Hubadubalubahu's forum posts
[QUOTE="kingkong0124"]While I don't agree with you, good post, you make good points. Jandurini said the same thing a hundred times not that i read his post but look at all my posts and i'm sure you'll agree
Lol, sorry if I was beating a dead horse but I didn't read the entire thread. So many posts.
After reading through a half of the pages or so I haven't seen anyone hit on this so here it goes. For all the people saying, "he didn't deserve that", or, "freedom of speech man", I think we are all forgetting something very important. Regardless of whether or not it offends you personally or you don't see why you should be offended by a T-shirt it is irrelevant. If he was wearing this in public and someone tried to say, "Hey, take that shirt off, for I am offended!", by all means say, "Hey, freedom of speech, f*ck off!". But in a establishment dedicated to educating, the last thing they need is something disrupting everyone else's right to an education.
Most schools these days enforce some sort of dress code or even uniforms to keep apparel clean and respectful andthere is a very good reason for that. In most situations I would be against any sort of conformity or censorship, but when the shirt becomes a problem and begins distracting or disrupting the classroom it is getting in the way of somebody's right to an education. As soon as someone complains there is little else the school can do, because at that point the shirt is becoming a distraction and is impeding someone's education. If that isn't a good enough reason for you, look at it this way, would you wear that shirt to work?
Dress codes and uniforms are a reality of the workplace such as professional offices, retail and food stores, delivery services, government offices and service providers such as post offices, public safety employers, and so on. You wouldn't wear that shirt to work so why should he wear it to school. School is one of the few places where "expressing yourself" is not necessarily a good thing and can often be an hindrance to goal of the establishment. If anything this is merely preparing him for his adult life. There is a time and a place for expression.
They did not suspend him for wearing a religious shirt but rather for refusing to take it off and inevitably hindering the education process.
:lol: "I'm standing up for not only me and my religion, but people of all religions."
Must have forgotten that his private religion =/= all other religions.
Take off the T-shirt kid and stop trying to make a victim of yourself you offensive jackass.
Your assignment is to make an opinion? I thought school was supposed to be more difficult these days.
[QUOTE="megamanfanman"]are there even any pornstars who are actual moms?cheese_game619are you a f***in tard
I'm going to pass on this, not convinced it is going to be that great.
My dude, it's only ten bucks or so. What is there to lose? Also, I've seen it. It's a great superhero flick. Each of the characters is given an amount of screen-time and characterization equal to the others. Also, Joss Whedon did a great job of creating tension between all of the characters; the constant bickering and fighting between them is a joy to watch. Furthermore, the action is top-notch.
Wasn't expecting that but I still wont get to see immediatly most likely but I may try to catch it before it leaves theaters. Honestly all the superhero movies they have been pushing out, (i.e. Thor, Captain America, Green Lantern, etc), have been getting a bit grating. Wish we had more movies like Watchmen. (Maybe with a bit better climax to it all.) They did a really good job with character development in that movie.
Not a big fan of the facebook-esque change. At least that is what I think of when I see it, but I also don't use facebook so I could be completely and utterly wrong. Still it's abrasive to look at. I don't like change!
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="doesheeverquit"] You really would pass getting a blowjob from her? But whatever... I guess you can't help what you like (and don't like). Personally, I'd honestly eat Octomom out for hours lol (I know - I'm the real life Quagmire lol). :pmegamanfanman
You had better set a couple days aside if your going to jump into that meal, not sure hours will give you enough time. Also you should probably bring some string or bread crumbs. Wouldn't want to get lost now.
Lol I've ate out girls that were a LOT fatter than Octomom (she's actually not even that fat).I kid, I kid. I was refering to the fact that she has launched 14 little ones outta there though, not quite the wieght. I've had a couple plumpers in my day ;)
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