their mistakes.
Although this is very honorable gesture on MS part, let's not forget that had they designed the system properly and had not offered that initial pathetic 90 day warranty, customers and MS would not be in this mess they're in now. The hardware failure rate is dreadful but MS is not the only company putting out faulty hardware. We've seen for some time now the growing trend of system "updates" and "patches" to fix software problems even on consoles.
I sincerely hope that this costly mistake makes waves throughout the industry to make company's realize that being too cheap could come back to haunt you. The Xbox 360 is a very expensive system with overpriced games and accessories and I think MS realizes they ripped a lot of people off. It is really good to see them take the matter under control. Their future success depends on how they handle the issue.
Obvious Sony Fanboy...LOL. I don't guess Sony has ever done anything like that. Oh wait, let's see. Hum....first there was my original PlayStation that I had to turn upside down before it would even play a game. Then there were the disc read errors on my launch day PS2.
Did I ever see Sony offer to extend it's warranty on any of it's consoles? I don't think so. So I guess Sony is a greedy giant too since they obviously release their defective systems too early? At least M$ is showing some love to its loyal fan base. And as a matter of fact, I have had no problems with my 360.
Come on Fanboys (not just the Sony ones either).....just shell out the money for all the consoles and you will find out that there are great games on all systems. And for all of you that think I am a Microsoft fanboy...I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion (and yes, I do own a PS3).
i got a deal at bestbuy where i got an HDTV for cheap while buying a 360. I thought it would blow my mind. HDTV!!! WOO HOO!!! it didn't make the games any better, in fact, they look about the same as on my regular tv. Schwas a bummer. So, my answer is, a bought an HDTV for my 360.jmatt675
What kind of HDTV did you get, because it sounds like that ya got ripped off? I personally feel that there is a great improvement in graphics from SDTV to HDTV.
I bought my HDTV for my 360 and have loved it ever since.
55" Hitachi UltraVision Cineform rear projection LCD
Excuse me, but correct me if I am wrong, but the 20GB version does not have an HDMI port. That will be a big factor if you have a 1080p HDTV and you plan to watch BluRay movies in that resolution. Component cables only do 480p, 720p and 1080i. You have to have HDMI for 1080p support. Again, if you ever plan to play anything in 1080p, then you may want to research the HDMI port cause I don't think the 20GB version has one. Then again, maybe it has one, I am not 100% sure.
I have had my PS3 since February and still have not purchased a game for it. It is the least played console that I have. But I do use it to play BluRay movies (which alone is a bargain, since a standalone BluRay player is a grand). Eventually I think it will be worth owning as far as games go. So, IMO, if you are buying it strictly for games, then you may be better off waiting for this rumored price drop. But if you want it to play upscaled PS1, PS2 and DVD's (with HDMI of course), and to play BluRay, then I say buy it now.
Compared to the price of 360 downloadable songs, that's a bargain, only $1.66 each (360 songs are $2.16 each). ;)
But yeah, that's a little high, but it's a must buy for GH PS2 owners and Activision knows it.
I totally agree with you on the Xbox 360 pricing. I think they should have joined the iTunes generation and priced them at 99 cents per song.
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