Ok, so yeah, maybe if I updated more often I wouldn't have to make such long and boring blog posts, but what are you gonna do when you have soo many games to play? Anyway, well to be honest, i'm not even sure what I have beaten since my last post. Mario Galaxy for one. Awesome game. If you don't know this by now then yeah, you probably wont, or don't need to be playing this game. I had alot of fun with it and I am al ready to go and get the remaining stars that I have missed. I also ended up buying Rock Band somewhat on a whimsy. I saw two bundles at my local Walmart, but only for the 360. After going there I saw Only one copy of it for the PS3 in our whole town. I decided for my better judgement and for budget reasons to pas it up as it would have cost me 180+ dollars. Well after getting home and seeing the inflated prices on ebay I decided to go ahead and pick this one up, in all honesty to make a buck or two. However once i picked it up and always kind of in the back of my head I knew I was goign to keep it for myself. And well, I did. So I have been teaching myself to play the drums (I hate the crappy guitar). I have for the most part got all of the songs down on Medium setting and am now slowly moving into Hard and Expert mode. There is a pretty big gap in difficulty between Medium and Hard. Anyway I am having alot of fun with it so far. I managed to pick up a copy of Unchated early, but due to familly visits and work I did not get around to actually playing it until the day after its official release, so yeah...I didn't feel quite as special after that. Anyway I was not really all that excited t play this game until I actually got into it, and man, I loved it. It's great looking and has wonderful characters and environments. The only grip I had wih this game is that it's shot detection is kind of shotty. And really how many machine gun clips shoul I have to unload into one person to have him die? Because if it's more than one it's too damn many. Either way though these were jsut kind of smal gripes to the overall experience. I would definately recommend PS3 owners pick this one up. Also on the PS3 front I have been playing Cal of Duty 4. Great game, again you should know by now. I recently started playing the game online and I love it. I do not care for playing games online much, but I must say excluding COD3 these games have been very and my favorite games to play online. Cod4 is no eception. Its leveling system is fun and keeps you comming back for more. Definately a thumbs up on the game. And lastly Final Fantasy 12 Revenant Wings for the DS. I like this game and have only put about 5 hours in it so far, but I have to say its toned down RTS gameplay is really hard to get used to. Still I am having fun with it so far. Anyway I suppose thats it for now. Till the next one, well for those of you that read...
Hotwad Blog
Finishing up lots of games.
by Hotwad on Comments
HL2 Episodes One and Two. Done. Very short games, Episode One took me exactly 3 and a half hours, and Episode Two took about 5. None the less very fun games. Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions. Done. After playing this game an insane amount over the past month or two I have put it to rest and finished it. (You know how good FFT is, so yeah no need to go there). Ratchet is done. Lovely game. The Simpsons game while very short and bland is absolutely hillarious and worth the 60 dollars for the story and game reffernces alone. Sooo now I have nothing to play, Guitar Hero3 until Sunday night when Mario Sunshine Launches. Whoe is me until then.
Folklore is a bit underrated...and Seeing Orange with some Tactics
by Hotwad on Comments
So yes, as I said Folklore is one of the most underrated games I have played in some time. Now to be honest I went into this a desperate PS3 owner just wanting something to play on my system. I did not expet jsut too much from this game, but I got far more than i bargained for. The battle system is very addictive and the narrative and feel of the game is absolutely awesome. I know alot of people wont give this game a chance, but I really wish that they would because of what a great game this really is. On a side note with PS3 news, Everyday Shooter rocks. The end. I will be picking up Ratchet and Clank Tools, as a matter of fact, right after this blog posts. Im fairly dissappointed in the review that went up, but I myself am excited for this game. All the other reviews seem great however, so 2 out of 3 isn't bad right? Actually this will be my first forray into the Ratchet seriers and im confident that it wont dissappoint. Soo...Orange Box. The best video game deal ever. But wow is it alot of game for me. As a "hardcore" gamer I play alot fo games. Like most all of them that warrant the time to be exact. Soo with this many games and hours of play time in one box is killing me in one sense, but on the oher hand it is extreemely awesome. So I have played Halflife 2 before but never this well, so I am in the proccess of running back through that game as of now. Before I started that though, I ran through Portal. Which, everything you hear about it, is correct, It's awesome. One thing that bugged me however is after running through the game itself and a few advanced maps, I never got the achievement points for it. Whatever the deal with that is I dunno, but I do not have the time to go back and try again to get 40points or so. Maybe at a later time though. Lastly I am working On Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions for PSP. Just as awesome and ddicting as ever. The job system, with my personality is obsession. I have around 20 hours in this game with maybe 2 hours of that, actually gong through the actuall story. So yeah by the time I am ready to move on after I get all the jobs I like mastered I will be able to run back through the FAAAR better translated story, with ease. Sooo with that..I off to get Ratchet.
Cause fish don't have enough metals to listen to.
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Halo 3 = Fail
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Cake and Waffles
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Im so metal...
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Soo heres some pictures of me being all scruffy and the whatnots really early and tired in the mornings.
gross...lol i didnt realize how bad this pic is untill i loaded it
im all casually typing...yea..thats it..
My God Im Sorry
by Hotwad on Comments
Wow i didnt quite realize how big that last one was until it actually posted. Sorry. Please still read. Im desparate for attention.
