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Next Generation of Game Consoles is HERE!!!..wait..?

As I was poking around the forums, one thing keeps comming to my attention. Next-Gen. What is Nex-Gen exactly? Well next-gen is short for the next genration of consoles and games. Back when the 360 and PS3 were anounced these systems we dubbed next-gen, back in oh e3 of 2005 i beleive. Well next-gen is here, and well has been fora while now. Thexbox360has beenout for a little over a year now and the ps3 comming up on its first year. So why are these consoles still being dubbed next gen? Its nothing huge but it is a little bit a gripe. When will we be able to fuly move on into the current generation of games without having to dub them and their systems with this title? I cant say for sure, but i think i cna partially blame the video game websites and magazines as being the main problem. So long as the media keep printing these games and systems as such, i dont think we will ever be able to "move on". Soo how about it guys? Can we stop this mess now and move on and make this our current generation of consoles? (i dont care about my spelling and or grammar and never will unless im being graded as such).

Cut You Up With a Linoleum Knife

Sooooo, been a while again since ive "blogged". Not much up really. Not a whole lot of game playing going on...well, not as much as usual anyway. On the psp from i recently finished Daxter. I enjoyed it alot more than i though that i would. i was kinda itching for a psp game to play and this seemed to be the game to go to. Its really awesome and for 19.99 its kinda hard not to recomend. Very nice looking game, in the top 5 for sure. Also on the psp front, i had me a best buy gift card so i used it to order Gurumin. It came in a day or two ago, and again another nice game. The graphics definately are not very flatering, but they arent terrible either. As far as game play its pretty addicting running through the dungeons (its and action rpg). Its very anime-ish so if you cant put up with that crap then dont even bother with the game (i personaly hate anime, but im dealing with it). the voice acting is so-so like the graphics, but damn that adicting gameplay. xbox360 is seeing little to no action right now. im really kind of waiting for Blue Dragon to come out. I dont think that there is much between now and then comming out that i just really have to have for it. Aside from some dling media and pacman ce tho...nada. now where things get flipped is im actually playing my ps3. yes thats right playing the PS3. No im not using it for ps2 games. It is actually functioning as it was a next gen system. I know im lying right? No get this, super stardust amazing. Its basically Asteroids meets Geometry Wars, and it works..well. Its extremely addicting. And at 7.99 its a real bargain. It has 5 separate planets each with 5 separate "levels" and an end bos to each planet. I have yet to finish it because it is pretty difficult. Definately if you have a ps3 this is the must have PSN title. Also burning up the ps3 is The Darkness. This game is great. I havent enjoyed a shooter so much in a long while. The game definately earns its M rating. It has some very mature content, but nothing insane thrown in that was just put there for thrills, its all within the context of the game. The story is alot deeper than you may think all while not really taking itself too seriously. Zombie Nazis anyone? Im just really glad to finally have a ps3 game spinning in it putting it to use. Definately another recomended game for 360 or ps3. Im excited for tomorrow because, yes finaly, Ninja Gaiden comes out. So yet another reason to have the ps3 up and running. Ill be on that one first thing after work tomorrow. In otehr news i have put down the money for a new HDTV. Yes i already have one, but its dated technology. No true 16:9 view...yuck. Anyway here it is: Seems nice enough, plus its a size upgrade for me. Picture in Picture over HDMI was kind the main sale for me. Anyway thats comming in anytime this week. Sooo thats about it for all of you not reading this, later.

I do what I want basically...

