Hotwad Blog
fLOW !
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Old Shcool
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Well Rouge Galaxy is here and well like i imagined it is awesome. As of this posting I am exactly 19 hours on the dot into it. Awesome graphics and story thus far. I really recomend it. It has a very fast paced battle system, whihc for some could because a problem because you can die quick, but this is not a problem because items can be used pretty much on the fly to revive and are not hard to come by. I had been trying to find the guide everywhere but to no avail. It is made by DoubleJump books and those guides tend to be rare and printed in muhc less quantities. The only place i found them readuly availible was Ebay had 2, yes two up as of thsi posting. looks like this guide may become rare. Anyway though i ordered mine through amazon and it arrived today. It is a huge and very thourough guide. Is cool one of the best ive seen printed in a while. If you have the game and happen to come across this guide pick it up, whether you will use it or not. So to compliment all my great technology i made the investment on a Home Theatre system. And i have to say i dont know why i waitd so long for this technology. I didnt get anything huge or special since i live in an apartment it would be kind of crappy for me to get a big 2000 watt system. So i went with this guy (
Works great for what i need and right in my price range. Contra III. This is a game iplayed with my friends as a kid constantly. We never ebat this game no mater how hard or much we tried. So i DLed it to my Wii from the VC. I still cannot beat this game. I can get to the last boss now but i get my ass stomped everytime. I think if i had someone to play with i could do it. But goign it alone i still jsut get frustrated with it. Yet i keep commng back because thats what made this game so awesome in the first place. Since i got surround i decided to go back and play somehting that take advantage of this, so ive began playing Gears on Hardcore, because i played in on easy the first time through. =/ Anyway though thats about it as far as things go now. Waiting to get FF6 for GBA one fo teh ebst FF's EVER. I will be playing that soon enough and am veyr excited about getting to play through it again. I may have to hook my GC GBA player up to the nice tv for this one. Well thats it.
Just in time
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Well I Guess?
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Procrastination aside...
by Hotwad on Comments
Soooo Just about done with FFX now. Pretty much nothing left but the last boss. I think i will only be getting all the summons this time arund instead fo going crazy and getting throuh all the side quests. But i may change my mind. I have a week or so before Rouge Galaxy comes out soo im not real sure what to do till then. I bought Kingdom Hearts 2 on ebay after selling my copy of Call of Duty 3 for ps3. Anyway though i finally got around tos tarting up on Metal Gear Portable Ops for psp.So far so good i suppose. I have done a few missions on it. Its very hard not to get caught with the limited camera angles and we will se how that plays out. I see a very frustrating future in it though. Next week Warioware comes out. a little excited about that but still trying to come up with the funds to get it. =/ With so little out for the Wii right now it would be kinda dumb not to pick it up. STILL waiting for tekken for ps3. I check everyday look on all the forums to hope and see if something has ben poted n it release, yet nothing. I finished Klonoa 2 finally, not ure if i mentioned that in the last post. great underappreciated game. Also i redownloaded the new GTHD demo. Nohting to speak of that i can really see new with it, though after i did i received this email:
Our records indicate that you downloaded Gran Turismo HD Concept from
the PLAYSTATION(R)Store. Version 1.1 is now available for download,
which refines the gameplay experience in Time Trial mode and the accuracy
of lap times within the online rankings. Since online ranking results
recorded by version 1.1 players will be given priority, it is highly recommended
that you download and install it if you are playing the earlier version.
Please note that version 1.1 is compatible with existing game save data,
allowing you to race your previously unlocked cars.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and hope you enjoy
Gran Turismo HD Concept.
The PlayStation Underground
Sweet huh? Its cool though cause i jsut DLed it while i was sleeping. So it wasnt too much off me. I recently have a few of my replays put up on the top 5 leaders boards for it. so go check them out. XChunkeyLover57X is the screen name. They are under drifting, mostly reverse. They ddnt get their because they are good, but instead becaue no one else was any better, lol so yea. Still i enjoy the small amount of prid it gives me even being there. Anyway though time to get back to some FFX. Till next one....
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