@worlock77 @ExtremePhobia My experience with gamefly is the total opposite, I get games very quickly in 2-3 days. It may be because I live in the same state where their warehouse is located. Their customer service has also be good to me, when I had a problem they got back to me in a few hours that same day through email.
@floydshayvious Yes AVP2 was awesome. I don't think any species was OP each had its ups and downs. The smart gun and mechs gave a good advantage vs the preds and aliens.
@JunoWalker @Bhemont AVP2 was the best in the series, not the exp pack that ruin it with the 360 degree sensor. I love the beeping sensor that only covered 180 degrees, kept the game suspenseful playing as a human.
@trugs26 I have been considering getting a 3DS for some time now, but there is only a couple games I want on it right now. What I would like to know is how do DS games look on the 3ds. I never bought a DS but there are many games I would like to play.
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