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Ok so Tekken DR FINALY came out. And after only  2 hours and 40 minutes of downlaoding i was up playing then being forced to DL the finishing movies. Yeah its rediculous as it sounds. And overpriced. But since i own no copy of Tekken it was a deal to me. Sony really needs to do something about their servers because that 3 hour download that should have took 45 mins max with my connection..was crap. its rediculous and happens everytime i dl something. I know the service is free, but you know what. im paying money for a product. and that product should be delivered in a customer friendly manner, and waiting that long for an over priced game is bs. When you order something on amazon or ebay and pay X amount of dollars for dont wait 3 months for it to get the and say, "oh, ok...its ok that they took this long to get me something i payed for." Just not how it works. Anyway done with that rant. Finishing up on FF6..kinda turning the last corner right now, but im taking my time leveling up and learning spells, but should be finishing that up soon enough. Around 14 to 15 hours into Kingdom Hearts 2. Great game, but the Pirates of the Caribean section is terrible. its very bland and generic to the movie...otherwise tho its a great game. I feel though that i have been kind of putting it second seat to im trying to finish up on that so i dont feel that way anymore. Got Ridge Racer 7 in yesterday also.. didnt get a whole lot done on it becuse of all the other games im playing. On a differnet note i got a haircut tomorrow and its like way because i like having my hair longer nd shaggy....i look rediculous now. basically paid someone to ruin my head...anyway though its grows back i guess..thats what everyone keeps telling me anyway. with that said im done.

fLOW !

So despite my bad mouthing of Flow for ps i bought it anyway like i knew i would and its actually kinda adictive. Little steep for $8.51 but whateva. Ready for Tekken though. Speaking of ps3 fighting games i got Virtua Fighter 5 and yea....its hardcore, for the hardcore. Since i havent played the VF series since like 2 or 3 for the sega channel, yeah i was crappy and i do not have the time to master and perfect a character. Especialy when there is no online to show any of it off with. Not talking bad on ti for not having online, because frankly to ruin a game with laggy online and whatnot that thrives on frame by frame attacks and counters would be a sin. So with that being said i also Dled the Ridge Racer 7 demo. And i enjoyed it alot. SO VF5 is up for bids on ebay and with rhe money i gain from that i will be getting RR7. Sooo umm Zelda: OOT next week on Wii vc. Yes excited. Never played it and now im getting my chance for 10 dollars. thats crap. but oh well. Xbox360 is basically dead to me right now. Nothing to play but crappy FPS and Open world games. Sick of them. Been there, done that with them for the first few months i bought my 360. It needs some better games that arent shooters. Viva Pinata? uhh ok yeah, but what else? Not interested in sports games and even if were they are all on ps3 anyway. Same goes for the wii really. People bad mouth the ps3 for having no games, but i mean where are we with the wii? It has what..hmmm zelda....and uhhh..yeah thats it. Now they have a decent sonic game, but its only decent. And nothing really for the forseable future im interested in. Other than the VC offerings. PS3 also though...i mean..uhh thanks. its got relly wanky controls. and again everything else i can get on 360..or already have. Anyway im done with my rant. Just kinda sad that the games i have to get excited about are rehashes for download that ir eally already have. Anyway though guess theyw ill all jsut nickle and dime me through DLC.


Just wrote a huge post and the damn thing got deleted. Im pissed now............Finished Rogue Galaxy..good game...Virtua Fighter 5..Tekken DR..Contra Shattered Soldier...Kngdom Hearts 2...all ready to play for PS3..No hihg hopes for Wii VC gmees, but prepare wiht points just n case. Thats about the gist. Damnit.


So 1000 profile views. Thanks folks. Cept no one is commenting still. Come on ppl. JK. Anyway yeah...pointless thread....gonna go watch on the spot now...