We are all just everyday people.
by Hotwad on Comments
Well been a while. Ive been real busy lately. Started working two jobs too pay for all these awsome games comming up! Yeah thats not the real reason, but yeah...definately why i havent been so involved with the site like i usually do. Anyway truth is i have been able to buy a few games here lately and yea, thats nice and well, but i have learned not having time to play them is not. Soooo i long ago finished Riviera. Really fun game. I have since bought Jeanne D Arc, but again due to other games and time constraints have not gotten around to it. I was thinking by the time the new awesome slimmer psp tht i dont really need, but will buy comes out i will put my time into the game then. What else...I got, played and beat Lost Planet for Xbox360. That was an awesome game that im sad i put off playing for so long. But comming from the creator of megaman (prolly my second favorite game franchise ever, well in the series proper anyways), i didnt expect much less. Of course i played Bioshock, and yeah i dont think i really have to say how awesome it is. Though one thing that kills me is how everyone seems to think the game looks amazing, which for the style it does, but wow that game has some very assy textures that will show age very fast, mark my words. Very small complaint though, it by no means looks bad, just not quite as amazing as people keep saying. Anyway though yeah i finshed that and it had a pretty awesome ending...a warning though..if you havent played it yet, and do not want the game ruined..DO NOT LOOK AT THE LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS ONLINE FOR BIOSHOCK IT WILL RUIN THE GAME. Its been said and you have been warned. I made the mistake and yea...i was kinda sad that i did. Anywa as far as my 600 dollar PS2 goes I have been very much investing my time into another awesome game you may have heard of called Person 3. Its awesome, addicting, and is an awesome experience. If you like rpgs at all...play this. It is by far one of my favorite games i have played in a while. Im about 40 hours or so into it and could go another 40 and be just fine with it. The game itself comes with an awesome art book and the boxed packaging that i love oh so much. Makes you feel like you have smething worth having when they do that to games. Speaking of boxed games, as a gift today i recived a little game called Warhawk for the PS3, and let me just say, WOW. I didnt not think i would enjoy this game jsut as much as i do. Its a bargain with the headset...even though i already had one, which ironically came from the same person who got me Warhawk...anyway though back to the game at hand. the game is super addictive. Im not exactly a huge fan of online games, with the exception of Call of Duty 2, but wow, this knocked COD2s socks off. Think of an arcady war game played online and you got Warhawk. I gotta say this is gonna take up alot of my time. I was sceptical at first, but it has definately hooked me. Also on the ps3 front i have dled Puzzle Fighter HD and Tekken Online from the PSN Store..20 dollars total. I went with the PS3 version of Puzzle Fighter, because first off im not an acheivment whore and second i like rooting for the underdog, and lastly i like thier money system better than having to buy a set amount of points on 360 and having a bunch left over that are basically worthless. So thanks for that Sony. The game itself is fun. Its puzle fighter like it should be with online. The sprites are a little blurry and jacked from stretching, but yeah kind of a small gripe. The online works fine with no lag and plays smooth. Speaking of online though Tekken Online. Big Complaint and verry pissed about this part. I dled the online portion of Tekken and as of 5pm central time to now 3am central i have yet to connect and play an online match on it. If i do get into a room thats not full i get a time out error and get booted back to the main menu. Its very irritating and really frustrats me that they would throw out such a broken game and have the blls to charge money for it. Definately not happy with it. If anyone has a olution i would love to hear about it. Wow this ones long....anyway just a little more kids. Not that your reading anyway what with my intewebs grammar that i dont cares about. If your getting all uptight about grammars on teh interwebz then u needz to ghet a life for realz. Anyway ha, as far as downloadables for 360, i dled Space Giraffe or whatever its called, not really a fan, theres far too much goign on at once in that game for my tastes, and bejewled, whihc yeah...is bejewled. And thats about it, im passing on Blue Dragon, which makes me sad because i was really looking forward to that game, but it just didnt not get the kind of reviews i wanted to see, and since my time is so limited and my bidget is so small these days i cant jsut go buying medicore games all willy nilly. Anyway im looking forward to Heavenly Sword, Eternal Sonata, and yeah kinda Halo 3. Not huge on Halo, but ill play it i guess. Also the new psp as mentioned before. What with the new video out im kinda excited to see how that looks on the hdtv. But yeah ok i swear im done now.
Joey Jo-Jo Shabadoo
by Hotwad on Comments
Well I haven't updated in a while, because basically I have not felt like it. And thats how I ride, Dirty. Not alot has been going on as far as new games or anything really. Im working on the PSP version of Riviera right now and am about 21 hoursor so into it. Its a pretty cool game, definately not like other rpgs, in that, you don't move you caracter with the directional pad, per say. You give one command, up, down, left orright depending on it there is an ooption for it, then you will just move to the next screen in that direction. The movement goes by tiles or panels, each one being a whole screen. Its not as complicated as it sounds at all. Looks like I will have more time to finish up on that, in that Persona 3, a game I have been waitin on has been delayed due to production reasons. I was pretty bummed when I found this out, but meh whatcha gonna do. I dled Bomberman Live for xbox360 and have been playing that a little bit. Its just as fun as any other bomberman, but has online play. So get it, cause its awesome. As far as the ps3 goes im still finishing up on Planet Earth Bluray. Awesome. If you have a PS3 then you owe it to yourself to buy this and watch it. I finished Ninja Gaiden Sigma and am now running throught a second time on the harder dificulty...we will see how that goes. Also i talked myself into downloading Castlevania Symphony of the Night from the PSN, and man I am glad i did. This is a great game. I never played it back in the day, but im enjoying it now, though it can be kind of punishing if you dont level yourself up well. Lets see what else....on the Wii Virtual Console today I dled one of my all time favorite games, Shinning Force. Paying 8 dollars for it is a great deal considering what i wuld have had to pay for it on the market. Now thye jsut need to release the even better second one. Whelp..thats about it really. Oh new pictures of the Television are up. I need to invest in a new camera really bad..the shots are the best i could get and are still bad. Anyway thats about it.
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