@kiopta1 Let say that if Shepard failed, is there any younger species for Reaper to harvest in next cycle? The Yahg? Please! they exist since the Prothean & now they still unable to become an advance civilization...so it further proved the cycle theory is flawed
@Llednar7 If you think is just WHINE, perhaps you are wrong & thanks to this WHINE, we now can have extended cut ending & even complete game. Your statement is indirectly giving hint to Bioware to do the same thing to other incoming game as well, so i guess "TRUE GAMERS" will thanks you for that.
@Iridescent406 you must understand that Bioware's ass is watched by BBB, so if they do nothing, the BBB will start they action toward Bioware.In your eye, is optional but this is not the case for Bioware
Excuse me, According to what i know, your project director Casey Hudson DENIED & DEFEND the game from the beginning by using the word of Artistic Integrity. How come the sudden change of heart? OOOOHHH YEAHHH! BBB is after your ass?Mind can give us any closure why the change of heart? because we as gamers don't want anything like "Artistic Integrity" in any part of extended cut ending...
@Morbissus remember the petition just started & how Casey Hudson defend the ending? Then they change attitude to give you a Extended Cut Ending which maybe because of BBB.My point is they don't even care about the gamers, as long as they grab the gamers money then they can used any excuse in the name of art to defend they failed product.
Hreath's comments