Old Shcool

Well Rouge Galaxy is here and well like i imagined it is awesome. As of this posting I am exactly 19 hours on the dot into it. Awesome graphics and story thus far. I really recomend it. It has a very fast paced battle system, whihc for some could because a problem because you can die quick, but this is not a problem because items can be used pretty much on the fly to revive and are not hard to come by. I had been trying to find the guide everywhere but to no avail. It is made by DoubleJump books and those guides tend to be rare and printed in muhc less quantities. The only place i found them readuly availible was Ebay had 2, yes two up as of thsi posting. looks like this guide may become rare. Anyway though i ordered mine through amazon and it arrived today. It is a huge and very thourough guide. Is cool one of the best ive seen printed in a while. If you have the game and happen to come across this guide pick it up, whether you will use it or not. So to compliment all my great technology i made the investment on a Home Theatre system. And i have to say i dont know why i waitd so long for this technology. I didnt get anything huge or special since i live in an apartment it would be kind of crappy for me to get a big 2000 watt system. So i went with this guy (
Works great for what i need and right in my price range. Contra III. This is a game iplayed with my friends as a kid constantly. We never ebat this game no mater how hard or much we tried. So i DLed it to my Wii from the VC. I still cannot beat this game. I can get to the last boss now but i get my ass stomped everytime. I think if i had someone to play with i could do it. But goign it alone i still jsut get frustrated with it. Yet i keep commng back because thats what made this game so awesome in the first place. Since i got surround i decided to go back and play somehting that take advantage of this, so ive began playing Gears on Hardcore, because i played in on easy the first time through. =/ Anyway though thats about it as far as things go now. Waiting to get FF6 for GBA one fo teh ebst FF's EVER. I will be playing that soon enough and am veyr excited about getting to play through it again. I may have to hook my GC GBA player up to the nice tv for this one. Well thats it.

Just in time

So i have been very sck the past few days and played little to no games really. With the exception of today. Today i finally finished Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. It's and alright game but man Nintendo really pushes the tedium barrier at the end. I put in quite a few hours into it today since i needed o finish it before tomorrow, when Rouge Galaxy hits. I tried playing Castelvania portrait of Run on my ds, but literaly 7 seconds in i died. hat game takes up 2 times what any rpg takes to level up. I dont have that kinda patience or tme so im thinking that game may go on the burner. Anyway I Dled Mario Kart 64 for Nintendos rediculous prices....its ok because i missed it back in the N64 days. Thursday I hope to get Conrta 3 as well. I spent many a days with my friends as a kid trying to get through that game but to no avail. Maybe now that im older and, alot better at games maybe i will actually beat it. Anyway Rouge Galaxy Tomorrow yay! Well thats all.

Well I Guess?

Sooo I been playing on Paper Mario Thousand Year Door lately...thats about all the games i have been playing besides MGPO. Im about 15 or so hours into Paper Mario trying to finish before next weds in time for Rouge Galaxy...but we will see...Metal Gear has been going about the same as always...just play in my spare time. Im close to being done with this. In sony news they finally fixed the ps2/ps1 graphic problems...just in time for rouge galaxy..and also i jsut bought Kingdom Hearts 2 from ebay so yeah two nice looking games to play upscalled...just wish i coudla played ff12 this way. but this is good for sony, it shows that they are comming through with things in their updates. Wiis VC finally came through with ONE good game legend of Zelda Link to the Past. Which i have played but never did actually beat so this is good for me. I picked this up, then realized that i needed the classic control for it. kinda crappy but i needed to pick one up sooner or later anyway. But Comix Zone was supposed to come out on monday also, but nothing there...wonder what they are doing wiht that..hmm..anyway guess thats it..crappy post i know..srry..not like anyone reads these.


So i finished FFX two days ago now, and was kind of at an impass of what to do. I decided to go back an playa  game i bought a loooong ways back and never got around to playing Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. Its pretty good so far. I think im about 5 hours in. Seems to be the standard mario rpg fare. Fun none the less though. Well i bought warioware smooth moves yesterday. Fun game but man..not even worth the 50 dollars. I beat this game in around 2 and a half hours.....which is sad. I cannot see any justification with programmers making this game and then having the gal to charge 50 dollars for it. 30...ok thats fine...i can live with that...but 50? Most anyone will finish this FAST. This is definately a renter....dont make my mistake. That beng said though its not a bad game, just not worth that kind of money. Still working on Metal Gear PO. Not sure how far along i am, but im not making jsut a whole lot of progress since i suck at i. Its still fairly fun though. I have gotten used to the camera system and controls now, but it really isnt any easier for me. Anyway though...still waitng for tekken....still.....come on sony...

