The lottery is merely a tax for dumb people. At least at a casino you can make a night out of it instead of a 2 min rush until you realize you have yet again wasted money on a scratch off or powerball numbers.
The second half of Gungrave kind of fits in here and the first half is amazing so I would say go for it. Episode one takes place like halfway through so don't be worried if you are confused because episode two begins at the beginning. Gantz has its fair share of monsters but feels like it ends far too soon.
For me the best of all time is probably between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Donkey Kong Country. That said the Crash Bandicoot games have always held a place in my heart and have made me consider buying a Playstation just to play them again.
To me the beginner - medium tracks are more in the racing category. Then by the hard - extreme I think it defiantly makes a shift more towards platforming.
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