Atheism is nothing more than a fairy tale for those who had a bad day or are easily swayed by their peers. In this universe, nothing magically appears at random. Sorry, but the first instance of life was created by an intelligent designer. Think about it, the first appearance of a single celled organism would have likely sprouted into existence through the perfect combination of chemicals near a vent in the ocean. It came to be with defensives active. Science says it happened on a titanic scale, that single cell knew how to reproduce? Billions, trillions, quintillions of these little buggers sprouted into existence at the same time already coded and knew how to split itself and survive insanely harsh conditions? I don't understand why its so hard to accept some higher power. Here in this reality, such things are not possible. 1+2 = 3 no matter what you do. Complex life cannot appear randomly and evolve for the benifits of its own sake. In case you don't know anything about wild animals and bugs, those who are mutated or different in the slightest are immediately outcasted and killed off by the rest of the pack. Such things cannot happen on this plane of existence unless there is a control factor literally deeming it so. Wake up, God Exists and he is a jerk. Thats hard for people to accept. But its true. I do not believe the first appearance of life on this earth or anywhere else sprouted into existence with cheat codes already activated to help protect itself so it could actually split itself and create some form of complex life.
Ok so which god is it then. Wait wait... don't tell me... Is it yours!? Also... what the hell are you mumbling about? It's science not scientology.
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