luckily ive never had to deal with calling MS, although ive lost 2 360s and im betting that my next 360 will inevitably require me to call them sometime in the future. Ive heard people mention how they got deals with microsoft by complaining their lungs out. So im basically wondering how much crap you can give the person on the other line before they hang up or give you a free 360.
Im still waiting on my next paychecks so i can buy a third 360, this time the premium, and i am interested in this game. Is it like an Rpg? or anaction/adventure game?
im picking up a 360 this week for the third time and dont wana make the same mistake of not buy a warrenty, im just wondering how much they charge so i know how much to take out of the bank, also how much is the 360 premium after tax?
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