I always wondered why in Feedbackula that they don't say the full abbreviations all the time. There was a couple of comments that they just said GTAO without saying Grand Theft Auto Online, but then for FFS they say what it means.
@Zenwork21 You hate the Heat as a franchise for what reason? Is it because they have an excellent team president, Pat Riley who managed to get 3 all star players on one team.
@swimbearuk There is no cow level, its a rainbow level full of fluffy teddy bears, deadly unicorns and other monstrosity that even Diablo would fear himself.
@Kooken58 @Dandyslayer13 Rumors at the beginning were that the story was going to take place right before World of Warcraft. And the story was going to be from the Alliance point of view, so sorry Horde players you guys are getting the shaft in this movie.
Damn, I was hoping a zombie like apocalypse was going to happen in real life, the fungus was my last hope for one. Now what am I going to do with this zombie survival guide I got a few years back.
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