Procrastination aside...

Soooo Just about done with FFX now. Pretty much nothing left but the last boss. I think i will only be getting all the summons this time arund instead fo going crazy and getting throuh all the side quests. But i may change my mind. I have a week or so before Rouge Galaxy comes out soo im not real sure what to do till then. I bought Kingdom Hearts 2 on ebay after selling my copy of Call of Duty 3 for ps3. Anyway though i finally got around tos tarting up on Metal Gear Portable Ops for psp.So far so good i suppose. I have done a few missions on it. Its very hard not to get caught with the limited camera angles and we will se how that plays out. I see a very frustrating future in it though. Next week Warioware comes out. a little excited about that but still trying to come up with the funds to get it. =/ With so little out for the Wii right now it would be kinda dumb not to pick it up. STILL waiting for tekken for ps3. I check everyday look on all the forums to hope and see if something has ben poted n it release, yet nothing. I finished Klonoa 2 finally, not ure if i mentioned that in the last post. great underappreciated game. Also i redownloaded the new GTHD demo. Nohting to speak of that i can really see new with it, though after i did i received this email:

Our records indicate that you downloaded Gran Turismo HD Concept from
the PLAYSTATION(R)Store. Version 1.1 is now available for download,
which refines the gameplay experience in Time Trial mode and the accuracy
of lap times within the online rankings. Since online ranking results
recorded by version 1.1 players will be given priority, it is highly recommended
that you download and install it if you are playing the earlier version.
Please note that version 1.1 is compatible with existing game save data,
allowing you to race your previously unlocked cars.

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and hope you enjoy
Gran Turismo HD Concept.

The PlayStation Underground

Sweet huh? Its cool though cause i jsut DLed it while i was sleeping. So it wasnt too much off me. I recently have a few of my replays put up on the top 5 leaders boards for it. so go check them out. XChunkeyLover57X is the screen name. They are under drifting, mostly reverse. They ddnt get their because they are good, but instead becaue no one else was any better, lol so yea. Still i enjoy the small amount of prid it gives me even being there. Anyway though time to get back to some FFX. Till next one....

Umm update..

Alot of the same been going on here. Still working on FFX, im now 20 hours in and heading to the Machelania Temple whoot. Sure is a reminder of how mch of a great game it is, but graphicaly its not as awesome as i used to think it was. The ps3 doesnt help it with its bad Upscale emulation. : / On another ps2 note i finally got Klonoa 2 in from ebay. Great game, awesome platformer. I played this game way back in 2001, actualy right before i got FFX, which is kinda odd. Anyway i love this game, it holds alot of nostolgic value for me. The graphics are very neat looking and have held up well over the years. Im really getting excited to play Rouge galaxy...its coming out fairly soon, the end of this month. As for Ps3, well all of this is played on PS3, but yeah as far as actual ps3 gameplay ive have been playing resistance still, goign back through the campain. Havent really played it online much. Finaly decided to put the Blueray disk to the test. My tv supports both 1080i and 720p. Soooo when i watched it in 720p the ps3 downgrades to 480p..i dint really notice much difference from watching it that way and in 1080i. Since blueray was kind of a bonus with the ps3, but i cannot see paying 600+ dollars for a standalone blueray player for quality that is not all that much greater than a progresive scan dvd.  Anyway havent played alot on my xbox since there is not alot to play for it that i havent already played and beaten. I would ike to try viva pinata, but it doesnt seem to have enough substance to it. Far as the wii goes im anticipating warioware, but again i just dont see a whole lot of substance to a game like that. Still it will no doubt be alot of fun. I also spent the last 2 hours moving around and rearranging my consoles. ALOT of chords and power plugs to be sorted through. considering all of them also have ethernet cables routed to them. Anyway thats about all for now.