Sooo its been a while since ive written in this guy. I have been playing alot of games as always. Just finished up with Odin Sphere today. I am very please with the game over all. A great story and just jaw dropping graphics, it is most definately a beautiful game. I got Tomb Raider Aniversary since i last posted and played it some. I was really waiting untill i finished off Odin Sphere before I really got into it. I played it a little, and yea...its pretty much just like Legends, but thats not a bad thing. I never did play the first Tomb Raider so I will enjoy running through this one. Still, yeah...STILL working on Pokemon Pearl, but im so so so close to becoming a PokeMaster. Currently I have put in about 76 odd hours and basically all im doing right now is leveling up enough that I can make it through the Pokemon League. So soon I will be a legitimate more of that self proclaimed crap for me. As far as the Wii goes i havent touched that thing once. Well aside from Downloading Sonic 2 for the Virtual Console, playing for an hour, then letting it back to rest. Though I never played Resident Evil 4 when it came out for either Ps2 or GameCube so im pretty sure I will pick that up and play it. Mostly because there is NOTHING else worth playing on Wii. Speaking of not having anything worth playing, the PS3 is finally getting its own remake of a game thats already been out twice. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is the game i speak of. Though with this game i am much more excited to play. I also never played this on xbox and will be my first outing with the series aside from the NES classics. Though that is at the end of this month. Hmm what else. FF remake is comming soon for the psp. I have it for 3different systes, and the original for the NES, but yes it is Final Fantasy so yes, despite the fact i dont need it...i will be buying it. Well this one is getting long so ill end it. No one reads these anyway..cept for one person for sure...she knows who she is. Anyway....

Gotta Catch Them All

Well I finally finished Okami and i cannot stress enough how awesome this game is and how everyone who enjoys a good action/roleplaying game needs to get and play this asap. Other than that im really playing nothing else seriously except for this little game called Pokemon Pearl. Maybe you have heard of it? anyway Pokemon is Pokemon and awesoome. I have put 25 hours into ti already in the fraction of the time i would have put into a normal game. Yeah its that awesome. For anyone playing that would like to ad memy friend code for Pearl is: 4940 1993 4630. So yeah add me. Now that Okami is over with im really starting to realize just how crappy it is that the PS3 has almost no games. The next notable game comming is Ninja Gaiden, which is over a month away. Sucks. Well guess thats what pokemon is for. Hmm not alot to say really. Got some sweet FF12 Figures. Yea....ok..this on is done. Later

Dusty Trail

Yea so it's been a while since i have wrote in this thing. Been playing alot fo game i suppose. Working and Finals are kinda in there too. Well what hve i been playing. I started nd finished Super Paper Mario within 20 hours...was kinda supprised at the shortness of it, but it was still a decent game. I went and got all of the single player campain acheivmnts in GRAW2 since i dont really play it online much. I am completely obsessed with Viva Pinata, whihc has easily become one of my favorite games of all times. Ppl do not need to pass this one up. It has all the addiction of pokemon and great colorfull graphics. I have gotten all of the acheivments except for one whihc is play the game for 50 hours real time..that achievment is only a matter of time before i get it. Pokemon. I havent played since Red, Blue and Yellow. For whatever reason though i have caught the fever of it again and plan on picking up the newest edition. It has gotten pretty good reviews so im really looking forward to that. As far as the PS3 front all is cold. I have been playing through Okami, which is an awesome game, and i also very much recomend it. Very colorful and beautiful game. Its pretty much Twilight Princess, but before Zelda did it, if not me when you play this game you will see the similarities..but the thing is Okami did it first..and better. Not that im down on zelda, but yeah..just goes to show. In other news I am very excited to have found the full series of the GOOD, Sonic the Hedgehog animated series on dvd and am pretty excited to go back and watch those. I have been a very big Sonic fan from the get go so yeah, kinda nostalgia for me. Anyway yeah thats basically it.

New Pics

I have uploaded new pictures...of my setups and whatnot....have fun?

Re: Re: Re

So im back in action. After being suspended for 2 days? i guess, i dunno exactly how long. i deserved it ill admit..but so did the kid who caught the back end of what got me suspended. So yeah anyway...Also to note today my xbox360 came back today, well someone elses did. i knew they wouldnt send me mine, but someones refurbished one. i know thise because i had a not so noticable but very distinct felling gash on the left side of my console. it is there no more. whats funny though is the paper that came with it states that they repaired MY xbox360 and hope i enjoy MY xbox360, even though clearly its not mine. whateve though, i was jsut tired of being wihtout it.just in time alos because i finished up on Final Fantasy X-2 yesterday afternoon, so i really had nothing to play. On one more great note the OTHER Ninja Turtles game came out today on the Wii VC. That game is hard. No joke, but i love it. I was never abel to ebat it as a kid, but i really want to accomplish this now that im older. So far to no avail. But im gonna keep at it. On a separate note i made use of the new photo function in the profile tabs and added a fairly old picture of mysefl. so if you wanna see me. im there. ill prolly change it later with a better one. meh anyway. im starving...and in a good mood. ill finish writing at work. later

