somehow i have a bad feeling for D3, maybe is because the recent epic game unable to deliver the gamers want.Let hope it is just MY FEELING rather truth.
Curios is the "2 Million"? Worldwide? i can only think those are hardcore fan of Capcom or the RE, but never mind...i personally have no issues for other RE game except they forgot the element of horror & put in a lot action which twisted a horror survival game become a action shooting.
At 1st i saw the trailer & the wiki research that you gonna play the Umbrella Operative to destroy evident in Raccoon City & some dirty works, idea is great but the bad thing is they failed to bring the environment that the gamers experience in RE 2 into the game.
Like i mentioned above, the element of horror?? Did the Dead Space 2 not enough to ring alert to them? If the monster or zombie in the game is the HORROR element then i think only can scare 10 years old boy & girl, when Capcom can finally realize this?
I don't want to retype the whole things again, the ending is "HORRIBLE" we as gamers invested 100 hrs (exclude replay hrs) & this is what we got? 3 Different color? promised 16 ending but now only 3? Instead of 3 ending actually is 1 basic ending. from 16 to 1...MASS DISAPPOINTMENT. I don't know who is the 1 start the rumor of Indoctrination to persuade players to accept this & let Bioware have some free room (pressure from gamers) to make another ending. But i will not accept this indoctrination no matter how make sense is it, because if we gamers accept it which imply that we agree Bioware to give us UNFINISHED PRODUCT now and in the future. Consider ME 3 is my final support toward Bioware. Dragon Awakening, Dragon Age 2 & Mass Effect 3 same disappointment. Dragon Age 3? My confident shake like hell for DA 3, why? because we only enjoy the fruit of the events from previous series but not the fruit of the character (because main character keep changing, everything start from zero). Come think about this, if ME series start with Non-Shepard character...imagine what gamers reaction?
@carlogz, if the paper drawn on that you mean is the main game story line, i agree with that. But the part of game story line is effect by players choices from previous series, therefore we are more than put the color ONLY. Further, players is the 1 decide paragon or renegade path to determine how to continue the story, yet again this mean that we as gamers more than put colors. Bioware is artist?? too wide to argue, you & i have different opinion on this therefore is meaningless to continue this. Don't get me wrong as i m not insult you, because we are discussing the main topic of this game i.e. "THAT ENDING" of which many players are FRUSTRATED include me. Thanks for your reply and hope to have you feedback.
"But none of this requires BioWare to listen" - Cup cake send to Bioware, Donation to alter the ending, Amazon allow refund to ME 3 customer and 50,000+ (90%) players in Bioware forum vote against the ending. Enough? It that mean you allow the Bioware to CHEATED all the fans by releasing such article. If your boss cheat you of the increment of salary, you remain silent? No wonder Bioware really happy to give the fans disappointment lately, 1st is Dragon Age 2 and now ME 3. The reason is because have your support. You have some business interest in that company? "This is irrelevant" - Your boss declare you will be director of the company, then he withdrawn what he say. Is that irrelevant to you? Bioware is not the artist, they give us painting tools & the papers and let us to draw what we want. After we finish 1st 2 stage of the picture, suddenly Bioware throw 3 different color to our painting and claim it must be like that, question come into my head, why they given us the painting tools (ME) to us at the first hand? We are the 1 give soul to Shepard not Bioware, they merely create it and pass to us to make choices. "Original work meaningless" - This words should use on us not defending Bioware, From ME 1 To 3 (five years), effort that we put in become wasted. Just like whatever your article write and you boss keep changing it totally, feel happy about it?
But none of this requires BioWare to listen. 14,000 individuals start donated money to make a request of alter ending still not enough? what if they group up with other mass effect fans clubs, think of this what will happen to Bioware in the future?
Hreath's comments