Family Guy. It's one big pedophile/incest joke after another, and none are funny.
I think were watching different shows. It's low brow but not that low brow. There are glimmers of cleverness throughout some episodes. The pedophile thing gets overplayed a bit with their one pedophile character that makes a few appearances sometimes but the incest thing isn't even ringing any bells.
It isn't ringing any bells? The father continually makes comments about having sex with the daughter in various episodes...I'd link but I'd be banned.Meg? They hate meg. They constantly insult her, not sure why they would want to sleep with her. There may have been one episode with an incest joke and you saw it but it's not ringing any bells. I just am not remembering said incest joke. That said it is hardly one big incest joke after another.
EDIT: Just googled it and there is an episode where Peter loses his memory, as he reacquaints himself with the pleasures of sex, Lois tells him that it is inappropriate to have sex with his own children; in response, Meg attempts an incest joke. Most of the family lambaste her for this and Chris kicks her out of the room. However, in the season finale "Partial Terms of Endearment", Lois tells a joke that implies that it was Meg that gave birth to Stewie, and apart from a shocked reaction from the latter, Lois receives no such violent reaction.Additionally, in "Model Misbehavior", when Lois starts a modeling career, Peter states that he will pleasure himself to Lois' pictures, followed by Chris and Meg both exclaiming "Me too!" to which Peter shouts "Oh God, Meg, that's sick! That's your mother!", ignoring the fact that Chris said the same thing. Meg responded by saying "I was only trying to fit in!" So we have three episodes that make an incest joke and never is it the father. So unless you saw these three episodes it is hardly one incest joke after another and it is isnt the father making the jokes. You sure you watched this show or did you just invent something to jump on a bandwagon of hate.
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