RIP xbox360 Follow up

OK so yesterday i called MS support and of course got me a nice foreighn (sp) support woman as suspected, but ti wasnt all that bad. Everythign wen t kinda smooth other than having to ask what she said every other sentence. though the one thing i did have a problem with is that they made me pay to ship it off. usualy i was under the impression taht they send you a box and then pay for the shipping, but honestly i just wanted to get it sent it as quick as posible so i jsut sent it in myself and got my reference number and whatnot. since i live it tx and the repairs place is in mcallen, tx this shouldnt take too long at all to get it back. heres hoping anyway. i got me a nic elittle deal on ebay recently. it was fairly convenient because my headset for the 360 recently went out on me. (imagine a ms product going under so soon?) it was my second one and really didnt want to pay 20 for a brand new one so i ecided to check out what i could get on ebay. i ended up getting a great deal on one of the 3 month cards that comes with a headset, 100 ms points, and joust arvade game. well this general retails for 29.99, but i eneded up winning this set for 10 dollars and 6 shipping. needless to say i was mega happy to have gotten such a great deal, granted my 360 i gone right now, but im hoping that maybe both the 360 and package come in to me around the same time. being that my 360 is gone and im back to having nothing to play i have decided to give Valkyrie Profile Lenneh another chance to fill the time. My Wii however is stll sitting there collecting usual anywya thats about all.

RIP xbox360

Well the inevitable finally happened. my xbox360 is on its death bed. I never thought i would have to deal with this problem because i took such good care of my consoles and made sure to keep them well ventalated and clean to assure this would never happen, but here we are. My xbox will play games for about 15 - 20 minutes before freezing up. The last few times i tried to load the game up my disk tray began sticking and not opening, so i kinda had to give it a push to get the dang thing open.My system is supposedly still under warranty, which is good, but thing is i have read through the broken xbox360 thread and appears even when they do send you a "repaired" system, it jsut breaks again within a few months, and i dont want to have to deal with this. Im goign to do my best to get the to send me just a brand new one, but i get very irritated speaking with ms customer support, since they all dont speak english very well and seem to be from the midle east. nothign against them or anything, but i feel to have proper customer support i should be speaking wiht soemone who cna understand me and visa versa. Im really upset im having to deal with something like this. I was already low on games to play and i finally picked up viva pinata and graw2 and now i cant even play those. =( So i dont knwo what im goign to do now. I have really lost alot of respect for ms on this. On another note however  i am currently curring me some cancer with my ps3. tho im not really doing anything, it does give you a feeling of pride that you are helping. alot of ppl seem to feel the same way and are really getting into joining the various group and starting thier own to help this program along. I have created my own if any one wants to join. The group number is 765 and the name is "punchcancersface". Guess ill start me on some Ocarina of Time on the Wii vc. Im so dissappointed with all this. grr anyway thts it.


Well Kingdom Hearts 2 is all finished, and i gotta say i enjoyed it alot more than the first one. Im realyl hoping the final mix version comes stateside, but i wont hold my breath. With that said though im out of rpgs to play. After playing Rouge Galaxy and KH2 back to back im really looking to change pace and get back to a turn based rpg. But ive played all of mine, with the exception of Xenogears and Suikoden 3. I tried playing my (sealed) copy of xenogears, but came to find out that it will not save correctly on the ps3...which sucks. so basically i unwrapped it for nothign. as far as Suikoden goes i have neve really played one and not sure how well the game is. On the other hand however i am playing GRAW 2 which is pretty fun, but cant hold the value of a good rpg. Anyway thats kinda it, not alot else to say.