Similar to a welfare check if the government is aiding you in your financial problems it is only honest and respectful, also a good legal move, to tell them if they made a mistake, be it too much or too little. That said $73 after what was it 35 years? Talk about on your grime.
Hubadubalubahu's forum posts
Bane is too damn small. They should have used someone as large as Michael Clark Duncan.
I was thinking the same thing. Guy is tiny for someone who is supposed to be a genetic beast. It is the one thing they did right in Batman & Robin. Maybe a little more normal size but not as small as he looks in the gif or trailers. Just not seeing him take the bat.
I heard that Bane doesn't even use Venom (i.e. the substance that makes him bigger and stronger) in TDKR. His face-mask administers a drug that relieves pain which he would otherwise experience as a result of a previously sustained injury.
That explains the size a bit more but im interested to see how they make him competetive with batman. Painkillers alone aren't enough imo. Otherwise anyone on PCP would be beating his ass. Glad they changed up the costume though. That gimp like costume in Batman & Robin was just another idea on a long list of terrible ideas. (i.e. Giving Arnold many many freeze puns.)
:lol: choreography at its finest.
Bane is too damn small. They should have used someone as large as Michael Clark Duncan.
I was thinking the same thing. Guy is tiny for someone who is supposed to be a genetic beast. It is the one thing they did right in Batman & Robin. Maybe a little more normal size but not as small as he looks in the gif or trailers. Just not seeing him take the bat.
[QUOTE="Drakes_Fortune"]Nice, i'm sure it won't disapoint. When is it coming out againt?dave123321July something
:lol: You're a clown.
I was always neutral with her up until Arkham City; I absolutely loved how she was portrayed in it. I had hoped Dark Knight's Catwoman would be greatly influenced by AC's.
That's funny I am on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. She just didn't do it for me in that game. Felt far too campy/cheesy.
Eh, we can't all like the same thing, I guess. :P
Have you seen Batman Year One? She was a pretty decent character in it.
No I haven't. That's the one based on the comic? Admittedly I have only seen the live action movies of Batman and some of the cartoons when I was younger. Will have to take a look at it.
Let's be serious for a second. I notice that every time I make a post in response to you or a thread of yours, you respond with an insult? What have I done or said to incite such hatred? I really don't understand the contempt that some users have of me on these boards. Sure, I've made a few sick jokes here and there, but I've never done or said anything personal towards any user. It really makes no sense whatsoever. Furthermore, in this instance, I thanked you for something, so why would you respond with an insult? Your behavior makes no sense. Let me guess, you'll respond with another dumb GIF image or some witty, insulting remark.
Welcome to the internet, please come in.
I'm not sure how I feel about this trailer, there were a few pretty sweet scenes with the usual cool soundtrack, but eh. I'm also a bit iffy on how Catwoman will turn out.
However, I trust that Nolan will deliver this nicely.
I was never a fan of Catwoman in general. Kind of dissapointed to see her in this.
I was always neutral with her up until Arkham City; I absolutely loved how she was portrayed in it. I had hoped Dark Knight's Catwoman would be greatly influenced by AC's.
That's funny I am on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. She just didn't do it for me in that game. Felt far too campy/cheesy.
I'm not sure how I feel about this trailer, there were a few pretty sweet scenes with the usual cool soundtrack, but eh. I'm also a bit iffy on how Catwoman will turn out.
However, I trust that Nolan will deliver this nicely.
I was never a fan of Catwoman in general. Kind of dissapointed to see her in this.
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